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Julian Assange Being Turned over to UK???? Edited

Nov 17, 2018 at 8:09pm
jamie said: paulsurovell said: jamie said:Blumenthal is one of the biggest RT trolls out there - who listens to this guy?  Here's a new piece by Max on how the growing role of Ukrainian neo-Nazis is spreading to the US as well as the rest of Europe, an issue that has been neglected by the MSM.Tell me why anyone should not listen to this.  Huh?  Maybe you might want to watch that Oliver Stone movie, Ukraine on Fire, now.  Maybe you will start to understand why I said the nefarious John McCain associated with Nazis.  Cause what goes around comes around and the atrocity we created over there is now coming here. Or maybe you will just continue to think Robert Muller has a report on the most evil doings in the universe. 

Who Meddled more Putin or Trump? The Collusion Thread visits Venezuela Edited

Sep 11, 2018 at 3:16pm
nan said: ridski said:I'm a bit pissed, actually, as I paid $3,99 to watch Active Measures on Amazon, not realizing it was available on Hulu for free. I could have saved the money and watched Ukraine In Flames for $4.99 instead.Or I could have watched The Ice Pirates for $2.99.  I watched Active Measures for $1.99 on YouTube through Google Play.  Ukraine in Flames is only available on Amazon, but free for Prime members (do you know one who can log you in?).  Ice Pirates is not an option for me.   Oh yeah, it's free on Prime. When I checked on Sunday it said it was $4.99 to rent it so I went with the cheaper one.I need to watch Ice Pirates for practical research purposes as I'm writing and directing a science fiction spoof show. Active Measures and Ukraine On Fire (apologies for that, Ukraine In Flames is very different film from 1943) I only need to watch to keep up with this thread.

Who Meddled more Putin or Trump? The Collusion Thread visits Venezuela Edited

Sep 11, 2018 at 12:10pm
jamie said: nan said:  Here is some detailed information: You really should watch it, if only for contrast with what you know.  You know what I said about you're connection with conspiracy theories and propaganda sites - the guy you're quoting who's article is: A Documentary You'll Likely Never See - main focus has been the JFK ASSASSINATION: you think that by interviewing Putin and Yanukovych is showing both sides of situation?  I only glanced through parts of it and saw he part of interviews with them.  Did he interview Yulia Tymoshenko?  I'm old enough to remember the Kennedy assassination and I also remember when the conspiracy theories first started coming out in the mainstream.   I thought they were nuts at the time, although I had friends who could argue in detail.  Well, after living through the next few decades and all that has happened I now see that the original story is BS and the reality is probably closer to the conspirators version.  I don't know who killed JFK, but I no longer think of people who don't follow the lone gunman story to be crazy.  I think most people feel that way also--think I've seen a poll on that in fact.Anyway, you should watch the Ukraine on Fire film.  It's more truthful depiction of the events than what is shown in your film.  Not claiming it as the one real TRUTH, but closer than what you have. He examines Yulia Tymoshenko in detail--and goes over her history and how she came to power.  It will add to your knowledge.   

Who Meddled more Putin or Trump? The Collusion Thread visits Venezuela Edited

Sep 10, 2018 at 11:22pm
jamie said:Yes - heaven forbid members of the "intelligence community" speak about Russia.We need more voices of reason - like Sputnik News.How many of them are conspiracy theorists?     Right, the same people who disposed the Democratically elected leader of Iran and put the Shah back in power so US corporations could get the oil.  The same people who interfered in 81 elections.  The same people who worked with Nazis during World War II and saved them from the trials at Nuremberg.  The same people who told Martin Luther King, Jr. to kill himself.  The same people who ordered the head bashing of people at Occupy Wall Street.  The same people who overthrew Ukraine and blamed it on Putin (not presented that way in the film--that's for sure).  Yeah, heaven forbid we don't take them at their word.They make sure to warn us about RT (and presumably Sputnik News), as though that were a grave threat. They tell you what to believe and try to make you afraid.  This film assumes that the US is just good and plays by the rules and would never use "Active Measures" of their own.  It's basically a lie, with some facts about Trump's shady business deals thrown in by Craig Unger.  But, it is hard to pick out the facts cause there are so many lies and misrepresentation.  And so many oligarchs- more than the orcs in Lord of the Rings. Some of the people, like Jonathan Winer, go on and on about Putin and oligarchs and never reveal how they work for oligarchs too.  He's the guy who works for Khordorkovsky and wrote the letters to get the anti-Browder film banned and the book taken off Amazon.  He's a walking, breathing "Active Measure."Just one example of what you see a lot of in this movie: people projecting their own questionable views and actions on to Putin. They are talking about him, but the thing they are talking about can also apply to them.  Putin may be horrible, but no worse than them.And now I have go back and watch the rest of the movie.  Maybe the second half is better? . . .So, Jamie - Have you started watching  Stone's Ukraine on Fire, yet?

Who Meddled more Putin or Trump? The Collusion Thread visits Venezuela Edited

Sep 10, 2018 at 6:20pm
Jamie, I've been watching your film today and taking notes to present later.  Hope you have had a chance to watch mine (on Amazon too),  Oliver Stone's Ukraine on Fire.  You will find a very different version of events than the one in your film.   Also, I am still reading "The Devil's Chessboard," an amazing book every American should read.  Here is the trailer for Ukraine on Fire:

Who Meddled more Putin or Trump? The Collusion Thread visits Venezuela Edited

Sep 9, 2018 at 9:40am
jamie said:Here's a good overview of the documentary with the director: The Manafort connection is highlighted very well, the Trump Russia real estate transactions are interesting, especially since a lot of them happened after his bankruptcy.  Felix Sater and Bay Rock with Russian mafia. (You know the guy Trump claimed he couldn't point out if they were in the same room.)Good segment about Bannon and Cambridge Analytica.Google bots.The Wikileak release.Warning - Hillary is interviewed - which automatically makes it "fake news" for Nan, Paul and Trump.A good segment with a Bernie organizer talking about the Bernie supporters sharing Russian propaganda on FB like this one:  I just googled it and this is the description I found: Filmmaker Jack Bryan suggests that Vladmir Putin is behind a 30-year history of covert political warfare to disrupt and ultimately control world events. Are you F'ing kidding me?   Total nuts and more propaganda than even CNN.  But, I'm looking forward to watching it.  Getting the popcorn ready.  Hopefully tonight or tomorrow, depending on how my real work goes.   Also, stop putting word in my mouth and equating me with Trump.  Just because Hillary lies a lot does not automatically make news fake.  She does not have magical powers.  And don't forget, I assigned you Oliver Stone's Ukraine on Fire.  Let me know how you like that one.