Viking stove repair?

Mine needs an overhaul if it is going to last. It's starting to crap out. I'd appreciate if anyone has had any experience with local repair. Thanks!

Our Viking has not been heating up, maybe to 250 after 30+ minutes of preheating. Is that what yours is doing? I did some research online and determined it must be the igniters. I ordered the parts and I'm going to replace them this weekend.

Yes!!!! I was making my husband a birthday dinner from Ottolenghi book and it just didn't get over 250!

And a few of the burners are having problems.

What did you order (and from where?)?

I found a video showing how to do the repair. In the description it had a link to the parts on Amazon. Here is the link to the parts. I can't seem to find that particular video, which I will need! When I find it, I will post it.

This is so helpful. Thanks!!

You're welcome. I can't find the specific video. I'll look again tomorrow. And I'll let you know how the repair goes!

This looks promising though it's not a video.

Last post oh oh FYI - if your oven is like mine, be certain to have a ratchet before you begin.

Photo - sorry, photo won't load. The screws are about two inches from a vertical panel, no room for a screwdriver.

Success! You starting this thread prompted me to make my repairs. It's now heating to 400 in less than 10 minutes. It would have been an easy repair if not for the DIFFICULT screws. I would be happy to help you if you decide to do it yourself.

Wow! And thanks! Makes me wonder if we can also get some of the burners back

I chickened out. Too many things are wrong with it - igniters in the oven, on the stove. Hubby doesn't have enough time, as he's got a never-ending list of things to do on the house. So this outfit out of Belleville is coming next week.

Maybe next time oh oh I hope the repair isn't too $$$.

Thanks, orzabelle and blianderson, for this thread. Our Viking stove was having the same trouble, and replacing the igniters appears to have done the trick. (No ratchet required; the igniter screws had hexagonal heads, so a wrench worked. But of course one of the screws holding the plate I needed to remove to get to the wiring was stripped -- it's always something, ain't it?)

Anyway, 400 degrees in 10 minutes flat. Thanks again.

Spent $300 on repair person and only sort of fixed the oven. Another part in the oven has to be replaced, and we have to replace EVERY BURNER, which is, in all, about $800 in parts, and that's if I order them myself. It would be more like $1100 for the repairman to bring the parts and fix it. The oven is 22 years old, and Viking doesn't actually make the parts anymore. An aftermarket company does. It's a great stove, and will last 20+ more years if we do these repairs, so we will. I'm just not sure it's worth my husband having to figure this out, when he's already got a zillion projects in our house. Just how easy was it, @blianderson?

Once I got the correct tool to remove the screws, replacing the igniters was very easy.

Oooh, would you lend it? But I suppose it depends on how old your Viking is. It may not fit mine!

blianderson said:
Once I got the correct tool to remove the screws, replacing the igniters was very easy.

True. It is a simple offset screwdriver, not expensive at all. I would gladly lend it. And seriously, I wouldn't mind helping you if you'd like. I'm home during the day.

orzabelle said:
Oooh, would you lend it? But I suppose it depends on how old your Viking is. It may not fit mine!

blianderson said:
Once I got the correct tool to remove the screws, replacing the igniters was very easy.

Thanks! I may well be begging once we cough up the cash and order the parts!

It's worth it, I suppose, though I'm sure we could have bought a stove for the amount we're spending on parts. Not a 6-burner, though!

Hey Orzabelle - did you get your stove fixed?  Would you recommend the folks you used?  We are having a similar issue.  We had one of the knobs go around a year ago (while it was on - eek!).  I replaced the knob but never calibrated the Temp afterwards - we just stuck a thermometer in there.  Trouble is, now it takes FOREVER to heat up and it seems like one of the burners (for the stove) doesn't always come on.  Anyway, stoves scare me and we also have a long list of other tasks in the house so I kinda wanna just call someone.  Having no luck finding a referral on the Viking site though LOL

we did! We overhauled it through Stream Appliance in Bellville.

Great - ok, sounds like you liked them so I will give them a call.  Thanks so much and congrats on your newborn stove!

Weird, having trouble finding them.  Is this them?

ah, maybe this

it's the second one. The woman who works there is named Marisa. Depending on how old your oven is, you may have to wait for parts. And it isn't cheap. The work we had to do was more than we could have handled on our own: every burner was shot, or almost shot, and both oven parts had to be replaced. It cost a lot, but will keep our oven running another 10-15 years. And not everything was fixable - our door hinge is bent, so the door is slightly crooked. They don't make the hinge anymore, as the model is 22 years old.

Wow - sounds like you almost could've gotten a new stove for all that but I saw that you said you had 6 burners so maybe not.  We were very impressed with our Viking when we moved in but ever since that knob broke it's been performing poorly.  Thanks for the recommendation - I'm going to give them a call now!

Viking stoves are junk. Never again. 

Damn. Making me rethink my Viking envy. Glad you guys got your problems resolved, but holy schnikey!

To be clear, I love our Viking. I bought it used for $400 and it has served me for the past 6 years without problems. The parts wear out.

Hi Orzabelle - thank you again for the recommendation.  Stream came and helped us out and everything is working again!  We're back to loving our Viking as well as our community for all the help!

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