Shakti Yoga & living arts

Category: Fitness & Health
Address: 1861 Springfield Ave, Maplewood, NJ 07040, USA
Contact Phone: 973-763-2288

Opened in 2005 (formerly the Yoga Room in Millburn from 2001)

Shakti Yoga & living arts is a center dedicated to the art of living well. Shakti is a Sanskrit word (as is yoga), which means energy or power, or that which is manifest (all things with form). Yoga means union: union of body, mind, soul; as well as union of individual with All. Our vision at Shakti is to offer programs that honor the diversity in all, and encourage awareness of the underlying unity within.

Shakti is joyfully committed to serving our community by offering classes, workshops and healing services in a variety of styles for Every Body. Our warm, welcoming environment creates a safe space for personal exploration, healing and awakening.

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