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The Vestibular Monologues: Pottery and Pilates Edited

Jan 19, 2016 at 11:18am
Everyone's year should be this good!!  :D Peggy, I see you're also posting on the knitters' thread but it's waaaay to long since I checked there. Got any fun projects?

The Vestibular Monologues: Pottery and Pilates Edited

Feb 18, 2015 at 7:23am
IM80 said:This really isn't thread drift since so many posters here are knitters! It spoke to me. This is awesome, IM80. Very useful for me!

More fun with thread titles... Edited

Dec 21, 2011 at 10:47am
. I can't seem to post images anymore.... Knitters alert! Just stabbed myself with used needle

Barrel's Hot Dogs to become New York Fried Chicken Edited

Jan 26, 2009 at 5:04pm
Caveat Emptor! Alas, now that we have discount stores like Marshalls and Route 10 and Target, the Short Hills and Livingston malls...all this has contributed to the demise of small town shops. The years of family shoe stores (remember Roberts and Gem Bootery), Voss Stationers (now we have Staples), the wonderful Village Drugs, Fellers, ad infinitum, are over. It's very difficult for a small business to thrive when it has to compete with the plethora of chain stores. A sad truth re the American dream. Funny thing is, we all wish we could take it back but we abandoned our local vendors long long ago. Why wait a week for Gerry's Boystown to get jeans in your kid's size when the Gap carries every length and waist and you can have it instantly...on the other hand, if we had waited, would our kids have gone in tatters? Vera's closed because everyone ran to the SH Mall for their "smalls," even though Joanne discounted 10% for the same items. We let our small shops down. It won't come true, but recently driving toward EG on the street between the library parking lot and the one opposite, I had this sudden vision of a fully glassed front to the shops beneath the new condos going up. It was one big space -- a South Orange coop of small shops, open booths actually, so it would be affordable to many local vendors -- jewelers, knitters, ceramics, handmade quilts, stationary, artists who create their own goods -- wonderful cottage industries of all kinds of products. As I said, it was a illusion....but I can dream, can't I? In the 1980s, when I was working on my masters in Middlebury, Vt., I remember with great fondness the chaming shopping area called Frog's Hollow. There was a big coop filled with individual booths where you could buy all local goods. It occurred to me that a huge forum like this would bring people from's unique, no one has have to go to the country and rural areas to find this kind of charm we all love to find when we go on vacation to places like the Cape or Woodstock. That would bring me over the mountain and to SO from all parts of NJ. Anyone interested?

backyard chickens Edited

Jan 13, 2009 at 6:05pm
I had friends/clients who had an 11 acre estate in Mendham and got a tax break with the farm assesment loophole. They moved out of state 9 years ago. At the time the property sold for around 2.5 million, now, it would probably be 5 to 6 million. I think their taxes 9 years ago were about $9,000. At the time they were required to show $500 a year in income from their "farm" to qualify for the tax break. So they kept 2 sheep. They also had 3 horses but since they were for pleasure - and did not generate income - they didnt count. Every year they would have people come in and sheer the sheep and would "sell" the wool to friends who were knitters for $500. By the way, Christie Whittman also benefits from the farm assessment loophole. Isnt the tax structure of our state JUST GREAT!! With regard to Bernardsville, Tewksbury and chickens, those are exurban and even rural communities. Lots there are more often measured in acres not in 10s of feet as they are in our community. If someone who has acres chooses to keep chickens or farm animals chances are, their neighbors will never see, hear or smell them. If you can keep chickens in Maplewood, and your neighbors never have to see hear or smell them - then I say go for it !!

how are you preparing for hard times ahead? Edited

Dec 23, 2008 at 6:39am
mommyrock, I think I'm pretty much in-sync with you. I agree that buying local is worth it if you can afford it, and I try to max out on local as much as I can as well. That's one reason we're eating so much vegetarian stuff these days - grass fed / local meat is both hard to find and pricey. I started my make-from-scratch, eliminate-processed campaign more because of this sort of philosophy than because of a desire to save money. But depending on how you do it, it actually can save you money. Another motivation for me was (paradoxically) saving time - the more I make at home, the less frequently I have to go to the grocery store, which works for me. I hate shopping. I also agree that these choices are very personal and what works / is right for one may not be right for another. I belong to an online "simple living" group that has given me a lot of ideas about ways to simplify that usually end up saving money & time and are better for the environment. This is a subgroup of Ravelry, a group for knitters, so unless you're on Ravelry unfortunately you can't join it. But I've learned a lot. One inspiration (though he's crazy) that I learned about from this group is No-Impact Man.

The Wordies' Club Edited

Sep 11, 2008 at 2:21pm
Re "in two shakes of a lamb's tail (very quickly)" - my mom always said THREE shakes of a lamb's tale. I guess she is a little slower than your dad was. :-) "fine as frog's hair" is used by lace knitters to refer to very fine laceweight yarn (it's even finer than sewing thread). Usually they just cal lit "frog hair." Which has a double meaning, since "to frog" is a verb amongst knitters, meaning "to rip out stitches" when you've made a mistake - because you are going to "rip it, rip it" (ribbet, ribbet - get it?) You "frog" your mistakes or "send (a project) to the frog pond." Some of my grandparents' Down East (Maritime Canada) sayings were "Slow as molasses in January," ""Good for what ails you." My Newfie grandfather used to say "By the Holy Sanctified Moses!" as a kind of curse when he was angry. "Ten sheets to the wind" means drunk. The word "ye" was used to refer to you, plural - it's used that way by my husband's relatives in Ireland, as well. It's like the southern "y'all." E.g. my mum-in-law says "are ye ready for dinner yet?" meaning all of the people in the room. If she said "you," she'd be talking to one person. Another Irish one is "don't be a fly around a cow's arse," meaning don't hang around too long and make a nuisance out of yourself. Or "like a fly around a cow's arse" to describe an annoying person who won't go away. There are lots more but I can't think of them right now.

Do you Knit? - Ravelry Edited

Aug 3, 2008 at 10:18am
PS one of our group was a brand-new knitter when we just started. Most experienced knitters LOVE meeting newbies and lending a hand. We want converts to the Cult of Knitting, after all. :bigsmile:

Do you Knit? - Ravelry Edited

Aug 3, 2008 at 10:14am
Yay! Knitters! Joy, your way of knitting is exactly how Annie Modesitt knits. There is a name for it - Eastern Crossed I think. The only "problem" with it is that if you purl in the usual way (or knit in the round I think), you will get a very tight fabric as there is a twist in each stitch. There is a way to purl, though, that untwists the stitches and your fabric comes out fine - that is called "Eastern Uncrossed." This method is how most people in the Middle East knit. It's a perfectly legitimate way to knit, just not as well known in the West. Then there is Continental, which means you hold the yarn in the left hand and "scoop" with the needle. That's how I usually knit. With English, you hold the yarn in the right hand and "throw" it around the needle. One good way to do Fair Isle-stranded knitting is to use a combination of continental & english - one yarn in the left hand, one in the right. I like this method a lot but it has some critics, too. I'll keep you guys posted about the knitting group! Mergele, there are so few of us in the group that we can be flexible - the early time was done for me, as I have a daughter and I wanted to get home to say good night to her. She is getting older so a little later is less of an issue than it was when we first started to meet. We all want more people so I'll ask the others what they think. I am MamaCat on Ravelry, fwiw ... put me in your friends and I'll reciprocate.:bigsmile:

Do you Knit? - Ravelry Edited

Aug 3, 2008 at 6:05am
merg - I'm told I twist my stitches - that all my stitches are backward. But I do ok and am quite happy with my surprise scarves! I too am on raverly - just haven't done anything with it. It's too hot to knit right now - so I will pick it up again in the fall. Would love to join a knitting group. I used to take the train with 4 other knitters - we would knit our way into the city each morning.

Do you Knit? - Ravelry Edited

Aug 3, 2008 at 4:17am
I knit - and knit - and knit - and crochet - and crochet - and crochet - like a LOT. A lotta lot. I haven't seen that website before but I've seen some pretty amazing tea cosies on Ravelry, where I hang out a lot ( - knitters & crocheters, if you're not on it - get on it! Amazing resource, and amazing discussion boards). But hers are so creative! For those of you who knit "backwards" or "left-handed" ... you absolutely should be able to follow a pattern. Just mirror-image it. I feel sad when I hear people saying that they can't knit well, or can only just knit scarves, because they knit in a non-standard way. ALL ways to knit are the "right" way. i.e. there is NO right way or wrong way. There used to be a woman on MOL who is a world-famous knitting designer (Annie Modesitt) who is the Queen of "there is no wrong way to knit." She's written books about it! She lived in South Orange for a few years, but she moved a couple of years ago. I'm in a small knitting group that will be meeting this fall on Tuesday nights (or that is the current plan), 6 - 8 PM. I'm not sure where though - we'd been meeting at Bonte but I think they close at 7 on Tuesdays. We've been trying to recruit new members for a long time. I'll post more details when we have everything sorted out.

Do you Knit? - Ravelry Edited

Aug 3, 2008 at 12:14am
I'm sure Loani has some ideas to help untangle the knotted web...she has a knitters' group as well as the website, and a great professional business to untangle people's clutter, so being helpful is what her life is about!! :wink: (Her dream apparently is to die organised, uncluttered, with the world's biggest collection of knitting wool tidied in her closets)

All I Want for Christmas Is An Irish Sweater. Edited

Dec 23, 2007 at 3:55pm
Don't bet on it Tom - SoOrLord bought a beautiful, handmade, thick. wool sweater for $300 eight years ago (when the exchange rate was a whole lot better than it is now). You can pick up less expensive things at Blarny Woolen Mills, but they're mass made and not at all the quality of the smaller, independent knitter places. I want to go to the Aran Islands on our next trip - many knitters over there.

OT - knitting groups? Edited

Dec 2, 2007 at 11:37pm
I've seen "normal" knitters go crazy watching me work left-handed continental, so I can just imagine your grandmother's reaction :rolling:

Are "moms" really that into "other moms"? Edited

Nov 29, 2007 at 12:15pm
What about all the gardening websites that are just for gardeners? NO knitters, NO golfers, Just GARDENERS! And what's worse, when I ask about infant formulas at these websites, they're totally useless! :fingersear:

Yarn/knitting needles to donate to school kids? Edited

Nov 27, 2007 at 4:34am
I'll go through my stash. I probably have something I can donate. Are you on Ravelry? ( There is a New Jersey group there. You might find local knitters there that have something to donate.

Monthly Gay Night Out in Maplewood/SO Edited

Oct 20, 2007 at 10:34am
I'd like to propose a monthly Gay Night Out in Maplewood/SO at someplace like the Pub, Here's to the Arts or the Dancing Goat. It would be great to get to know some other neighbors from the area and develop some community continuity. Any interest? And before the "banshees on crack" from the Gay Google Thread get started (as quoted from the thread itself and a very funny line), here's my disclaimer: - No offense intended by the description from the Gay Google Thread above. I just thought it was a very funny statement after an intense five page thread and very seasonally appropriate - This would not be an exclusive event. If you want to attend and you are heterosexual, that's fine - Why do I want to be around a group of gay people? Well, because I'm gay and many gay people have experienced coming out or discrimination experiences that can give something in common to even the most different types of gay people. And gay people are not homogenous, so I would expect a wide range of diversity in such a group from male to female, from black to white to brown, from young adults to seniors, from couples to parents to singles, from conservatives to liberals, from rock climbers to knitters and more. It can be a lot of fun to be in a group of gay people and very enlightening (just joking and no offense Old Stone. Sorry, I know you've been picked on a lot and I have really enjoyed some of your threads) - I am not affiliated with any group or establishment that might benefit from this although I may post this on the Google and Rainbow Families groups sites. - I am not plotting a takeover to turn this area into Provincetown. It's just one night a month and even the garden club has that. So please post or whisper your interest. If I get a good response, I'll post again with a date and location. Ok, now I'll sit back and watch the banter. After all it is a MOL thread with "gay" in the heading! (and yes, it's great to be in an area that has so many people who are concerned about discrimination of all kinds).

Gay Night Out in Maplewood/SO Edited

Oct 20, 2007 at 10:34am
I'd like to propose a monthly Gay Night Out in Maplewood/SO at someplace like the Pub, Here's to the Arts or the Dancing Goat. It would be great to get to know some other neighbors from the area and develop some community continuity. Any interest? And before the "banshees on crack" from the Gay Google Thread get started (as quoted from the thread itself and a very funny line), here's my disclaimer: - No offense intended by the description from the Gay Google Thread above. I just thought it was a very funny statement after an intense five page thread and very seasonally appropriate - This would not be an exclusive event. If you want to attend and you are heterosexual, that's fine - Why do I want to be around a group of gay people? Well, because I'm gay and many gay people have experienced coming out or discrimination experiences that can give something in common to even the most different types of gay people. And gay people are not homogenous, so I would expect a wide range of diversity in such a group from male to female, from black to white to brown, from young adults to seniors, from couples to parents to singles, from conservatives to liberals, from rock climbers to knitters and more. It can be a lot of fun to be in a group of gay people and very enlightening (just joking and no offense Old Stone. Sorry, I know you've been picked on a lot and I have really enjoyed some of your threads) - I am not affiliated with any group or establishment that might benefit from this although I may post this on the Google and Rainbow Families groups sites. - I am not plotting a takeover to turn this area into Provincetown. It's just one night a month and even the garden club has that. So please post or whisper your interest. If I get a good response, I'll post again with a date and location. Ok, now I'll sit back and watch the banter. After all it is a MOL thread with "gay" in the heading! (and yes, it's great to be in an area that has so many people who are concerned about discrimination of all kinds).

Monthly Gay Night Out in Maplewood/SO Edited

Oct 20, 2007 at 10:33am
I'd like to propose a monthly Gay Night Out in Maplewood/SO at someplace like the Pub, Here's to the Arts or the Dancing Goat. It would be great to get to know some other neighbors from the area and develop some community continuity. Any interest? And before the "banshees on crack" from the Gay Google Thread get started (as quoted from the thread itself and a very funny line), here's my disclaimer: - No offense intended by the description from the Gay Google Thread above. I just thought it was a very funny statement after an intense five page thread and very seasonally appropriate - This would not be an exclusive event. If you want to attend and you are heterosexual, that's fine - Why do I want to be around a group of gay people? Well, because I'm gay and many gay people have experienced coming out or discrimination experiences that can give something in common to even the most different types of gay people. And gay people are not homogenous, so I would expect a wide range of diversity in such a group from male to female, from black to white to brown, from young adults to seniors, from couples to parents to singles, from conservatives to liberals, from rock climbers to knitters and more. It can be a lot of fun to be in a group of gay people and very enlightening (just joking and no offense Old Stone. Sorry, I know you've been picked on a lot and I have really enjoyed some of your threads) - I am not affiliated with any group or establishment that might benefit from this although I may post this on the Google and Rainbow Families groups sites. - I am not plotting a takeover to turn this area into Provincetown. It's just one night a month and even the garden club has that. So please post or whisper your interest. If I get a good response, I'll post again with a date and location. Ok, now I'll sit back and watch the banter. After all it is a MOL thread with "gay" in the heading! (and yes, it's great to be in an area that has so many people who are concerned about discrimination of all kinds).

Monthly Gay Night Out in Maplewood/SO Edited

Oct 20, 2007 at 10:33am
I'd like to propose a monthly Gay Night Out in Maplewood/SO at someplace like the Pub, Here's to the Arts or the Dancing Goat. It would be great to get to know some other neighbors from the area and develop some community continuity. Any interest? And before the "banshees on crack" from the Gay Google Thread get started (as quoted from the thread itself and a very funny line), here's my disclaimer: - No offense intended by the description from the Gay Google Thread above. I just thought it was a very funny statement after an intense five page thread and very seasonally appropriate - This would not be an exclusive event. If you want to attend and you are heterosexual, that's fine - Why do I want to be around a group of gay people? Well, because I'm gay and many gay people have experienced coming out or discrimination experiences that can give something in common to even the most different types of gay people. And gay people are not homogenous, so I would expect a wide range of diversity in such a group from male to female, from black to white to brown, from young adults to seniors, from couples to parents to singles, from conservatives to liberals, from rock climbers to knitters and more. It can be a lot of fun to be in a group of gay people and very enlightening (just joking and no offense Old Stone. Sorry, I know you've been picked on a lot and I have really enjoyed some of your threads) - I am not affiliated with any group or establishment that might benefit from this although I may post this on the Google and Rainbow Families groups sites. - I am not plotting a takeover to turn this area into Provincetown. It's just one night a month and even the garden club has that. So please post or whisper your interest. If I get a good response, I'll post again with a date and location. Ok, now I'll sit back and watch the banter. After all it is a MOL thread with "gay" in the heading! (and yes, it's great to be in an area that has so many people who are concerned about discrimination of all kinds).

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