Why can't conservatives let us have nice things?

I mean, I really shouldn't be surprised about how assoholic the modern conservative can be, but c'mon, concert bands?


A petition to fight back the neanderthals.


Because heaven forbid that our tax dollars ever be used to bring joy and beauty into the world.

I hate all of you.

drummerboy said:
I mean, I really shouldn't be surprised about how assoholic the modern conservative can be, but c'mon, concert bands?

A petition to fight back the neanderthals.


Because heaven forbid that our tax dollars ever be used to bring joy and beauty into the world.

I hate all of you.

Because libs hate everyone - especially themselves

lord_pabulum said:
drummerboy said:
I mean, I really shouldn't be surprised about how assoholic the modern conservative can be, but c'mon, concert bands?

A petition to fight back the neanderthals.


Because heaven forbid that our tax dollars ever be used to bring joy and beauty into the world.

I hate all of you.

Because libs hate everyone - especially themselves

fascinating logic there, bud.

drummerboy said:
lord_pabulum said:
drummerboy said:
I mean, I really shouldn't be surprised about how assoholic the modern conservative can be, but c'mon, concert bands?

A petition to fight back the neanderthals.


Because heaven forbid that our tax dollars ever be used to bring joy and beauty into the world.

I hate all of you.

Because libs hate everyone - especially themselves

fascinating logic there, bud.

Chucky  likes concert bands


Conservative hates tubas.

Liberal hates conservative who hates tubas.

Conservative hates liberal who hates conservative who hates tubas.

Do I have that right? 

Military justice is to justice, as military music is to music.

It is very reasonable that tax dollars allocated for defense be used for defense, not bands.

Within reason.  I daresay we can afford the money spent on military bands.

Meanwhile, we might want to take a look at the A-10 program that the Congresswoman is supporting.  It seems that the OV-10 Bronco might be the best answer for close air support in the types of wars we are fighting today, but I suppose that it doesn't bring enough money to their districts to warrant congressional support.

bramzzoinks said:

It is very reasonable that tax dollars allocated for defense be used for defense, not bands.

Formerlyjerseyjack said:

Military justice is to justice, as military music is to music.

Well, not sure what "military" music actually is. I usually hear military bands play, you know, music.

But I used to share your sentiment. I thought it was clever.

Then I grew up.

joy and beauty


drummerboy said:
I mean, I really shouldn't be surprised about how assoholic the modern conservative can be, but c'mon, concert bands?

A petition to fight back the neanderthals.


Because heaven forbid that our tax dollars ever be used to bring joy and beauty into the world.

I hate all of you.

DB, I agree that this congresswoman is out of her blooming mind.  Putting the tubas down is not going to make the US safer.  

However, a lack/reduction in music would be consistent with a coarsening of the society in general.  IMHO, the music portion of our military forces represent an insignificantly small portion of their overall budgets (I have no data on this fact just common sense).  

Further, music is needed and required for certain events such as funerals, holidays, celebrations, state events, etc.  A world without music is indeed a bleak one.  Finally, I don't believe that all conservatives believe that music should be eliminated from the armed forces (just one pig-headed congresswomen).

I don't for a minute believe that all conservatives hate music. But can anyone deny that before you even read the article, you just knew this particular congresswoman had to be a Republican and a conservative?

The Congresswoman used to fly A-10s and I think she is upset that the Air Force is trying to suffocate the A-10 program.

tjohn said:

The Congresswoman used to fly A-10s and I think she is upset that the Air Force is trying to suffocate the A-10 program.

no doubt.  but why does her brain automatically jump to cutting out music?  surely there must be some other source of "wasteful" spending in the Air Force?

ml1 said:
tjohn said:

The Congresswoman used to fly A-10s and I think she is upset that the Air Force is trying to suffocate the A-10 program.

no doubt.  but why does her brain automatically jump to cutting out music?  surely there must be some other source of "wasteful" spending in the Air Force?

Beats me.   I suppose if I wanted to make cuts I would start with the Thunderbirds.

tjohn said:
ml1 said:
tjohn said:

The Congresswoman used to fly A-10s and I think she is upset that the Air Force is trying to suffocate the A-10 program.

no doubt.  but why does her brain automatically jump to cutting out music?  surely there must be some other source of "wasteful" spending in the Air Force?

Beats me.   I suppose if I wanted to make cuts I would start with the Thunderbirds.

the simplest explanation is that she doesn't value music.

By a ticket to a performance if you like music. Do not ask taxpayers to subsidize what you like.

I can think of no good reason why this particular government institution should support a taxpayer sustained artistic endeavor like a band. When you really think about it, it's very strange. Should there also be an IRS band? A NASA band? A Department of Energy band? It doesn't really make sense. 

I don't know.  Have you heard Richard Strauss's Ein Heldenleben?  The tuba is important. 

imonlysleeping said:

I can think of no good reason why this particular government institution should support a taxpayer sustained artistic endeavor like a band. When you really think about it, it's very strange. Should there also be an IRS band? A NASA band? A Department of Energy band? It doesn't really make sense. 

Marching music and the military date back to the earlier of the invention of armies or the invention of music.

bramzzoinks said:

By a ticket to a performance if you like music. Do not ask taxpayers to subsidize what you like.

What if I really like reading about brown people getting bombed by drones and stealth aircraft?

bramzzoinks said:

By a ticket to a performance if you like music. Do not ask taxpayers to subsidize what you like.

So the members of the military don't deserve any musical performances? Are they supposed to do nothing but drill and train and fight?

ridski said:
bramzzoinks said:

By a ticket to a performance if you like music. Do not ask taxpayers to subsidize what you like.

What if I really like reading about brown people getting bombed by drones and stealth aircraft?

Buy a Kindle

ml1 said:
bramzzoinks said:

By a ticket to a performance if you like music. Do not ask taxpayers to subsidize what you like.

So the members of the military don't deserve any musical performances? Are they supposed to do nothing but drill and train and fight?

When not on duty they can buy tickets too.

bramzzoinks said:
ridski said:
bramzzoinks said:

By a ticket to a performance if you like music. Do not ask taxpayers to subsidize what you like.

What if I really like reading about brown people getting bombed by drones and stealth aircraft?

Buy a Kindle

Ridski, can you explain your humor please.  You know, that dry British humor sometimes misses around here.

Here's a book by an old college friend who played in the Air Force Band for many years: 


It sheds a little light on the good that these organizations do. There's more to defense than shooting people.

I'm trying to understand why we spend millions of dollars on wasteful items like condiments for soldiers' meals. Why should we as taxpayers do anything more than put nutritious food in front of military personnel? If they want their food to taste good, they can buy seasonings just like us civilians.

ml1 said:

I'm trying to understand why we spend millions of dollars on wasteful items like condiments for soldiers' meals. Why should we as taxpayers do anything more than put nutritious food in front of military personnel? If they want their food to taste good, they can buy seasonings just like us civilians.

I think I will send you over some C-rations.  If I recall correctly, the beef with potatoes and congealed fat was especially delicious when eaten cold in the snow in Germany.

Of course, most us realized that you never leave the barracks without Tabasco sauce.

tjohn said:
bramzzoinks said:
ridski said:
bramzzoinks said:

By a ticket to a performance if you like music. Do not ask taxpayers to subsidize what you like.

What if I really like reading about brown people getting bombed by drones and stealth aircraft?

Buy a Kindle

Ridski, can you explain your humor please.  You know, that dry British humor sometimes misses around here.

He got it. He just wanted to get one back.

imonlysleeping said:

I can think of no good reason why this particular government institution should support a taxpayer sustained artistic endeavor like a band. When you really think about it, it's very strange. Should there also be an IRS band? A NASA band? A Department of Energy band? It doesn't really make sense. 

There aren't a lot of IRS employees getting killed in the line of duty. 


The buglers of The United States Army Band "Pershing's Own" perform over 5000 missions a year in Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, VA.

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