The Who Destroys Their Legacy: Way To Go archived

Posted By: boomieThey didn't destroy their legacy. It just sucked. Hopefully they will retire now so we can forget it and remember them the way they are meant to be remembered.


Next year's half time show...

Posted By: dave

Hell, Rush just increased their legacy with that - for me anyway.

Legacy, shmegacy. I doubt the Who, or the Stones, or all the other geriatric rockers give a flying f about the iconic regard of their fanbase. And I'm sure they don't like being put out to pasture and told to clam up so we can preserve some idealized memory from our youth. I think they're brave to get up there and perform --- not deluded or cynical. Besides they can probably use the money.

Brave yes. Delusional that they sounded good....also yes. I'm not looking to make an old man's "wet dream" or "get rich again" scheme come true...I'm looking for entertainment. Come to think of it...they did give me that. But it was the painful "train wreck" sort I can usually catch on Bravo.

PS: they stand to make a lot more money by preserving their legacy - sale of old records and Old Who for the millions of new kids like my nephew, 15, who discovered this awesome band and was a HUGE fan....until of course, that performance, and now his friends make fun. Just not smart.

Now Geddy Lee and Rush...THEY can still rock.

Posted By: waxwings...and Ol' Tom Petty wasn't so bad either!!!!! ( the Giants won too )

Tom Petty was excellent--his show convinced me to go to his concert at the Rock and he rocked... made me even want to take up smoking pot again. (jk, jk...)

Last decent performance of a Who song

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