The Official NEW Forum thread

sac said:
jamie said:

The old board would take you to the next unread post.  The new board takes you to the last read post.  We felt that this was fine when you're in the middle of a page and you can just scroll down a little, but in order to get to the next unread message - you were always an extra click away.

So basically, if the next unread post is on a new page - it will take you right to that one.

Are you talking about after posting a quote?  If so, then that isn't what I see.  Unless I check the box for "take me to this comment after submit", it takes me back to the top of the page of the quoted post, which is very annoying.  I would prefer that it take you back to the post you quoted OR the next unread post.

No - I was only talking about the links from the discussions page - nothing to do with posting.  I'll see if I can make "take me to this comment" as the default.

"Take me to this comment" is now set as the default

That works.   Do we have a "Take me to your leader" option?

Yeah - we're working on it - it's safe - just have to update the certificate.

Jamie, I'm not sure if this is the fault of the original posters, or whether there's a (slight) problem with the website, but I've recently noticed that posted weblinks seem to be gaining a space at the end of the link, which is leading to 'page not found' results. 

For example, take a look at the link in lanky's post, at  where you'll see there's a space after the final slash.

yeah - this was a weird occurrence that was happening to a lot of Joanne's posts.  We haven't found the real culprit yet - might be some hidden text when you cut and paste on some systems - we'll revisit this on the other side of the update.

As for the update - progress is being made on a daily basis.  A new platform could be ready in a couple weeks. 

Save the Ozzies!  They're a rare, protected species!  Had a nice coffee with one this morning (a fellow Rotarian).

thank you, Dave.  wink  It's the company we keep.  big surprise 

Suddenly my avatar isn't displaying today ... I tried the "contact support" link but that didn't work either.

Is my account jinxed?

sac said:

Suddenly my avatar isn't displaying today ... I tried the "contact support" link but that didn't work either.

Is my account jinxed?

Weird - I saw your avatar on my mobile - but not on my desktop.  Have you tried to reupload it?  

jamie said:
sac said:

Suddenly my avatar isn't displaying today ... I tried the "contact support" link but that didn't work either.

Is my account jinxed?

Weird - I saw your avatar on my mobile - but not on my desktop.  Have you tried to reupload it?  

I haven't done anything to it.  I'll have to do some searching to find the original in order to reupload it.  I guess I'll start looking.

Re seeing it on the mobile, I have noticed that some things don't refresh right away on my phone ... like Facebook profile pic changes, new posts, etc.

OK ... I updated it now.  But I first had to edit the jpg to make it square and the only way I could do that put a bunch of white space on the bottom.  (I was using Microsoft Paint.)  

I still can't figure out what happened.

(I think it carried over my previous avatar when the board was updated.  It's been a long time since I played with that graphic.)

Just noticed something. I'm trying to quote two separate posts to respond to both of them on my iPad, but if whenever I click the second quote, it replaces the first instead of adding to it. Just checked this open iPhone and the same thing happened. 

I saw someone do it so I know it's not impossible. I tried to just quote two and the same thing happened. Then I quoted one, typed a letter and quoted the other. That worked, or seems to be a work-around anyway.

marylago said:

I saw someone do it so I know it's not impossible. I tried to just quote two and the same thing happened. Then I quoted one, typed a letter and quoted the other. That worked, or seems to be a work-around anyway.

Oh, okay. Let's try it.

ctrzaska said:

I get that a lot.

Seems to work. Thanks!

marylago said:

I saw someone do it so I know it's not impossible. I tried to just quote two and the same thing happened. Then I quoted one, typed a letter and quoted the other. That worked, or seems to be a work-around anyway.

interesting workaround

hmm, i had a lower quote in the textbox - didn't post though

jamie said:

hmm, i had a lower quote in the textbox - didn't post though


jamie said:

hmm, i had a lower quote in the textbox - didn't post though


ok, i had to type below each quote.

At some point (probably the previous board software), there was an option to get a direct link to any individual post.  It was one of the options in the upper right of the post. 

Any chance we can get that back?

click on the date of the comment and you'll get the direct link to that comment

Starting yesterday, I noticed that the bottom of the web pages on MOL are getting cut off.   Sometimes the "Add Comment" section is missing, and I've seen poster comments getting cut off midway through as well. I'm using Chrome 51.0.2704.103 on my desktop, and Chrome on my iPhone (don't recall the version for iPhone), and see this behavior on both. I see it if I'm logged in, out, or in incognito mode. It's not consistent - sometimes the same page will completely load, sometimes not. 

PVW said:

Starting yesterday, I noticed that the bottom of the web pages on MOL are getting cut off.   Sometimes the "Add Comment" section is missing, and I've seen poster comments getting cut off midway through as well. I'm using Chrome 51.0.2704.103 on my desktop, and Chrome on my iPhone (don't recall the version for iPhone), and see this behavior on both. I see it if I'm logged in, out, or in incognito mode. It's not consistent - sometimes the same page will completely load, sometimes not. 

Thanks - sounds similar to what people are posting about here:

Probably. I think all the pages on MOL are getting cut off actually - if I check out the html response, none of them seem complete (eg don't see a closing body tag, and a lot of other tags before that seem unclosed as well). Maybe an unclosed PHP tag somewhere?

I tried running curl to check file size, wondering if there was any obvious pattern there (eg nginx truncating at a certain file size) but nothing jumped out. The command, if you'd like to try yourself, is:

curl -so /dev/null {URL HERE} -w '%{size_download}'

jamie said:

click on the date of the comment and you'll get the direct link to that comment

Oooh - thanks!  (Did I miss the hint about this at some point?)

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