The Rose Garden and White House happenings: Listening to voters’ concerns

mtierney said:

all of those questioning the seeming delay by DJT in responding in PR conveniently forget reality or: 

I am not questioning the very real delay by the ROTUS. I am stating it as a fact.

The US has a VERY big Navy and over a dozen super carriers and amphibious assault ships, many of which were in port at Norfolk and other bases in the Southeast when this storm hit.  Those carriers can service heavy transport helicopters that can move fuel, water and supplies anywhere within a range of  hundreds miles. We pay trillions of dollars to maintain far and away the largest military on the planet and yet the ROTUS left those resources undeployed for days as the people of Puerto Rico suffered.  This relief effort has been a disaster unprecedented in the modern history of this nation. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.

dave23 said:

Tim Murphy is happening in Washington!

Yes. Why isn't this gaining at least a little bit of traction? Or are we so used to hypocrisy it's just another Tuesday in Washington?

Because no one is surprised when a pro-life Republican tries to talk his mistress into getting an abortion. 

It's no mistake that they chose Trump. He best represents their true values.

mtierney said:

all of those questioning the seeming delay by DJT in responding in PR conveniently forget reality or: 

Damaged airfields and ports, zero electricity and spotty generators, no internet or wifi,  --- and a very big ocean -- much, much harder than getting aid to the states hit by Harvey and Irma.

President, in his office less than 10 months, has faced historic storms and earthquakes -- and now, the Las Vegas massacre.

How would HRC have managed?

She would have handled it much better.  And she wouldn't have complained, in a disaster  where people have died and lives are in turmoil, that PR has thrown our budget out of whack or said that Katrina was a real storm in comparison.

bettyd said:

mtierney said:

all of those questioning the seeming delay by DJT in responding in PR conveniently forget reality or: 

Damaged airfields and ports, zero electricity and spotty generators, no internet or wifi,  --- and a very big ocean -- much, much harder than getting aid to the states hit by Harvey and Irma.

President, in his office less than 10 months, has faced historic storms and earthquakes -- and now, the Las Vegas massacre.

How would HRC have managed?

She would have handled it much better.  And she wouldn't have complained, in a disaster  where people have died and lives are in turmoil, that PR has thrown our budget out of whack or said that Katrina was a real storm in comparison.

Or thrown paper towels at them in a crowd like or was candy at a fair. 


Or thrown paper towels at them in a crowd like or was candy at a fair. 

I'm sure Trump wanted to bring a t-shirt gun - but Kelly probably talked him out of it.

As for HRC - she would have at least sent the USNS Comfort immediately - she wouldn't have needed Trump to remind her it exists.

mtierney said:

President, in his office less than 10 months, has faced historic storms and earthquakes -- and now, the Las Vegas massacre.

Its interesting to see how those who work most closely with the President view him.

NY Daily News: Tillerson Describes Trump as "Moron"

Perhaps 10 months has been enough.

ElizMcCord said:

dave23 said:

Tim Murphy is happening in Washington!

Yes. Why isn't this gaining at least a little bit of traction? Or are we so used to hypocrisy it's just another Tuesday in Washington?

Its not surprising to me that loud mouth pro-life politicians are hypocrites while wearing their heavily advertised "cloaks of morality." They've shown us often they only care for the well being of those in the womb. Once you're out of the womb you're on your own baby.

Everyone should go to the above link and read the memo from his Chief of Staff. What a deplorable nasty åss he shown to be.

The real sadness are the people constantly fooled into electing trash. That is why we have a dysfunctional congress or more correctly a congress serving the elite.

NBCNews? SOS this am vehemently denied the story.

What uptight Dems fail to understand is that "humor" in dire circumstances is a way to relieve stress. Falls flat most of the time, but then any words spoken by POTUS get forensic analysis by  haters.

mtierney said:

NBCNews? SOS this am vehemently denied the story.

What uptight Dems fail to understand is that "humor" in dire circumstances is a way to relieve stress. Falls flat most of the time, but then any words spoken by POTUS get forensic analysis by  haters.

Wrong. He didn't deny it.

“I’m not going to deal with petty stuff like that. This is what I don’t understand about Washington. Again, I’m not from this place. But the places I come from, we don’t deal with that kind of petty nonsense.”

Maybe he will speak up again and actually deny it, but he has not yet.

A leader going to a disaster site on such an immense scale and making jokes is the height of callousness. 

It's baffling why you would continue to defend such a terrible excuse for a human being.

Everything is a joke with Trump,even in the midst of a disaster.

mtierney said:

What uptight Dems fail to understand is that "humor" in dire circumstances is a way to relieve stress. Falls flat most of the time, but then any words spoken by POTUS get forensic analysis by  haters.

Maybe you could explain the "humor", and how it's not simply Trump doing the same "How lazy are these PRs" lines that he probably was saying as he grew up a rich kid in Queens.

mtierney said:

NBCNews? SOS this am vehemently denied the story.

Ummm... he declined to deny it.

mtierney is once again faced with a fact (SOS's non-denial) that directly contradicts her statement.

Will she admit that she was wrong?

It seemed to have been a high level meeting, The VP, the Sec of State, Sec of Def, other cabinet members, pentagon officials. The kind of meeting where policy is discussed and decided.

So, where was Trump? Was he not needed because he is a moron who doesn't bring anything to the table? Did he even know about the meeting before it occurred? Were they afraid he would blabber, tweeting confidential info or with show off at another meeting with the Russians or whoever else manages to get into the Oval Office?

drummerboy said:

mtierney is once again faced with a fact (SOS's non-denial) that directly contradicts her statement.

Will she admit that she was wrong?

Facts to Trump supporters is like Garlic to Vampires.

Corker defends Tillerson in the sense that Tillerson is in a "very frustrating place" and "ends up not being supported in a way that I would hope the Sec of State would be supported."

Money quote: "I think Sec. Tillerson, Sec. Mattis and Chief of Staff Kelly are those people that help separate our country from chaos."

dave23 said:

Corker defends Tillerson in the sense that Tillerson is in a "very frustrating place" and "ends up not being supported in a way that I would hope the Sec of State would be supported."

Money quote: "I think Sec. Tillerson, Sec. Mattis and Chief of Staff Kelly are those people that help separate our country from chaos."

One wonders where our country would be today if General Mattis hadn't reminded the ROTUS of Patton looks wise.

What counts with Trump is his personal image. Consider, the first public cabinet meeting where WH senior staff and cabinet members were spewing fawning comments to Trump. Sick.

Trump would be happy if we were to be a personal leadership cult such as we've seen in some other countries. 

And as Tillerson has traveled the globe, Trump believes his top diplomat often seems more concerned with what the world thinks of the United States than with tending to the president’s personal image.

Dems who are still asking why HRC lost the election have never recognized her role in the Benghazi incident. It was "an inconvenient truth" for the administration and Secretary Clinton. It never went away and continued to haunt her, trashing her credibility.

No one is asking. Hell, I think we've even stopped asking why Republicans support Trump so strongly. He's dumb, uncurious, easily duped, lying, has cheated on multiple wives, has assaulted women and completely lacks self-control. I think the question to ask is how could we have possibly thought the Republicans wouldn't support him.

mtierney said:

Dems who are still asking why HRC lost the election have never recognized her role in the Benghazi incident. It was "an inconvenient truth" for the administration and Secretary Clinton. It never went away and continued to haunt her, trashing her credibility.

Please stop pretend you care about the Americans who died in Benghazi. Before Trump, I could find some room to extend you the benefit of the doubt. Even now, I can understand those who voted for Trump reluctantly but don't follow politics that closely, or who voted for him but regret it as they see the moral monster they have unleashed.

But folks like yourself, who are all in, who have gouged their eyes out with the sharp tip of partisanship to avoid seeing the disaster they are supporting? No. Save your crocodile tears over Benghazi. Anyone who's signed up for the party of cruelty, cowardice, and blood thirst of Trump's GOP can't convincingly lay claim to moral outrage over American deaths.

mtierney said:

Dems who are still asking why HRC lost the election have never recognized her role in the Benghazi incident. It was "an inconvenient truth" for the administration and Secretary Clinton. It never went away and continued to haunt her, trashing her credibility.

Because there's a sucker born every minute.

PVW said:
Please stop pretend you care about the Americans who died in Benghazi. Before Trump, I could find some room to extend you the benefit of the doubt. Even now, I can understand those who voted for Trump reluctantly but don't follow politics that closely, or who voted for him but regret it as they see the moral monster they have unleashed.

But folks like yourself, who are all in, who have gouged their eyes out with the sharp tip of partisanship to avoid seeing the disaster they are supporting? No. Save your crocodile tears over Benghazi. Anyone who's signed up for the party of cruelty, cowardice, and blood thirst of Trump's GOP can't convincingly lay claim to moral outrage over American deaths.

I wrote my own response to mtierney's attempt at 3 Card Monte but then I read PVW's post and all I can say is "this".

how delusional must you be to think Hillary had anything to do with Benghazi?

Think about it. She is more disturbed by Clinton's mythical role in Benghazi than she is George Bush's clear and documented ineptitude in the lead up to 9/11.


a complete moral zero.


drummerboy said:

how delusional must you be to think Hillary had anything to do with Benghazi?

Think about it. She is more disturbed by Clinton's mythical role in Benghazi than she is George Bush's clear and documented ineptitude in the lead up to 9/11.


a complete moral zero.



Hmmm, GWB took office some 8 months prior to 9/11/01. Who was in office the previous 8 years? 

The men who flew those planes on 9/11 had been training in the US  for 2-1/2 years, whilst the Oval Office was preoccupied.

mtierney said: Hmmm, GWB took office some 8 months prior to 9/11/01. Who was in office the previous 8 years?  The men who flew those planes on 9/11 had been training in the US  for 2-1/2 years, whilst the Oval Office was preoccupied.

Think W was at the ranch cutting brush when he received this memo.

For the President Only
6 Auousl 2001 

Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US

Clandestine, foreIgn government, and media reports indicate Bin Ladln
since 1997 has wanted to conduct terrorist attacks in the US. Bin Ladin
implied in us television interviews in 1997 and 1998 that his lollowers would
follow the example 01 World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Youse! and "bring
the lighting to America,"
After US missile strikes on his base in Afghanistan in 1998, Bin Ladin
told followers he wanted 10 retaliate in Washington, according to
a service,

You can read the rest here-

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