Today's Google Doodle

I love these things! So hereto forthwith I will post the link to the Google homepage with a special "Doodle" image. wink

May 30, 2012 166th Birthday of Faberge

Wow, that's really something. I do love it when they have a good doodle day. smile

This one is my favorite!

wonder what they'll do for the Queen's Jubilee next week?

I'd love to meet the team that comes up with these-they are soooo totally unique and refreshing-
makes me chuckle when I see them .

Coming attraction: article says it is today, but maybe only in the UK.

musicmz, this morning (Sunday) our logo in Australia is plain. I didn't pay attention yesterday; shemademedothis said yesterday that the version he uses (I think he uses international Google) had a doodle for the Jubilee. The Aussie version may be saving its doodle for the Queen's Birthday public holiday next weekend.

icdart said:

I'd love to meet the team that comes up with these-they are soooo totally unique and refreshing-
makes me chuckle when I see them .

Yeah, that's pretty much my dream job.

Note that the Newark Museum is now showing the artwork of the New Jersey finalists in a youth competition to design a Google logo...

(happened to notice this today while checking their website for something else)

June 6, 2012 opening of the first drive-in theater.

This one works: turn up your sound.

musicmz said:

This one works: turn up your sound.

Love the Android hula dancer.

joanne said:

6 JUne - D-Day....

Yeah... wouldn't you think that was more important? Guess it wasn't an "anniversary" worth commemorating. Couldn't get a "D Day google doodle" to come up with anything, either; not even from year's past.

I think there are some days that don't lend themselves to silliness.

Not all doodles are silly or about silliness, however.

Saturday, June 23, 2012 Alan Turing's 100th Birthday

musicmz said:

Saturday, June 23, 2012 Allan Turing's 100th Birthday

That's very clever.

Although, it's kind of sad that most people won't actually understand what it's portraying.

Not to mention the fact that they'll be oblivious to how badly treated Alan Turing was during his lifetime, after he saved Great Britain.

I usually take advantage of something like a Google doodle to read up on some obscure bit of knowledge, like Alan Turing (corrected spelling). But I'll never be a Ken Jennings, since my memory is too spotty! And this doodle for the 23rd is appearing today, courtesy of New Zealand's time difference.

The Turing machine is awesome. I wonder, though, why Alonzo Church doesn't seem to get the same popular treatment as Turing (maybe it's the fact that Turing was a mistreated war hero?).

Anyway, in honor of Turing's 100th birthday, arstechnica had a good piece on him (and everybody should read the Hodges biography, IMHO):

nohero said:

musicmz said:

Saturday, June 23, 2012 Allan Turing's 100th Birthday

That's very clever.

Although, it's kind of sad that most people won't actually understand what it's portraying.

Not to mention the fact that they'll be oblivious to how badly treated Alan Turing was during his lifetime, after he saved Great Britain.

If you watch it long enough, you'll see what it's doing. I used to count in weird ways like that for long periods as a kid. I guess it was my fate to become a technogeek.

While i think these things are neat, i did like them more when they happened less frequently. They used to be special, now not so much.

Alan Turing's achievements were stunning. He essentially invented the concept of the programmable computer, and presented a description of it that made it possible to build one. This was an incredible breakthrough - there were calculating machines before him, but they were built to solve only one kind of problem. He showed how a general purpose computer could be built. And the world we know began.

Amazingly, this invention came about because he wanted to solve a math problem, Hilbert's "decision problem." This was a very importanat theorem, regarding whether any given hypothesis could be determined to be true or false (short version: there are unprovable truths).

He went on to crack the German Enigma machine codes, which many consider to be the turning point of WWII, providing the Allies with the intelligence they needed to defeat the Nazis.

After the war, England prosecuted him for his homosexuality, punishing him with chemical castration. He committed suicide shortly thereafter.

Happy Independence Day.

When I saw that this morning, I smiled and wondered if the "Google" choice was intentionally slightly "subversive", or unintentional. After all, Woody Guthrie wrote that song as a response to "God Bless America". Also, some of the later verses go like this -

As I was walkin' - I saw a sign there
And that sign said - no tress passin'
But on the other side .... it didn't say nothin!
Now that side was made for you and me!

In the squares of the city - In the shadow of the steeple
Near the relief office - I see my people
And some are grumblin' and some are wonderin'
If this land's still made for you and me.

I never realized that, Nohero. Thanks for that perspective....makes me appreciate that song that much more.

Mbaldwin - The only Joe Klein book worth reading is "Woody Guthrie: A Life", which is full of details like that.

The sentences below were also at the bottom of yesterday's home page. (don't know how to activate the 2nd phrase, so I pasted a copy of the site it points to.) Turn up your sound.

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