USPS package open and empty on my porch archived

Wow. So sorry this has happened to you. File a police report and notify vendor/sender and USPS.

What Zet wrote. T'is the season to be careful with packages. There was a story on the news the other night about persons leaving phony packages on their porch for package thieves - empty boxes, boxes filled woth rocks, boxes containing those snake things that pop out when the package is open, etc.

joan_crystal said:

What Zet wrote. T'is the season to be careful with packages. There was a story on the news the other night about persons leaving phony packages on their porch for package thieves - empty boxes, boxes filled woth rocks, boxes containing those snake things that pop out when the package is open, etc.

Ha, someone left doggy poop in a box for someone who kept taking their packages.

Shall we call it "recycling"??

I bet ya they will never come back!

Was going to gripe on MOL about this. I'm getting so many packages at this time of year, as are many others. And they're ripe for the picking for any passerby. Last year at this time I watched a bunch of high school kids steal a package off a neighbor's porch. Used to be Fedex and UPS required a signature to leave something. Certainly made it much less likely it would get stolen. Now they just drop the package on the front porch, ring, and run. If you're not home to hear the ring, you just hope your package will be safe until you get home. My biggest beef is with the carriers that don't even bother to ring. Happened to me the other day. Thank goodness for Amazon notifications. I was home and got a text from them saying my package was delivered, and I would have had no clue otherwise. And what about when it's an expensive item? We ordered a laptop for my son this year. What would have happened if that had been stolen? Do the carriers pay for it? Does the company that shipped it eat the loss. I monitored the tracking on that package the day it was supposed to be delivered. I made it a point to be home as much as possible that day. And wouldn't you know, it was delivered when I went out for an hour. And right around the time the high school kids would have been coming home! That would have been quite the score if someone took the package off my porch! But I guess most of this doesn't apply to USPS.

@pippi, sorry about your package. It's very frustrating. Hopefully the situation can be resolved.

I'd leave mousetraps inside. Strong ones.

Really sorry about this --

Nothing personal against USPS, but the tracking sucks big time. Delivery times have NEVER matched projected and delivery status information is wildly off (like, it says its out for delivery on the truck and shows up 3 days late).

I love UPS connect -- you sign up on their web site. Any package sent you via UPS you're notified and you get accurate info texts on where packages are and when they'll be delivered.

Long story -- but ask for UPS delivery, then know and track when your packages are coming and don't deal with this mess with USPS.


peteglider said:

Really sorry about this --

Nothing personal against USPS, but the tracking sucks big time. Delivery times have NEVER matched projected and delivery status information is wildly off (like, it says its out for delivery on the truck and shows up 3 days late).

I love UPS connect -- you sign up on their web site. Any package sent you via UPS you're notified and you get accurate info texts on where packages are and when they'll be delivered.

Long story -- but ask for UPS delivery, then know and track when your packages are coming and don't deal with this mess with USPS.


You can also choose to have it delivered to a UPS location. Our UPS guy, who is the best!, if we don't answer the door when he drops off, he will leave it at the back door making it harder for someone to take. He often delivers after 6pm so we are usually home when he comes by. I wish all the delivery people were that awesome!

Our UPS guy leaves the packages inside the house if we can't get to the door quick enough, and always tries us first at the back door.

I just wonder why couriers leave packages right in front of our front door, rather than tucked off to the side. I mean, I get it - they're busy. But they're leaving packages just ripe for the picking. Now I have to call my nephew and let him know and I know he'll just feel awful about it.

But is this really a problem that is a function of UPS, Fed Ex or the Postal Service? Not to me. The problem is that there are a lot of crooks out there driving around looking for packages to steal this time of year. And as for booby-trapping packages, the sad reality is that the subhuman who might "take offense" at finding doggy doo in the package he stole from you knows where you live and can come back to get even by vandalizing your home or doing something else. Sad to say that as more purchases are being made over the internet and shipped to homes this problem is only going to grow.

Time for personal lockboxes.

We have an enclosed porch and most of the time carriers put packages inside the storm door, which we appreciate. But often they put them directly in the center of the door, which is clear glass, so they're really not out of sight at all. Perhaps it would deter a criminal simply because they have to open the door first to take it, but I'm not sure.

We have been doing a lot of shopping online this year, much more than in the past. No real problems, but on Friday we had four separate deliveries from UPS, all arriving at separate times. Looks like they are trying to avoid the muck up they had last year and are succeeding.

If the item was something you purchased, notify the seller and stop payment in whatever form. If the package was insured file a claim with the post office after giving the postmaster a piece of your mind. Post office deliverers do not give a damn about recipients, so next time make sure the package has to be signed for. Sorry that you got ripped off.

I'm so sorry this happened! Thankfully the only time this happened to us, the package contained a financial mathematics textbook, so.... they left it there...

bobk said:

We have been doing a lot of shopping online this year, much more than in the past.
The popularity of online shopping and package delivery created a new industry. The steal the package from your front door industry. I'm thinking some make their holiday living doing this.

villagehallperson said:

If the item was something you purchased, notify the seller and stop payment in whatever form. If the package was insured file a claim with the post office after giving the postmaster a piece of your mind. Post office deliverers do not give a damn about recipients, so next time make sure the package has to be signed for. Sorry that you got ripped off.
You don't file that claim. The merchant has to file.

The merchant is responsible for getting the product to you. If they set up a delivery without you having to sign, then a lost package is their problem.

You're not supposed to pay for something you did not receive. The merchant has to re-ship or issue a refund. If they refuse then do a credit card chargeback and don't use that merchant ever again.

meandtheboys said:

And what about when it's an expensive item? We ordered a laptop for my son this year. What would have happened if that had been stolen? Do the carriers pay for it? Does the company that shipped it eat the loss.

I think it depends on the the company and their reputation for customer service. I ordered a pair of Sorel boots from Nordstrom last week and the package was stolen from my front porch. When I realized, I called Nordstrom up and they refunded my money and shipped me out a new pair right away.

This is in a suburb of Seattle, btw, so my completely unscientific assessment based both on this thread and my personal experience is that the stealing of packages is a nationwide phenomenon this time of year.

Notify the seller. Depending on the seller, if you send them a photo of the opened package, they may refund the amount or resend the item. Amazon definitely resends item but even some smaller stores refund.

That stinks, I put a note on my door asking deliveries to be put on my screened in porch and mostly they've been good about it but today one was left out front.

I'd definitely see if your nephew can get some recourse with USPS. if it was priority he may have insured it. How sucky.

Priority mail shipments are covered by $50 insurance (more if shipper paid for it), but you have to report the loss.

Whenever I something for delivery I specify to leave at the back door, usually there is an option for this.
I am so sorry Pippi!

I think the USPS priority boxes come with some sort of insurance - not positive but it's worth looking into. It's a shame we have to worry about packages being stolen from our steps this time of year. I know a lot of people ship their stuff to work addresses - most businesses sign for the packages.

I didn't order it, that's the thing. It was mailed to me as a gift.

Seems many retailers are using USPS instead of UPS lately. Yesterday I saw the USPS person literally hurling two boxe*s* at my stoop. One was labeled "Fragile".

Sorry to hear this, pippi. These stories seem to crop up at this time of year especially.

With priority mail, is insurance included automatically? There may be a chance of recourse if the sender did have the insurance.

That's horrible pippi! We live on a very busy street so I have everything shipped to my husband's office. My aunt does too.

Pretty nervy thief who, instead of taking the package, opens the package right there on your porch to see if what is inside is worth taking....and then leaves the opened empty package!!

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