Trump's FBI Pick, Christopher Wray, Billed Taxpayers $2 Million As Christie's Bridgegate Lawyer  Trump's FBI Pick Billed Taxpayers $2 Million as Christie's Bridgegate Lawyer

The public did not even know that Wray was working for the governor until nearly two years into his work, when Christie's spokesman said a cell phone that the governor used during Bridgegate was in Wray's possession. Two former Christie aides who were indicted and ultimately convicted had unsuccessfully sought to subpoena the phone to use as part of their defense.

Instead of Wray, it was Christie's other lawyer, Randy Mastro of the Gibson Dunn firm, who was the public face of the defense as the lead attorney for the governor's office. Mastro's bill for legal and digital forensics work amounted to more than $11 million. Since the public is also responsible for paying for the lawyers of other government employees who were not convicted, plus the legal staff of the Democratic legislature's investigative committee, Bridgegate legal bills now exceed $15 million.

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