The MOL "Free to a Good Home" (Freecycle) Thread

Posted By: jersey_boyEbay was the last place to find stuff that has been recalled. The world will never be the same.

Is this how you do your Holiday shopping for little J_B? Search E-bay for recalled toys? :wink:

There are currently 11 items listed in the free classifieds, 8 of which have no picture. And these include the 15 year old washer and dryer that had to be picked up by LAST Saturday and the "rapidly drying out" Christmas tree that needs to be planted a.s.a.p. So funny.
I wonder why nobody checks the free classifieds?

Posted By: jersey_boy
Posted By: crazy_quilterI know one person who's ebay account was shut down permanently because he was selling some lawn darts that have been recalled!



Posted By: TigerLillyWow...I'm surprised since lawn darts are usually so safe!


Posted By: Trip2121There are currently 11 items listed in the free classifieds, 8 of which have no picture. And these include the 15 year old washer and dryer that had to be picked up by LAST Saturday and the "rapidly drying out" Christmas tree that needs to be planted a.s.a.p. So funny.
I wonder why nobody checks the free classifieds?

that's cuz you if you snooze, you lose! the good stuff gets taken and then the ad is REMOVED. duh!

"Free-to-good-home" posts on the Message Board: Pets, Garden, Please Help, and Virtual Cafe, have never failed to connect people with stuff.

I think the current system is pretty efficient.

Posts for "Things Needed" seem to work out pretty fast also.

I've given and gotten many things through the Message Board, but most of you already know that.

Posted By: memthink how easy it would be to find something that maybe you didn't even realize you needed while arguing furiously here? : )
:rolling: sorry i had to laugh at your 'arguing furiously...' i think it would be a great idea! do you think jamie / dave will go for it?

Posted By: silkcityIt bothers me to think of perfectly-good Legos being thrown away, both for the environment and the sheer waste factor.
i bet jersery_boy and his son would love your legos!

Posted By: memI am the (current) proud owner of a changing table that is making its way around Golf Island via word of mouth. When I am done, I would rather make it available to all of MSO instead of waiting for someone here in Golf Island to need it.
if's available in july i bet harley would put it to good use.

Posted By: Trip2121I wonder why nobody checks the free classifieds?
fear maybe? of a stranger coming to your house? i think there is more of a safety factor on mol message boards.

If each person who has posted on this thread endeavors to put something in the free classifieds in the next few days, then it will be much less sparse and perhaps will pick up more momentum. As a start, I'd like to offer two baby gates that I got from my brother and didn't need. They're pretty basic, but we don't have instructions, and I'm not sure if the plastic bag with hardware that he gave us is for one or both babygates. Does that sound like a reasonable thing to offer? What about an unused messenger-type bag imprinted with the logo of a conference that my husband went to recently?

Posted By: just the auntfear maybe? of a stranger coming to your house? i think there is more of a safety factor on mol message boards.
When a MOLer needed a used cell phone and I had one I was more than willing to part with, we met at a busy parking lot in South Orange. I always advise picking well lit and busy places to met when doing transactions from the web.

I did get some wooden-type window blinds from someone's home that were put here on MOL, but it was the homeowners choice to have me go to her house. Personally, I would feel uncomfortable with people coming to my house, unless it was something obvious that couldn't be easily transported for a swap, like a sofa or a refrigerator, or a framistan.

I'm looking for spare Scrabble tiles. We have the swivel, drop in tile board and some of the tiles are missing -- GASP! Anyone have an old Scrabble game they aren't using and could spare the tiles?

Posted By: spontaneousor a framistan.

Darn, did I miss a framistan again?

Seriously, I love love love the idea of one place where we could post and/or peruse the offerings. Just keeping this thread going would do it, I guess.

Kibbegirl, let me know via whisper what letters you need. I have a collection of "extras" that I can dig into.


I am offering a free, right of first refusal, on all my future used toilet seats...:wink:

Posted By: jabAs a start, I'd like to offer two baby gates that I got from my brother and didn't need
i brt las or one of the kitty rescue people could put them to good use!

Posted By: spontaneousWhen a MOLer needed a used cell phone and I had one I was more than willing to part with, we met at a busy parking lot in South Orange.
i've borrowed a cellphone from someone on mol. i went to their house to get it. people have come to my house and i've gone to theirs to pick up and drop things off. i've also given at least two people who post on mol rides when i never met them before.

i searched their user name to see their post history first. i would do this with someone from the classifieds though.

Posted By: spontaneousI always advise picking well lit and busy places to met when doing transactions from the web.
unlike the woman from craig's list who met the men at the intersection or center and walwick! (i'm thinking there is more to that story)

i have a sister to give away if anyone wants her. i'l even throw in the brother in law. heck i'll PAY someone to take them!!!

Has anyone tried the Freecycle for Essex County?

JTA-How can I get in touch with las to see if she can use the baby gates?

I wonder if anybody wants the headboard, footboard, and side rails for a twin bed (natural wood color). It might have started as the bottom part of the bunk bed. No mattress. We don't have the screws for it and we're not sure whether it needs slats to support a mattress or maybe a box spring/platform.

Also, now that my husband and I have been sharing a household for 10.5 years, we've determined that we may as well give away one of the irons from our single days. It actually is in decent condition and certainly safe. This came up in conversation the other day when we realized that we still have two irons (not that either one gets much use).

We've had great luck w/the MOL Classifieds. Purchased a lovely oak sideboard a few years ago and I bought a chest to use as part of a kitchen island I'm building. We also bought a new bed frame.

Posted By: jabJTA-How can I get in touch with las to see if she can use the baby gates?
am pretty sure it was las looking for baby gates. i post in the pets topic because i know it was one of the cat people looking.

I have a several pieces of furniture to freecycle or donate. I don't have access to a large vehicle, and have not been able to find a nonprofit which can pick these items up. I would LOVE to make them available to anyone in need!
Items include a large bookshelf, a couple of dressers, a coffee table, folding chairs, and a small dropleaf desk. Please whisper me if you have a suggestion.
Many thanks.

Should I post this here or in Free Classified?

Posted By: memShould I post this here or in Free Classifie
so THAT's what a framistan is!:rolling:

MEM, you CAN'T give a framistan away! Aren't they collector's items????? (I always thought it was a small country in central Asia, but clearly I was wrong. Thanks to PhilC for clearing that up...)

Jab if the baby gates have a swing gate I would love one of them.

(Thanks, JTA, for bringing this to my attention!)

For the record, I always check the Free Classifieds. I just emailed someone yesterday about a free futon (haven't heard back...)

Freecycle on MOL would be Awesome- Just for the fact it would be soo local !!! then if no bites the poster could move it to the original Freecycle .......

Posted By: silkcity It bothers me to think of perfectly-good Legos being thrown away, both for the environment and the sheer waste factor.

I missed this. I'll take LEGOs, unless that was a made up example. Whisper me, silkcity. I'll pick up, and I promise not to turn the meeting into a home invasion.:wink:

I think we tried a while back to convince the Brothers Ross to have a Freecycle Section. I agree that more people would notice it. That being said, I have given and gotten many things here on MOL and can never applaud its virtues enough.
After the wonderful outpouring I had in November with my impromptu Save Poochie Yard Sale, I have been seriously thinking of hosting another sale in the spring with donations from MOL. Still trying to figure out where the money would go, but I am seriously leaning toward a fund that will help people with animal expenses especially since this is such an animal friendly board. The other thought was a fund for helping people with heating bills (since I received so much attention from the media, I thought I could call in a few cards with the news people). I have a long background in fundraising and distributions to people in need.

MOL does have freecycle. Look at the first page. Click on Classifieds. You'll see the column on the right that says Others. Under that it says Free Items. Also on the first page at the top is the Barter Market. I remember when that was requested,too.

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