Trump Casinos got ($25 Million) Break on Tax Bill under Christie

Forgive me if this was already posted.  The New York Times broke this story today, above the fold. The NYT's link is included within the Gawker article.  Gawker makes the point that the state of New Jersey ruthlessly hounded students and their families for student loans while Trump receives the largess of corporate welfare.  

Under Governor Christie, New Jersey forgave $25 Million Trump owed in Taxes

How convenient.......

You rub my back, I'll rub yours.

that the same Gawker who filed for bankruptcy protection to avoid honoring a judgment awarded for posting a video of a guy having sex and then agreed to sell their assets  to Univision, the entity who Trump sued for $500mm for not honoring a contract they had with one of his businesses?

it's the same Gawker that's just posting a link to the NY Times article on Trump

Robert_Casotto said:

that the same Gawker who filed for bankruptcy protection to avoid honoring a judgment awarded for posting a video of a guy having sex and then agreed to sell their assets  to Univision, the entity who Trump sued for $500mm for not honoring a contract they had with one of his businesses?

Of all the possible responses, that's the last one I expected.

Robert_Casotto said:

that the same Gawker who filed for bankruptcy protection to avoid honoring a judgment awarded for posting a video of a guy having sex and then agreed to sell their assets  to Univision, the entity who Trump sued for $500mm for not honoring a contract they had with one of his businesses?

you're really digging that hole deeper today.

So exciting to have Peter Thiel posting here.

MOL has been harboring a pretty fair number of straw men lately.

dave23 said:
Robert_Casotto said:

that the same Gawker who filed for bankruptcy protection to avoid honoring a judgment awarded for posting a video of a guy having sex and then agreed to sell their assets  to Univision, the entity who Trump sued for $500mm for not honoring a contract they had with one of his businesses?

Of all the possible responses, that's the last one I expected.

He just is negative all the time about every issue.  I think it's because he can't cite one single positive reason to support Trump.

DottyParker said:

Forgive me if this was already posted.  The New York Times broke this story today, above the fold. The NYT's link is included within the Gawker article.  Gawker makes the point that the state of New Jersey ruthlessly hounded students and their families for student loans while Trump receives the largess of corporate welfare.  

Under Governor Christie, New Jersey forgave $25 Million Trump owed in Taxes

Trickle down. What can the do students do for us? Nothing.

But our great Republican governor understands that economic doctrine of trickle down. Enrich the rich, like Trump. Le them have more and it trickles down to us, the little people. 

Look at Atlantic City. See how Trump has enriched the city and the workers.

Look at Appalachia. The coal barons enriching the populace there. Such a mecca of luxury.

Sarcasm aside. Who besides morons or the corrupt believe in trickle down? Who believes giving tax breaks to the likes of Trump is in the public interest?

Didn't DJT exit the casino business in 2009?

RobB said:

Didn't DJT exit the casino business in 2009?

"The company that owned the casinos failed to pay its taxes from 2002 through 2006—a period during which Trump was the company’s chairman and chief executive."

I'm sure Donald skimped on paying taxes (and his electric bill, carpet cleaning, the guy who waters the plants, etc) but isn't the accusation that Christie did a solid for his pal?

RobB said:

I'm sure Donald skimped on paying taxes (and his electric bill, carpet cleaning, the guy who waters the plants, etc) but isn't the accusation that Christie did a solid for his pal?

It's both.

RobB said:

I'm sure Donald skimped on paying taxes (and his electric bill, carpet cleaning, the guy who waters the plants) but isn't the accusation that Christie did a solid for his pal?

Yes, the matter was settled while Christie was in office. 

But Trump (the person) was no longer associated with Trump (the company) at that point, right?

I dunno. I'm not feeling this one.

Property tax abatements in Jersey City over the past 30 years have acted as a catalyst of redevelopment along JC's waterfront.  I will acknowledge that the JC abatements have sometimes been controversial and maybe not always fairly allocated.  However, about 20,000 Wall Street firm jobs have been relocated to JC. Which means additional income tax revenue to the state of NJ.  My simplified back-of-the envelope calculation of additional annual NJ tax revenue follows:

20,000 persons (in new JC jobs) x $60,000 salary/per annum x 4% NJ tax rate= $48 million/ per annum
Sounds pretty good to me.  We could use a few more successes like this here in NJ.
I have attached a link to the JC tax abatement details from a few years ago:

RobB said:

But Trump (the person) was no longer associated with Trump (the company) at that point, right?

I dunno. I'm not feeling this one.

So you don't think Trump the person had anything to do with this deal?

We shouldn't be surprised.

When it comes to the rich and powerful we can be sure of Christie serving their needs. No matter what it takes.

This reminds me of Christie's Exxon pollution settlement. A settlement that was reduced from 9.8 billion to 225 million. Less than 2 1/2 cents on the dollar.

But God forbid any student tries to settle their student debt. Forget it. The full power and majesty of the State of NJ will always be used to collect those debts.

dave23 said:
RobB said:

But Trump (the person) was no longer associated with Trump (the company) at that point, right?

I dunno. I'm not feeling this one.

So you don't think Trump the person had anything to do with this deal?

Why? If he were to personally benefit...sure. But do you think Trump is the kind of guy who calls in favors for the benefit of other people?

It's more likely that Christie gave away money to rich people (again) because that's simply what he does.

RobB said:
dave23 said:
RobB said:

But Trump (the person) was no longer associated with Trump (the company) at that point, right?

I dunno. I'm not feeling this one.

So you don't think Trump the person had anything to do with this deal?

Why? If he were to personally benefit...sure. But do you think Trump is the kind of guy who calls in favors for the benefit of other people?

It's more likely that Christie gave away money to rich people (again) because that's simply what he does.

Trump still had financial ties to the business. He owned 10%, I believe.

Which Wall St firms?  I know that Goldman sent most or all of their people back to NYC. 

RealityForAll said:

Property tax abatements in Jersey City over the past 30 years have acted as a catalyst of redevelopment along JC's waterfront.  I will acknowledge that the JC abatements have sometimes been controversial and maybe not always fairly allocated.  However, about 20,000 Wall Street firm jobs have been relocated to JC. Which means additional income tax revenue to the state of NJ.  My simplified back-of-the envelope calculation of additional annual NJ tax revenue follows:

20,000 persons (in new JC jobs) x $60,000 salary/per annum x 4% NJ tax rate= $48 million/ per annum
Sounds pretty good to me.  We could use a few more successes like this here in NJ.
I have attached a link to the JC tax abatement details from a few years ago:

But the casino was not the beneficiary of an abatement. They owed the money.

RobB said:

But Trump (the person) was no longer associated with Trump (the company) at that point, right?

I dunno. I'm not feeling this one.

He still owned 10% of the company and was the majority shareholder. So, yes he was still associated.

ml1 said:

it's the same Gawker that's just posting a link to the NY Times article on Trump

the same NYT whose majority shareholder is a top foreign donor to [Hillary] Clinton Foundation?

Robert_Casotto said:
ml1 said:

it's the same Gawker that's just posting a link to the NY Times article on Trump

the same NYT whose majority shareholder is a top foreign donor to [Hillary] Clinton Foundation?

Yes, that one. 

Lock him (Christie) up!  

mikescott said:

Lock him (Christie) up!  

The same Christie that likes to eat nachos, a food from Mexico, which is a country full of job-stealing rapists?

(Is that how this works?)

I'm not clear on this. Does this mean you think the story is false?

Robert_Casotto said:
ml1 said:

it's the same Gawker that's just posting a link to the NY Times article on Trump

the same NYT whose majority shareholder is a top foreign donor to [Hillary] Clinton Foundation?

yahooyahoo said:

Which Wall St firms?  I know that Goldman sent most or all of their people back to NYC. 
RealityForAll said:

Property tax abatements in Jersey City over the past 30 years have acted as a catalyst of redevelopment along JC's waterfront.  I will acknowledge that the JC abatements have sometimes been controversial and maybe not always fairly allocated.  However, about 20,000 Wall Street firm jobs have been relocated to JC. Which means additional income tax revenue to the state of NJ.  My simplified back-of-the envelope calculation of additional annual NJ tax revenue follows:

20,000 persons (in new JC jobs) x $60,000 salary/per annum x 4% NJ tax rate= $48 million/ per annum
Sounds pretty good to me.  We could use a few more successes like this here in NJ.
I have attached a link to the JC tax abatement details from a few years ago:

GS still has quite a few in there (primarily traders stayed in NYC if they were ever even here).  DB, RBC, ML, BOT, Citi, JPChase, DTC, Dow Jones, Jeffries, Lord Abbott, AIG, Fidelity...

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