The New York Times - They're even more evil now

This was written by Peter Baker of the NYT:

“Has there ever been a presidency like this?” Mr. Kelly asked plaintively.

“I assured him there had not,” Mr. Bolton recalls in his new book.

That is self-evidently true and yet it bears repeating every once in a while. After more than three years of the Trump presidency, it has become easy to forget at times just how out of the ordinary it really is. The normalization of Mr. Trump’s norm-busting, line-crossing, envelope-pushing administration has meant that what was once shocking now seems like just another day.

The degree of un-self-awareness astounds. He has been normalizing the guy for years, and now he's surprised?

Fire him. And his editor.

I have a separate beef with the NYT. Comments on their site need to be approved by a moderator. And more often than not my comments are not approved. I don’t insult anyone, I don’t use profanity, and I disagree with their columnists respectfully. And yet they only rarely allow my comments. Is it just that they really aren’t even reviewing most of the comments?

dunno. seems that most times when I want to look at the comments for an article, there are none.

drummerboy said:

This was written by Peter Baker of the NYT:

“Has there ever been a presidency like this?” Mr. Kelly asked plaintively.

“I assured him there had not,” Mr. Bolton recalls in his new book.

That is self-evidently true and yet it bears repeating every once in a while. After more than three years of the Trump presidency, it has become easy to forget at times just how out of the ordinary it really is. The normalization of Mr. Trump’s norm-busting, line-crossing, envelope-pushing administration has meant that what was once shocking now seems like just another day.

The degree of un-self-awareness astounds. He has been normalizing the guy for years, and now he's surprised?

Fire him. And his editor.


basil said:

drummerboy said:

This was written by Peter Baker of the NYT:

“Has there ever been a presidency like this?” Mr. Kelly asked plaintively.

“I assured him there had not,” Mr. Bolton recalls in his new book.

That is self-evidently true and yet it bears repeating every once in a while. After more than three years of the Trump presidency, it has become easy to forget at times just how out of the ordinary it really is. The normalization of Mr. Trump’s norm-busting, line-crossing, envelope-pushing administration has meant that what was once shocking now seems like just another day.

The degree of un-self-awareness astounds. He has been normalizing the guy for years, and now he's surprised?

Fire him. And his editor.


 huh what?

Try this - Peter Baker is guilty (much more than most given his lofty perch) of the "normalization" that he is all of a sudden shocked by. He is clueless as to his own effect.

drummerboy said:

basil said:

drummerboy said:

This was written by Peter Baker of the NYT:

“Has there ever been a presidency like this?” Mr. Kelly asked plaintively.

“I assured him there had not,” Mr. Bolton recalls in his new book.

That is self-evidently true and yet it bears repeating every once in a while. After more than three years of the Trump presidency, it has become easy to forget at times just how out of the ordinary it really is. The normalization of Mr. Trump’s norm-busting, line-crossing, envelope-pushing administration has meant that what was once shocking now seems like just another day.

The degree of un-self-awareness astounds. He has been normalizing the guy for years, and now he's surprised?

Fire him. And his editor.


 huh what?

Try this - Peter Baker is guilty (much more than most given his lofty perch) of the "normalization" that he is all of a sudden shocked by. He is clueless as to his own effect.

Peter Baker is guilty of the normalization of Trump? Are you sure you have your priorities straight?

basil said:

drummerboy said:

basil said:

drummerboy said:

This was written by Peter Baker of the NYT:

“Has there ever been a presidency like this?” Mr. Kelly asked plaintively.

“I assured him there had not,” Mr. Bolton recalls in his new book.

That is self-evidently true and yet it bears repeating every once in a while. After more than three years of the Trump presidency, it has become easy to forget at times just how out of the ordinary it really is. The normalization of Mr. Trump’s norm-busting, line-crossing, envelope-pushing administration has meant that what was once shocking now seems like just another day.

The degree of un-self-awareness astounds. He has been normalizing the guy for years, and now he's surprised?

Fire him. And his editor.


 huh what?

Try this - Peter Baker is guilty (much more than most given his lofty perch) of the "normalization" that he is all of a sudden shocked by. He is clueless as to his own effect.

Peter Baker is guilty of the normalization of Trump? Are you sure you have your priorities straight?

Absolutely. The normalization of Trump will be one of the very worst effects of a Trump Presidency after he's gone, and will be one of the main topics that historians look at in the future. I warned about this back in 2016.

Why, what's your priority?

drummerboy said:

basil said:

drummerboy said:

basil said:

drummerboy said:

This was written by Peter Baker of the NYT:

“Has there ever been a presidency like this?” Mr. Kelly asked plaintively.

“I assured him there had not,” Mr. Bolton recalls in his new book.

That is self-evidently true and yet it bears repeating every once in a while. After more than three years of the Trump presidency, it has become easy to forget at times just how out of the ordinary it really is. The normalization of Mr. Trump’s norm-busting, line-crossing, envelope-pushing administration has meant that what was once shocking now seems like just another day.

The degree of un-self-awareness astounds. He has been normalizing the guy for years, and now he's surprised?

Fire him. And his editor.


 huh what?

Try this - Peter Baker is guilty (much more than most given his lofty perch) of the "normalization" that he is all of a sudden shocked by. He is clueless as to his own effect.

Peter Baker is guilty of the normalization of Trump? Are you sure you have your priorities straight?

Absolutely. The normalization of Trump will be one of the very worst effects of a Trump Presidency after he's gone, and will be one of the main topics that historians look at in the future. I warned about this back in 2016.

Why, what's your priority?

Get Biden in the WH and win the Senate

basil said:

drummerboy said:

basil said:

drummerboy said:

basil said:

drummerboy said:

This was written by Peter Baker of the NYT:

“Has there ever been a presidency like this?” Mr. Kelly asked plaintively.

“I assured him there had not,” Mr. Bolton recalls in his new book.

That is self-evidently true and yet it bears repeating every once in a while. After more than three years of the Trump presidency, it has become easy to forget at times just how out of the ordinary it really is. The normalization of Mr. Trump’s norm-busting, line-crossing, envelope-pushing administration has meant that what was once shocking now seems like just another day.

The degree of un-self-awareness astounds. He has been normalizing the guy for years, and now he's surprised?

Fire him. And his editor.


 huh what?

Try this - Peter Baker is guilty (much more than most given his lofty perch) of the "normalization" that he is all of a sudden shocked by. He is clueless as to his own effect.

Peter Baker is guilty of the normalization of Trump? Are you sure you have your priorities straight?

Absolutely. The normalization of Trump will be one of the very worst effects of a Trump Presidency after he's gone, and will be one of the main topics that historians look at in the future. I warned about this back in 2016.

Why, what's your priority?

Get Biden in the WH and win the Senate

 You don't think normalizing Trump hinders Biden?

drummerboy said:

basil said:

drummerboy said:

basil said:

drummerboy said:

basil said:

drummerboy said:

This was written by Peter Baker of the NYT:

“Has there ever been a presidency like this?” Mr. Kelly asked plaintively.

“I assured him there had not,” Mr. Bolton recalls in his new book.

That is self-evidently true and yet it bears repeating every once in a while. After more than three years of the Trump presidency, it has become easy to forget at times just how out of the ordinary it really is. The normalization of Mr. Trump’s norm-busting, line-crossing, envelope-pushing administration has meant that what was once shocking now seems like just another day.

The degree of un-self-awareness astounds. He has been normalizing the guy for years, and now he's surprised?

Fire him. And his editor.


 huh what?

Try this - Peter Baker is guilty (much more than most given his lofty perch) of the "normalization" that he is all of a sudden shocked by. He is clueless as to his own effect.

Peter Baker is guilty of the normalization of Trump? Are you sure you have your priorities straight?

Absolutely. The normalization of Trump will be one of the very worst effects of a Trump Presidency after he's gone, and will be one of the main topics that historians look at in the future. I warned about this back in 2016.

Why, what's your priority?

Get Biden in the WH and win the Senate

 You don't think normalizing Trump hinders Biden?

I actually do not know the answer to that question. But I do know that chasing events from 3 1/2 years ago is a waste of my time, because I cannot change it anymore anyway.

And I also think we should not only focus on the WH. The Senate is key also. As more and more races become competitive, we will need resources to win some of them:

normalizing Trump also normalizes the insanity in the GOP, who will be fighting Democrats tooth and nail for the foreseeable future regardless of what happens to Trump.  So in order for the country to move forward we also need to push back hard on the normalization of the lying and the craziness.

basil said:

drummerboy said:

basil said:

drummerboy said:

basil said:

drummerboy said:

basil said:

drummerboy said:

This was written by Peter Baker of the NYT:

“Has there ever been a presidency like this?” Mr. Kelly asked plaintively.

“I assured him there had not,” Mr. Bolton recalls in his new book.

That is self-evidently true and yet it bears repeating every once in a while. After more than three years of the Trump presidency, it has become easy to forget at times just how out of the ordinary it really is. The normalization of Mr. Trump’s norm-busting, line-crossing, envelope-pushing administration has meant that what was once shocking now seems like just another day.

The degree of un-self-awareness astounds. He has been normalizing the guy for years, and now he's surprised?

Fire him. And his editor.


 huh what?

Try this - Peter Baker is guilty (much more than most given his lofty perch) of the "normalization" that he is all of a sudden shocked by. He is clueless as to his own effect.

Peter Baker is guilty of the normalization of Trump? Are you sure you have your priorities straight?

Absolutely. The normalization of Trump will be one of the very worst effects of a Trump Presidency after he's gone, and will be one of the main topics that historians look at in the future. I warned about this back in 2016.

Why, what's your priority?

Get Biden in the WH and win the Senate

 You don't think normalizing Trump hinders Biden?

I actually do not know the answer to that question. But I do know that chasing events from 3 1/2 years ago is a waste of my time, because I cannot change it anymore anyway.

And I also think we should not only focus on the WH. The Senate is key also. As more and more races become competitive, we will need resources to win some of them:

chasing events from 3 1/2 years ago?


The NYT coverage of Trump is an ongoing disaster. 

drummerboy said:

here's some interesting commentary on a recent Dean Baquet interview

 if we are going to be honest, this didn't start with Trump.  If anything, it was worse during the W. Bush years.  The Times did its part to get us into a phony war because they obediently transcribed the Bush Admin's WMD lies.  Remember this Stephen Colbert quote from 2006?

But, listen, let's review the rules. Here's how it works. The President makes decisions. He's the decider. The press secretary announces those decisions, and you people of the press type those decisions down. Make, announce, type. Just put 'em through a spell check and go home. Get to know your family again. Make love to your wife. Write that novel you got kicking around in your head. You know, the one about the intrepid Washington reporter with the courage to stand up to the administration? You know, fiction!

this column by right wing nitwit Bret Stephens didn't look like a very good take back in April, but it looks a hell of a lot worse right now. 

America Shouldn’t Have to Play by New York Rules 

A national lockdown is bad medicine and worse politics.

Sorry, I didn't see the above before I just referenced that column in another thread

I posted this link yesterday on Rose Garden — no comments.

mtierney said:

I posted this link yesterday on Rose Garden — no comments.

 You start.

mtierney said:

I posted this link yesterday on Rose Garden — no comments.

 we've been commenting on it a lot in another thread.  Don't fee the need to repeat it all here for your amusement.

mtierney said:

I posted this link yesterday on Rose Garden — no comments.

 Didn't see it or know anything about it. I have now read it. Here is the "other side" for you to watch or read and comment upon.

mtierney said:

Yet more on Weiss letter...

 The article mentions the Weiss letter, but it's not about the letter.  It's about the author's own "causes".  What do you think is in that article which provides insight on the letter, that we should focus on?

mtierney said:

Yet more on Weiss letter...

 why should we pay attention to this dude?  He's really an idiot:

This is why I reject politics and a political identity. They cloud the truth of what I really believe. I believe in the power of love. I believe in the equality of man. I believe in freedom and America.

His "truth" is what he believes.  holy jeebus.

ml1 said:

His "truth" is what he believes.  holy jeebus.

 The way most opinions are formed, right?

nohero said:

 The article mentions the Weiss letter, but it's not about the letter.  It's about the author's own "causes".  What do you think is in that article which provides insight on the letter, that we should focus on?

 Days ago, I posted the link for Weiss’ letter. Since I have been chastised for repeating links, I suggest you reread it.

mtierney said:

 The way most opinions are formed, right?

Not among smart people who want to base their opinions on empirical observation, logic and reason

mtierney said:

nohero said:

 The article mentions the Weiss letter, but it's not about the letter.  It's about the author's own "causes".  What do you think is in that article which provides insight on the letter, that we should focus on?

 Days ago, I posted the link for Weiss’ letter. Since I have been chastised for repeating links, I suggest you reread it.

I read the Weiss letter.  That wasn't my question.

I forgot that I was going to get a rude response by asking a question about the article that was posted. 

what's wrong with this paragraph?

It's from CNN, as it happens, but I have no doubt I can find similar constructions in the Times.

The portrait of former President Barack Obama is not expected to be unveiled for a formal ceremony during Trump's first term, a sign of the bitter relationship between the 44th and 45th presidents.
Trump has accused Obama of unsubstantiated and unspecified crimes, and
has questioned whether Obama was born in the US for years.

NY Times stands by Russiagate reporting despite new documents that have been released showing that Intelligence knew assertions of collusion were unsubstantiated.   Please note that I am unable to see the full NY Times defense of their reporting as it is behind a pay wall.

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