roller hockey/street hockey pick-up games

Now that it's spring again, several of us have been having low key roller hockey/street hockey pick-up games on Sunday mornings. We've mostly been doing this at Gero Park in Short Hills - it's about ten minutes from Maplewood, and they have a beautiful outdoor hockey area there, with smooth concrete, nets, and boards/fencing to keep the puck from leaving the playing area.

We are looking for a few more people to join us, so if you're interested, please shoot me an email at to get added to the list. A few other details:

- Games are mostly on Sunday mornings, generally 8:30-10am

- We have a mix of players - most are on skates but some just play in sneakers and it all works out well.

- The general tenor of the games is friendly and low-key. 

Feel free to email at the above address for more info, or post questions/comments here. 

This sounds amazing!  I don't currently live in the area but hope to in the near future.  I'll reach out to you when that time comes.  Are there other resources for roller hockey leagues, just curious?

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