The "eclipse" conspiracy

An honest media would be looking into this.

In fact the entire politico-scientifico-corporate power structure is aligned behind the eclipse. This includes the mainstream media. How many news stories have you read about how the eclipse won’t happen?

Meanwhile the newspaper owner Jeff Bezos is out there buying all of Seattle with the revenue from these “eclipse glasses.”

You’d think there would be a balanced look at even considering the idea that the eclipse isn’t going to happen. It’s like no one is even thinking to question this. Where are their voices? Why does Google give so few results that say the eclipse is fake? I would start by looking at Mark Zuckerberg and Charles “Chuck” Schumer.

True. Alternative views haven't been given space.

The answers are in Hillary's deleted emails.

besides,you can't have an eclipse if the world is flat. Which it is.

I believe it is Ham (of the Ark project in Tennessee) who can't wait for the eclipse NOT to happen so that so called scientists will be proven wrong and maybe people will reject science for the Bible's truth.

drummerboy said:

besides,you can't have an eclipse if the world is flat. Which it is.

are you trying to tell me that one orbiting disk can't block out another orbiting disk?

Doesn't it depend which way the Great Turtle Artuan is facing? 

I'm still working out the physics...

ml1 said:

drummerboy said:

besides,you can't have an eclipse if the world is flat. Which it is.

are you trying to tell me that one orbiting disk can't block out another orbiting disk?

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