The Bitching Thread

I know someone already complained about this, but after seeing two parking spaces taken up by discarded carts at Target yesterday....DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM THE CART COLLECTION AREA....It's infuriating. Lazy M&thr F*#king LAZY sons of a......... SERIOUSLY???? RIGHT ACROSS FROM THE CART COLLECTION AREA???? No excuse. None.

Whew.... That felt good.

OH, but while I'm here:

I wish we hadn't bothered upgrading to the iPhone 5. The sales woman told us we would be blinded by how much faster the 5 is compared to the 4, and I'm not seeing it. At all. Siri is kind of fun, but really the woman can be stunningly ignorant. I mean, where is she getting her information? I ask her a question and she has no clue. Then I Google it on the iPhone, and there's the answer. Sheesh. And she once guided me step by step to a rather bad and extremely industrial part of Providence when I was trying to find Pottery Barn. Not cool, Siri.

I hate approaching an intersection when one car is turning with no regard for any other car behind them. Instead of moving to allow for cars behind them to be able to move they sit in the middle of the road, the light turns red again, they scoot through and the rest of us are still sitting there. I curse in my head ( and sometimes out loud, to myself)

Copihue said:

Lizziecat, I see two bitching rants for you on the subject of Brooklyn. I am afraid that you will need to move to the Whinning Thread to continue to rant about Brooklyn. Don't worry. I will start it for you. Give me a minute.

Seriously? Who spells "whining" with a double n? It would have been one thing if it had been once, but thrice? Uh, so not an accident...

I can't stand online articles that include tweets from various sources as content. This is a very lazy attempt at generating content.
I don't care what freakin' hashtags someone added after they tweeted the news about something.

How about a good old fashioned quote or two?

I thought it was 'whining' combined with 'winning' to give us a sense of accomplishment after venting on the new thread. #-O
Edited to add: oh crap: Peggy already defined that on the other thread. sigh. Completes my feeling of being an idiot today.

I was driving in MAPSO yesterday and on three separate occasions I saw someone lazily walking in the street for no apparent reason- i.e. there was a sidewalk readily available, and they appeared to be walking along on the street as a matter of preference, not necessity.

It would be bad enough that they forced me to slow and carefully drive around them by entering the oncoming traffic lane in two instances, but for one of them, it could have been potentially fatal- they were strolling on South Orange Avenue by Seton Hall, at 5:45 AM, in total darkness in an area with few streetlights. It would have been very, very easy to miss seeing them until the very last minute. As I zipped past them I shuddered to think what might have happened if I had been someone with poorer vision...


You're right. It was really dark at that time. I hate the fact that the days are getting shorter...

Maybe they want to be very visible. Maybe they are afraid of what could be hidding in the bushes. But I agree that they are scary. Cyclists do that on Valley St as well.

Along the same lines as Peggy, I sometimes really hate my GPS and yell at it. How many times has it put me on a dead end street or given me the long way of getting somewhere? When I finally learned my area, I used to turn it on just to tell 'her' that she was an idiot and I knew a better way of going. So I let the GPS recalculate and smile.

So there you go, a bitch and a smile (or a smiling bitch?).

PS - Next time you talk to Siri, tell her you hate her and see how she responds.

I'm afraid she would take me to a REALLY bad part of Providence if I did that, Monjay. She might be vindictive, for all I know.

Acronyms! I understand why they have become to important for twitter, but WHY, WHY do people insist on using them in everyday speech and writing???? This is especially irritating on thread titles on MOL. You want help and use an unfamiliar acronym in the title. Today I had to open a thread I found I had no interest in just to find out what CCM was.

My GPS has taken me through some beautiful parts of Patterson...

F*ing chipmunks aren't leaving any seed in my bird feeders for... well... the BIRDS!

Peggy - put an old record or pie tin on top of the bird feeder.

Oooo... I might be able to do something with that idea. I have an excellent squirrel baffle on one feeder pole, which at least stops SOME of the rodents, but the other one has a feeder with a cage around it that's supposed to stop everything but little birds. What I didn't realize was that the chipmunks and red squirrels could SQUEEZE through the bars and gorge at will.

Now, if someone would tell me how to prevent huge mobs of GRACKLES from descending on the feeders every morning as if they were all notifying each other on their smart phones, I'd be happier.

Add some hot spices to your birdseed mix and they'll remember not to come back. Birds don't have taste buds so it won't harm them.

REALLY? Then why do so many birds go wild for one kind of seed but not for another??

Birds have fewer than 50 taste buds while we have around 9,000. They rely more on sight and texture than taste. Something I learned in Boy Scouts oh oh

Huh. Well, I was only a Girl Scout for about 10 minutes (the local groups were a disaster) so I will have to consider this a serious gap in my training and education. oh oh

But while I am on the bitching thread, why the heck are there no BYOB restaurants within a 30-mile radius of the house we bought? And why the heck didn't it occur to us to make that one of our criteria???


Add some hot spices to your birdseed mix and they'll remember not to come back. Birds don't have taste buds so it won't harm them.

I bought one of those HUGE things of hot pepper seeds to do this. Never stopped a single squirrel. My squirrels like it spicy, I guess...

amie said:

We just had the worst houseguests ever.

I'm with you amie! We are having terrible house guests right now. They have been here for a week. I've been cooking and cleaning for them and they don't lift a finger to help - they don't even take their plates back to the kitchen. Also, didn't offer to take a turn getting groceries or anything. But, worst of all, they have a toddler who whines non-stop, while they scream on top such nice things like "shut up, you little brat!". Today the dad even slapped the kid's hand out on a restaurant. I hate it that my own kids are being exposed to such bad behavior (kid and parents alike). So glad they leave tomorrow!

At least bitching about it gives some comfort...

These house guests are strangely reminiscent of my husband. He was never properly trained, and now in his 50s, resists all efforts at teaching old dogs new and improved tricks. I keep hoping with each new home that he will somehow magically improve, and I keep on being surprised at how wrong I am about that.

But yet, bitching is strangely comforting.

Why can't hotels soundproof walls between rooms? Last night we got to listen to the guy in the next room throw up at 2am. He sounded so miserable we considered calling room service to send him ginger ale and crackers. Two nights ago at a different hotel we were kept awake by the guy in the next room snoring. I don't even want to think about what they heard! wink

Can I talk a moment about how much I hate 'The Pound'? I mostly hate grown men who do 'The Pound' - what ever happened to just shaking someones hand when greeting or dismissing them? Even worse? The pound with an explosion at the end. Are we all in a Three Stooges movie or something? I would prefer a 'Nyuk-Nyuk-Nyuk' to The Pound, or even a "Hey Fadda, whadya hear, whatdaya say?". Grown men should not do The Pound or wear a baseball cap backwards, that's all I'm sayin'.

MonJay said:

Can I talk a moment about how much I hate 'The Pound'? I mostly hate grown men who do 'The Pound' - what ever happened to just shaking someones hand when greeting or dismissing them? Even worse? The pound with an explosion at the end. Are we all in a Three Stooges movie or something? I would prefer a 'Nyuk-Nyuk-Nyuk' to The Pound, or even a "Hey Fadda, whadya hear, whatdaya say?". Grown men should not do The Pound or wear a baseball cap backwards, that's all I'm sayin'.

I wore a baseball cap backwards the other day. Because the sun was behind me.

I agree, though. The Pound is out. The Dap is back in.

ObBitch: It immediately pissed down with rain as soon as I left O'Reilly's last night and I got drenched. I mean come on, the hangover this morning is karma enough for the 4 beers I had, so soaking me down like a grim wet t-shirt competition is laying it on thick, no?

My daughter loves to complain about things she has direct control over.
My nose is so stuffy! (did you take your allergy medicine? It tastes yucky!)
My hair is gross! (did you shower? I hate showering!)
My face has pimples (did you shower and wash your face? did you then put the pimple medicine I bought on it? I hate showering! I hate the pimple stuff!)
And forget that she stinks every day because she forgets deodorant. Uhg.

My fcuking house won't clean itself.

@ridski -

Had to go look this up, and now I know what it is. I'll stick with a handshake, if it's all the same to you - The Dap is Gansta (and also a bit gang style culture). Thanks for the lesson though wink

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