The Official NEW Forum thread

How do you link to a post on this forum?

On the old forum, clicking on the date/time reference gave you that post's address, but it doesn't seem to do that on this forum.

marksierra said:

How do you link to a post on this forum?

On the old forum, clicking on the date/time reference gave you that post's address, but it doesn't seem to do that on this forum.

Right now we don't have such feature but it is in our TODO.

I'm hoping that the issue requiring repeated sign-ons (despite clicking "remember me") is fairly high on the list.  That's MY biggest issue right now.

(But I have worked in IT and I know that other factors may rule in setting priorities.)

SAC, I think the issue with multiple log-ins might be that the system only allows you to be logged in from one device at a time. At least, that is my impression of what is happening to me.

max_weisenfeld said:

SAC, I think the issue with multiple log-ins might be that the system only allows you to be logged in from one device at a time. At least, that is my impression of what is happening to me.

 Exactly, If I log in on my phone I get logged out on my PC. If I log in on my work computer I get logged out on any other device I had been logged in on. I use multiple devices so it is very annoying. But in the grand scheme of things, just a minor blip (that should be taken care of when the time is right)

max_weisenfeld said:

SAC, I think the issue with multiple log-ins might be that the system only allows you to be logged in from one device at a time. At least, that is my impression of what is happening to me.

True, but that was not the case on the old board and I was under the impression that they planned to make a change to fix it. I go back and forth between my computer and phone all the time and I suspect many others do also, so it is a significant "degrade" from the old board if the system can't "remember me" from another device. 

As you can see on this page - the logged in issue is one we plan on addressing in the near future:

In addition to logging out, it's one even "remembering me", in spite of me always checking "Remember Me".  That never happened previously. 

Thx, Jamie!  I thought that was the case, but was responding to Max' post which made it sound like perhaps it was morphing into a 'feature'.  Glad to know its on the list.

One issue that I had thought I'd seen mentioned but I don't see on the list is the 'truncation' of some posts (not all or even most, but more than a few) on small screens.  An example from this thread on my iPhone is shown here.

Wow:  when did the MOL areas dropdown arrive?? oh oh

joanne said:

Wow:  when did the MOL areas dropdown arrive?? oh oh

 Some time in the last 12 hours.  It wasn't there when I looked in this morning (our time).

Yesterday at 6:30am or thereabouts.

pkruglikov said:

Hi all!

From latest updates we have fixed usage of pagination on mobile devices and quick access to MOL Areas using menu in header.


I thought that referred to the extended pathways across the top of the bit of screen. (Opposite the Recently Updated/Recently Created tabs) So they must have arrived about the same time!! Cool oh oh

(I was logged in all day&a night but it didn't show up until now)

great updates!   love the return to buttons.   

Nice work.

Apologies if this has been asked and answered elsewhere. But will we continue to have access to the advanced search options on the old site until they get added here? (Unless they're already here and I missed it!)

papayagirl said:

Apologies if this has been asked and answered elsewhere. But will we continue to have access to the advanced search options on the old site until they get added here? (Unless they're already here and I missed it!)

 I assume that they will work to search the old site but not the new.

@Jamie - Bug Report:


OS X 10.10.2

Browser viewport width 1656 px

Chrome Version 42.0.2311.90 (64-bit)

jeffmarkel said:

@Jamie - Bug Report:


OS X 10.10.2

Browser viewport width 1656 px

Chrome Version 42.0.2311.90 (64-bit)

Thanks for this - it appears that this tends to happen with threads that contain long links.

Same issue I mentioned earlier.  I first thought it only happened on small screens, but now have seen it on my computer also.  And, yes, it does seem related to links in the posts.

I have not read through this entire thread, so apologies if this was mentioned already. It asks me to sign in every time, even though I check the "remember me" box.

jamie Apr 26, 2015 at 07:55pm

As you can see on this page - the logged in issue is one we plan on addressing in the near future:

I can say this... if my phone goes in and out of WiFi/cellular I'll get logged off.  No idea why, but it's been the only thing that I've noticed that is occurring when it's doing it.

The message link shows messages you have written as unread unless you manually click on "mark read" in the message.   Under the former format, the system would assume that you had read a message if you had written it.  There is an easy work around once you figure out what is happening; but,  until then, it can be disconcerting if you are expecting a return message to a message you have sent.

Here's another observation.  This one could be intentional.  If you are reading a thread that appears on other than the first page of your listing of discussions, and you click on the "Maplewood Online" link, you are brought to the first page of the listing of discussions but if you click on the "return to all discussions" link, you are returned to the page on which the discussion you have been reading is listed.  

ETA:  If you add a new comment to the discussion, and you click on "return to all discussions,"  you are brought to the first page of the listing of discussions since that is where the discussion, which you have just updated, would be found.

joan_crystal said:

Here's another observation.  This one could be intentional.  If you are reading a thread that appears on other than the first page of your listing of discussions, and you click on the "Maplewood Online" link, you are brought to the first page of the listing of discussions but if you click on the "return to all discussions" link, you are returned to the page on which the discussion you have been reading is listed.  

 I think it is intentional and I agree with the intention in this case.

jamie et al,I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy the picture pop-outs. That's a spectacular feature.

Say what? 

It might not happen this time, but I have had quotes and my comment all come out green!

marylago said:

jamie et al,I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy the picture pop-outs. That's a spectacular feature.


Tahda! It happens only when I respond under the quote. 

Any idea when we might be able to limit the threads we see? I.e., block certain categories? It would make navigating so much simpler and faster...

PeggyC said:

Any idea when we might be able to limit the threads we see? I.e., block certain categories? It would make navigating so much simpler and faster...

 Not in the very near future - but it's on our list.

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