Surprise!!!!! Kim Davis Becomes A Republican AND Gets a High-Five From the Pope!

BTW, the Vatican is distancing the Pope from Ms. Davis, releasing a statement to the effect that the meeting was NOT intended to endorse her actions. All papal approval was added by her team of professional asshats.

Not sure if this had been shared here previously as I just skimmed through the thread, and it is speculation but food for thought. At any rate, I do not think that we should condemn the pope in this situation.

sac said:
Not sure if this had been shared here previously as I just skimmed through the thread, and it is speculation but food for thought. At any rate, I do not think that we should condemn the pope in this situation.

Excellent article, and a very interesting theory. Thanks.

Think you all find this interesting, too.

BG9 said:

mumstheword said:I wouldn't have expected him to meet with her period. Now it seems the meeting was arranged 2 weeks ago with the right wing bishop in Washington. Now I don't give the Pope a pass on this, that he was duped into meeting with her as some say. He's a savvy guy, makes his own decisions.
The Vatican is not a banana republic. Their diplomatic/political service is considered to be the best in the world, the par excellence of diplomatic/political services.
A primary job of the service is to vet and look at the political risks when the pope meets with someone. I'm very surprised that the service failed to inform the papacy of the baggage Davis carries.
Their diplomatic service is not known for failure. Its likely be the papacy is very aware and wanted to send a message. Same sex marriage is anathema to their religious dogma. Its their religion, their rules, so its OK if that is what they want to believe. Not that anyone ever heard Jesus talk about gays.
Its not OK to enforce the belief on the whole public by supporting those who use governmental intervention to deny equal marriage.

You're talking as if everyone within the hierarchy is looking out for he Pope's interests. But that's obviously not true. There are many, many conservative members of the church who would like nothing more than for Pope Francis to just fall on his face, and it's becoming clear that this visit was meant to undermine and undercut the Pope's message.

mtierney said:
Think you all find this interesting, too.

Oh My. God. I'm am just shocked that a true man of God would meet with just anybody!

drummerboy said:

BG9 said:

mumstheword said:I wouldn't have expected him to meet with her period. Now it seems the meeting was arranged 2 weeks ago with the right wing bishop in Washington. Now I don't give the Pope a pass on this, that he was duped into meeting with her as some say. He's a savvy guy, makes his own decisions.
The Vatican is not a banana republic. Their diplomatic/political service is considered to be the best in the world, the par excellence of diplomatic/political services.
A primary job of the service is to vet and look at the political risks when the pope meets with someone. I'm very surprised that the service failed to inform the papacy of the baggage Davis carries.
Their diplomatic service is not known for failure. Its likely be the papacy is very aware and wanted to send a message. Same sex marriage is anathema to their religious dogma. Its their religion, their rules, so its OK if that is what they want to believe. Not that anyone ever heard Jesus talk about gays.
Its not OK to enforce the belief on the whole public by supporting those who use governmental intervention to deny equal marriage.
You're talking as if everyone within the hierarchy is looking out for he Pope's interests. But that's obviously not true. There are many, many conservative members of the church who would like nothing more than for Pope Francis to just fall on his face, and it's becoming clear that this visit was meant to undermine and undercut the Pope's message.

You're absolutely right. I finally figured out my outrage: I wanted to believe that he was making a major difference within the church (not that that really makes any difference to me as far as my own spiritual beliefs are concerned). Although there were various bad signs that I was detecting along the way, I wanted to believe differently. Reading the Esquire article was an eye-opener for me and now I understand why others here thought this thread belonged in the "Politics" category. It is, and always will be, Church Politics. The Pope is guilty of it too, and that's the shame of the whole thing.

marylago said:

mtierney said:
Think you all find this interesting, too.
Oh My. God. I'm am just shocked that a true man of God would meet with just anybody!

You're missing the point. It's not her. It's what she represents. The Pope and the Vatican used people (including his former student who is gay and his partner -- we would never have heard of this meeting and none of that footage would ever have hit the airwaves if they weren't scrambling to backpedal on the Kim Davis matter) and instances to further whatever message he was trying to send out at the moment. The first red flag occurred to me before he set foot here -- watching that Town Hall Meeting where he answered questions from a bunch of "just anybodies". When the single mother and her two daughters were before him, he suddenly went off on how blessed she was that she didn't abort her two daughters to make her life easier! That had absolutely nothing to do with the question the daughter asked. That was when I changed channels, thinking, absolutely nothing will ever change with this Church.

Just saw this on Facebook. Apologies if it duplicates an earlier post.

sac said:
Not sure if this had been shared here previously as I just skimmed through the thread, and it is speculation but food for thought. At any rate, I do not think that we should condemn the pope in this situation.

It's Vigano he needs to distance himself from, not Kim Davis.

sac said:
Just saw this on Facebook. Apologies if it duplicates an earlier post.

Thank you for posting this! Heads will roll! oh oh

mumstheword said:

marylago said:

mtierney said:
Think you all find this interesting, too.
Oh My. God. I'm am just shocked that a true man of God would meet with just anybody!
You're missing the point. It's not her. It's what she represents. The Pope and the Vatican used people (including his former student who is gay and his partner -- we would never have heard of this meeting and none of that footage would ever have hit the airwaves if they weren't scrambling to backpedal on the Kim Davis matter) and instances to further whatever message he was trying to send out at the moment. The first red flag occurred to me before he set foot here -- watching that Town Hall Meeting where he answered questions from a bunch of "just anybodies". When the single mother and her two daughters were before him, he suddenly went off on how blessed she was that she didn't abort her two daughters to make her life easier! That had absolutely nothing to do with the question the daughter asked. That was when I changed channels, thinking, absolutely nothing will ever change with this Church.

Where did this Town Hall Meeting take place?

What did the daughter ask?

Thanks for any help.


This one?

Shows that every beaurocratic organization will always look to find a fall guy in reaction to a problem.

mumstheword said:

sac said:
Just saw this on Facebook. Apologies if it duplicates an earlier post.
Thank you for posting this! Heads will roll! <img src=">

Like Cardinal Law was "fired?"

We'll see. What's he waiting for?

In many dioceses if you're a priest or parochial school teacher and identify as gay you're fired immediately.

Don't bother to appeal to the pope - he's not interested. The papal response is that its up to the diocese or the administrative office the employed the "transgressor."

ridski said:
This one?


Yes. The particular segment begins around 19:00 in. Just rewatching it now made the hair on the back of my neck stand up in opposition.

Tom_R said:

mumstheword said:

marylago said:

mtierney said:
Think you all find this interesting, too.
Oh My. God. I'm am just shocked that a true man of God would meet with just anybody!
You're missing the point. It's not her. It's what she represents. The Pope and the Vatican used people (including his former student who is gay and his partner -- we would never have heard of this meeting and none of that footage would ever have hit the airwaves if they weren't scrambling to backpedal on the Kim Davis matter) and instances to further whatever message he was trying to send out at the moment. The first red flag occurred to me before he set foot here -- watching that Town Hall Meeting where he answered questions from a bunch of "just anybodies". When the single mother and her two daughters were before him, he suddenly went off on how blessed she was that she didn't abort her two daughters to make her life easier! That had absolutely nothing to do with the question the daughter asked. That was when I changed channels, thinking, absolutely nothing will ever change with this Church.
Where did this Town Hall Meeting take place?
What did the daughter ask?
Thanks for any help.

It was the ABC News Town Hall meeting with David Muir, I think the young lady in question was from Los Angeles. She spoke about being homeless, how her mother worked to make their lives better. For me, it wasn't really a question being asked (none of the people I watched actually asked a question -- they just went on and on about something about their lives with no actual question apparent to me). And then her mother is told by the Pope how brave she was that she didn't kill the lives inside of her to make her life easier!!!

See for yourself on Ridski's post, about 19:00 in.

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