What series should I watch next?

Ray Donovan rocks. Accents and all. I grew up with that! And House of Cards.

I've heard House of Cards is terrific. It's on my list, but I'm not there yet.

Stick it out with The Wire. After Breaking Bad, it's the best drama ever made. The first 4 or 5 episodes are really slow, but by episode 5, you'll be staying up until 2am binge-watching. I'm actually re-watching it 10 years later (they're all in HD now) and it's just as good the 2nd time. It's a brilliant show.

Next on the list would be Friday Night Lights, Deadwood, Boardwalk Empire, The Shield, West Wing, Homeland, House of Cards, Lost, Broadchurch, Southland, True Detective, Luther, Top of the Lake, Shameless, Walking Dead. You could also try the 3 Tom Hanks-produced HBO miniseries: Band of Brothers, The Pacific and From the Earth to the Moon.

The Affair on Showtime. I watched the whole first season in 24 hours.

Oh, man, Deadwood. Shakespeare wrote it, I think. And if you like Breaking Bad, it's interesting to see Anna Gunn in a similar role 200 years earlier. (Timothy Olyphant is another story, but still.)

If classical music is at all appealing to you, try Mozart in the Jungle on Amazon Prime. I just finished and thought it was adorable.

If you never saw Burn Notice first time around, try it on Netflix. Spies in Miami. It's not high art but it's fun and absorbing.

LAST TANGO IN HALIFAX is a family drama set in modern Yorkshire; reminded me how engrossing ordinary people's lives can be.
I'm also into TREME, about post-Katrina Ne Orleans. Loads of music and local color.

I didn't see 'Call the Midwife' mentioned and that's the one everyone is telling me to see. (I read the books, but haven't watched yet.)

Doc Martin, the first few seasons anyway. Starts to fall apart the last 1 or 2 seasons.

"Rescue Me" is great (Netflix)

wow, so many options! Hard to decide...

Set in New Orleans post Katrina.
Wonderful music, great characters (many from The Corner and The Wire, as Treme is also by David Simon)
And you can (almost) taste the food...
Makes you long to live in NOLA....

For laughs:
Alpha House

kidsbooks said:

Set in New Orleans post Katrina.
Wonderful music, great characters (many from The Corner and The Wire, as Treme is also by David Simon)
And you can (almost) taste the food...
Makes you long to live in NOLA....

this one sounds very tempting because 1) it's on HBO, easy for me; 2) love music; and 3) love food oh oh

Sadly everyone seems to have missed out on Treme, despite all the hype David Simon has rec'd with The Wire.
No unwatchable violence, no real sex scenes, just character driven stories, some NOLA politics/housing, food and the best music you will ever hear on a TV show. It felt like you were tuning in for a weekly New Orleans fix for a few years.

If I ever have to go to prison, first I am going to read all of the books that you people seem to have read and I didn't. Then, after the guards see how nice and cooperative I am, they will let someone bring me a TV with a Netflix hookup. Then I will get to watch all of these series that you have all watched and I haven't. I'm so behind!!

jeffl said:

The Killing. Superbly acted. I've watched three of four seasons. It's not a horror series. It's a detective series set in Seattle.


ORange is the new Black!
Gotta. Watch. It.

I've also been watching old episodes of The Office, and laughing myself sick every night.

Very old, but Freaks and Geeks - though for unknown reasons it only made it for 2 seasons. Another vote for Six Feet Under. Though nothing will ever match The Wire, Breaking Bad or The Sopranos.

I've never watched Six Feet Under. Does anyone know if it's available streaming anywhere? We don't have HBO.

Been binging on old Alfred Hitchcok Presents on NFLX. Great show.

Six Feet Under is on Amazon Prime video. I'm almost done with the last season - can't wait for the ending that everyone raves about, but I will also miss it. It's hard when you finish a series and you've become attached to the characters!

The Returned. On netflix French with subtitles..

The Mindy Project -- hysterical (on Fox, but first 2 seasons can be streamed on Hulu)
Vampire Diaries -- first five seasons are available to stream on Netflix (don't judge me!)
Sons of Anarchy -- first six seasons are available to stream on Amazon Prime
Sherlock -- all three seasons available to stream on Netflix
Once Upon A Time -- on ABC, but first seasons available to stream on Hulu

mooewe said:

Six Feet Under is on Amazon Prime video. I'm almost done with the last season - can't wait for the ending that everyone raves about, but I will also miss it. It's hard when you finish a series and you've become attached to the characters!

I am still kind of sad about Friday Night Lights. Last night's Parenthood series finale was great (another good series to watch, by the same creator!) but it actually just made me want to watch the FNL one again. Ha!!

Fantastic series! Six Feet Under is also available on DVD (not streaming afaik) from Netflix.

For those who don't have access to streaming video (or HBO), the South Orange library has a fantastic video collection. I watched all of The Sopranos courtesy of the library. As I recall, I was able to check out a full season at a time (not just one DVD).

Another vote for:

- the killing (loved it)
- house of cards
- sons of anarchy
- true detectives

PBS's the Roosevelts!

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