Reading Room

Favorite Children's Books

Started by Morganna 52 comment(s) Most recent by Morganna 3 days ago Category Reading Room

Book Recommendation?

Started by birdwatcher 20 comment(s) Most recent by madhat 1 month ago Category Reading Room

SOMa Comic Book Chat

Started by Comicbooklady 377 comment(s) Most recent by Comicbooklady 3 months ago Category Reading Room


Started by mtierney 19 comment(s) Most recent by dave 9 months ago Category Reading Room

Favorite book of all time.

Started by CharlesG 39 comment(s) Most recent by blackcat 12 months ago Category Reading Room


Started by larrychiger 3 comment(s) Most recent by jamie 1 year ago Category Reading Room

In One Last Song:

Started by Jaytee 1 comment(s) 3 years ago Category Reading Room

What I'm reading . . . What about you?

Started by galileo 41 comment(s) Most recent by galileo 3 years ago Category Reading Room

Any fans of Thomas Merton? Recommended books for beginner?

Started by mjc 7 comment(s) Most recent by galileo 3 years ago Category Reading Room

Mary Oliver -- My Favorite Poet

Started by Oldstone 1 comment(s) 3 years ago Category Reading Room

e-books are wonderful

Started by galileo 5 comment(s) Most recent by HatsOff 4 years ago Category Reading Room

Huh? Are we banning books again?

Started by joanne 1 comment(s) 4 years ago Category Reading Room

Best Books of 2019

Started by jamie 3 comment(s) Most recent by jeffl 4 years ago Category Reading Room

Summer Reading Recommendations

Started by jamie 13 comment(s) Most recent by jonesey 5 years ago Category Reading Room

Pride and Prejudice

Started by mlj 6 comment(s) Most recent by rch2330 5 years ago Category Reading Room

Philip Roth Dies

Started by DottyParker 21 comment(s) Most recent by mjc 6 years ago Category Reading Room

Jonesey's novel

Started by jonesey 30 comment(s) Most recent by jonesey 6 years ago Category Reading Room

Where to get rid of books?

Started by als4532 9 comment(s) Most recent by galileo 6 years ago Category Reading Room


Started by mtierney 2 comment(s) Most recent by galileo 6 years ago Category Reading Room

Carolyn Keene's old house

Started by jules867 2 comment(s) Most recent by sarahzm 7 years ago Category Reading Room

Irish novel writers

Started by Anthem 6 comment(s) Most recent by spol 7 years ago Category Reading Room

Need a good guy book!

Started by jeffl 31 comment(s) Most recent by jeffl 7 years ago Category Reading Room

What to read next?

Started by campbell29 992 comment(s) Most recent by maplegal 7 years ago Category Reading Room

A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara

Started by DottyParker 3 comment(s) Most recent by new207040 7 years ago Category Reading Room

SOMA Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Group

Started by Comicbooklady 316 comment(s) Most recent by Comicbooklady 7 years ago Category Reading Room

Penn Jillette at Words tonight 8/3 at 7:30pm

Started by jamie 5 comment(s) Most recent by oots 7 years ago Category Reading Room

Recommendations for presidential biographies

Started by Perseverance 6 comment(s) Most recent by Formerlyjerseyjack 8 years ago Category Reading Room

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