eliz said:
Friday Night Lights
mooewe said:
Six Feet Under is on Amazon Prime video. I'm almost done with the last season - can't wait for the ending that everyone raves about, but I will also miss it. It's hard when you finish a series and you've become attached to the characters!
mooewe said:
"Rescue Me" is great (Netflix)
bettina said:
Very old, but Freaks and Geeks - though for unknown reasons it only made it for 2 seasons. Another vote for Six Feet Under. Though nothing will ever match The Wire, Breaking Bad or The Sopranos.
j_r said:
Fantastic series! Six Feet Under is also available on DVD (not streaming afaik) from Netflix.
DottyParker said:
j_r said:
Fantastic series! Six Feet Under is also available on DVD (not streaming afaik) from Netflix.
I loved Six Feet Under. It was an engrossing series whose strength -- along with the other greats -- was character development. I loved the continuing appearances of the late family matriarch, Nathaniel Fisher, and his ongoing pearls of wisdom.