Found tan and white (Papillon?) dog....

15-20 lbs? Ollie Bug. Owners voicemail full. Registered in Maplewood. Have the dog. Hurt, scared and shaking. Any ideas?

Warmed him up, stopped shivering from the cold and shaking from fear, and curled up for an hour plus. Sweet pooch. Just turned him over to St. Hubert's but got his Maplewood license# and will call Bob Roe in the am. Hard for him to stand on his hind legs, though he can. Doesn't outwardly appear hurt, but something's up. Hubert's will have him checked.


Injury should be taken care by vet- injured dog may bite out of defense- ask me how I know! Shivering may be fright, pain, cold or all 3.

Please post a photo. Offer water and possibly some food. If you don't have dog food try bread, warm rice with fried egg. Try to contain- when we had this we were able to put dog in garage until animal control could come. He wan't injured or aggressive.

Call ACO asap.

Double posted.

Good outcome.

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