The Official NEW Forum thread

mtierney said:

Tahda! It happens only when I respond under the quote. 

 It happens when you respond 'in' the quote.  Unfortunately, the span of the quote sometimes seems to include a couple of blank lines at the bottom, so you need to take care to position your cursor below the (faint) side bars that delineate the quote.

  Jamie, I have two unresolved issues. One is thread drift. This is a carryover from the old platform, but I am hoping you can install a filter to keep people on track, at least outside of soapbox and virtual café threads. 

Secondly, will we be getting the long-rumored Post Office category? I agree with the poster who suggested it would be good to encourage an expansion of the conversation, which seems to have dwindled to only two or three threads recently.

Apologies is this was coverd the classified section still working on the old maplewoood on line site?

Judy3x, if you go to the black header bar, on the bar next to Maplewood Online is another greyed tab labelled MOL Areas. This is the new Classifieds.

Max, are you being a party pooper? You?!?


Max, we have had this conversation. If it's my thread, I'm allowed to drift. So there. smile

Jamie, thanks. I will wait patiently. Well, more patiently.

BTW, I really love being able to format text within posts without having to enter the code.

I do not like that the highlighted events are not visible in the discussions ..somehow seeing everything on one page was useful .

This separation of ads, events , discussions is too compatmentalized ..I think it is slowing down how many are using MOL  now ..seems that useage is way down .

Thanks for the heads up, Sac. I'll check it out next time.

Will the long rumored category for seniors become a reality? From my perspective, seniors and senior caregivers need a sort of virtual meeting place to better understand each other. Social, personal, medical, financial, emotional, housing issues,etc.etc.

It should encourage folks at or beyond retirement age to express their feelings and support one another. 

The baby boomer generation is entering that demographic now.

joanne said:

Judy3x, if you go to the black header bar, on the bar next to Maplewood Online is another greyed tab labelled MOL Areas. This is the new Classifieds.


icdart said:

I do not like that the highlighted events are not visible in the discussions ..somehow seeing everything on one page was useful .

This separation of ads, events , discussions is too compatmentalized ..I think it is slowing down how many are using MOL  now ..seems that useage is way down .

 We never had highlighted events in the discussions area - only classifieds.  The layout is very basic at some point we introduce themes and have more integrated into the message board - we may introduce highlighted events at that point.

Usage is pretty good for this early on - over 1,200 have logged in and around 350 have uploaded avatars and we've served over a million banner ads.

Thanks for all the hard work, guys! Very impressive upgrade.

Previously we could select preferences in our profiles, including the ability to receive e-mail notification when someone sent us a message.  This is a very helpful tool for those of us who do not remain on MOL 24/7/365(6).  Is it possible to add this feature to the to do list?

joan_crystal said:

Previously we could select preferences in our profiles, including the ability to receive e-mail notification when someone sent us a message.  This is a very helpful tool for those of us who do not remain on MOL 24/7/365(6).  Is it possible to add this feature to the to do list?

 Yes - it's on our list - we'll add it to the upgrade page.

I quite like not receiving the email notification. I just look at the Messages icon in the bar at the top of the screen to see if anyone has sent me a message.

Maybe we'll give the option - but the default will probably be to send it - since everyone doesn't log in everyday.

Somebody on another thread mentioned the Categories button on the top left of their screen.

The only thing I can see is a Forum Categories heading, and it doesn't behave like a button.

(WinXP running Chrome)

marksierra said:

Somebody on another thread mentioned the Categories button on the top left of their screen.

The only thing I can see is a Forum Categories heading, and it doesn't behave like a button.

(WinXP running Chrome)

 Don't know what they're referring to.

jamie, I think that was from an old discussion that was revived.

Sorry, folks forgot to add the 'sarcasm icon.'

It was meant as a joke.

marylago said:

jamie, I think that was from an old discussion that was revived.

It was from this thread... 

If that's an old one, then apologies.

the most annoying thing to me thats still occuring is continually getting logged out.  sometimes after writing comments.   

My apologies, marksierra. I just assumed it was an old thread because I don't see it... :smh:

hoops said:

the most annoying thing to me thats still occuring is continually getting logged out.  sometimes after writing comments.   

 Ah! I didn't realize people were being logged out while they were actively using the board. Wow. That sucks.

Ahh, I am finally logged in!!!! 

I'm so happy to be back!

Check the new avatar, too!

marylago said:

My apologies, marksierra. I just assumed it was an old thread because I don't see it... :smh:

 It is an old thread, in the sense that the comments marksierra was referencing date from before the conversion.

THAT'S what it is. I was wondering how I could make such a grievous error. eta: Thanks, max!

PeggyC said:

hoops said:

the most annoying thing to me thats still occuring is continually getting logged out.  sometimes after writing comments.   

 Ah! I didn't realize people were being logged out while they were actively using the board. Wow. That sucks.

 Yep. Happened to me yesterday and I had written something serious for once. I guess MOL just doesn't take me seriously anymore.

1. I'm glad hahaha is back, and looking so pretty! oh oh

2. Ridski, I will always take you seriously, I will hang on your every word (apparently you, or someone remarkably like you, has the power to sway the entire direction of the UK voting population). 

3. I'm just waiting patiently for emoticons. oh oh

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