I just found this thread but I can't figure out how to make it work. I select my first word and none of the letters match at all but then I can't do anything more. What am I doing wrong. (Windows 10/Chrome)
I just found this thread but I can't figure out how to make it work. I select my first word and none of the letters match at all but then I can't do anything more. What am I doing wrong. (Windows 10/Chrome)
Josh Wardle, a software engineer in Brooklyn, knew his partner loved word games, so he created a guessing game for just the two of them. As a play on his last name, he named it Wordle.
But after the couple played for months, and after it rapidly became an obsession in his family’s WhatsApp group once he introduced it to relatives, Mr. Wardle thought he might be on to something and released it to the rest of the world in October.
So, my son wrote a program to optimize the best first guess, given the letter composition and placement of 5-letter words in a dictionary, though he did not use the game maker's specific dictionary. I opt not to guess his optimal word every time, but I can't now unknow it. (Actually, now he ran it again, using Wordle's two lists, one of words that are possible guesses and the shorter one of words that are possible answers; this did change the best first guess.)
For a variation on the game, check out Absurdle, which changes its word as you play to maximize the number of moves it takes you to get a word. Best I did so far was six guesses. https://qntm.org/files/wordle/index.html
Guardian today has an article on how to optimise your guesses based on linguistic theory. I’d give the link but you’re all clever enough to find it anyway if you want it.
Guardian today has an article on how to optimise your guesses based on linguistic theory. I’d give the link but you’re all clever enough to find it anyway if you want it.
I'm late to this party. Yesterday was the first time I played. As I was researching exactly what the heck this Wordle thing is, I came across an article explaining the concept. And the author shared the word he starts with almost every day. It was a pretty good tip
I'm late to this party. Yesterday was the first time I played. As I was researching exactly what the heck this Wordle thing is, I came across an article explaining the concept. And the author shared the word he starts with almost every day. It was a pretty good tip
I'm late to this party. Yesterday was the first time I played. As I was researching exactly what the heck this Wordle thing is, I came across an article explaining the concept. And the author shared the word he starts with almost every day. It was a pretty good tip
that's pretty much how I worked today. I got a vowel in the right position and I was almost certain the consonant had to move to either first or last based on the hard sound.
Not sure if the Wordle Archive site was listed here already. For those who have recently started, which is most of us, here are the first ones Josh Wardle created. https://www.devangthakkar.com/wordle_archive/
was wondering how people play wordle. There seem to be two basic strategies. One is to use the first few guesses to find individual letters by not repeating any letters in those guesses. By the time you get to guess number 4, you should have several correct letters, though maybe not in the right slots.
The way I play is to always use found letters in the next guess.
If you want five new words a day try this one:
I didn't like waiting for only one word a day. So I started from scratch and wrote my own script.
It also doesn't check for real words - so you can type in any letters.
New words at midnight.