Thought Experiment: Clinton/Sanders ticket

For purposes of this discussion, I'm assuming that Hillary wins the Democratic nomination. Bernie bros, hold your fire. I think she should pick Bernie for VP, unite the party. Any downsides to this idea?

I'm picturing them onstage - looks too much like an old couple, especially if the GOP picks Rubio, which I think they'd like to do.

GL2 said:

I'm picturing them onstage - looks too much like an old couple, especially if the GOP picks Rubio, which I think they'd like to do.

Yes, the visual isn't good. She'd look better paired with - who? And someone who's as valuable as Biden was to Obama. 

Cory Booker.

Wendy Davis.

Amy Klobuchar

Richard Blumenthal

Mark Warner

She is not going to pick Bernie.  I wish he would win and pick Elizabeth Warren as his VP.  That would be a good team.

I'd prefer Bernie staying in the Senate.  Instead of VP, he could rally those who were drawn to his campaign to stay involved and vote, especially in those Senate races where GOP candidates are vulnerable.  "Get out there and put me in the majority" is something he can try.  He's the ranking Democrat on the Senate Budget Committee, and he'd be the chair if the Democrats could take over the Senate. 

Rather like John McCain has done?

nan said:

She is not going to pick Bernie.  I wish he would win and pick Elizabeth Warren as his VP.  That would be a good team.

++4,000 maybe even ++5,000

max_weisenfeld said:

Rather like John McCain has done?

So you're thinking...Sheila Jackson?

I think she - like BHO - needs a rock solid experienced statesman to reassure voters who may be resistant to change, even if it's only uncertainty about the first woman president. 

She's very unlikely to pick another woman.  She needs to pick someone from a state that she needs help to win so look south and west. And she'll pick someone considerably younger (as will Bernie if he's the nominee).

I think she is definitely looking at Corey Booker - he had a lot of HRC pictures on his instagram.

GL2 said:

I think she - like BHO - needs a rock solid experienced statesman to reassure voters who may be resistant to change, even if it's only uncertainty about the first woman president. 

Don't agree. On her ticket, she's the rock solid experienced establishment statesperson and she needs someone that balances her. Younger, cooler etc.  I think Bernie needs the experienced statesperson more.

Given Sanders's passions about domestic issues and the economy, I think he could do a great deal of good if Hillary appointed him to run HUD or Dept of Education or something like that.

GL2 said:

I think she - like BHO - needs a rock solid experienced statesman to reassure voters who may be resistant to change, even if it's only uncertainty about the first woman president. 

For me- I'm not uncertain about a woman pres.  I don't want HER!  I'd cringe at Sanders + hrc.

It will not be Bernie or Warren, they bring nothing she doesn't already have.  She doesn't need a pick to 'unite the party', the party will have to unite regardless to fight off whoever the R's put up.  Cory Booker is a completely empty suit, he just looks good on talk shows.  Would say Wendy Davis but I don't think she can pick another woman.  Right now my money would be on Julian Castro. 

She needs to pick someone younger and hipper to give her the edge she doesn't have. She will want someone that has opposite strengths.  She shouldn't and won't pick another woman- that would seem silly like a female presidential candidate can't possibly be the boss to a powerful man.  And she already is a rock-solid stateswoman with tons of experience.  Obama has Biden because he was young and inexperienced.  Hillary is older and experienced, she needs a young person who can be groomed for a run in 9 years.

Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders can make better contributions to the Country by staying in the Senate.

Julian Castro is young, Hispanic and from a different part of the Country. 

Of course Trump or whoever is the Republican nominee will say or imply that he is the son or grandson or maybe nephew of Fidel .

LOST said:

Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders can make better contributions to the Country by staying in the Senate.

Julian Castro is young, Hispanic and from a different part of the Country. 

Of course Trump or whoever is the Republican nominee will say or imply that he is the son or grandson or maybe nephew of Fidel .


And Elizabeth Warren for President in 2024!

carrielogo said:

I think she is definitely looking at Corey Booker - he had a lot of HRC pictures on his instagram.

What a slap in the face Booker would be to the liberals in the party.  If she wants to signal at all that she's heard from the left and she's learned from the support Sanders has received, she will not choose Booker.

If HRC gets the nomination and ultimately wins, I think she should appoint Bernie the anticorruption czar.

ml1 said:
carrielogo said:

I think she is definitely looking at Corey Booker - he had a lot of HRC pictures on his instagram.

What a slap in the face Booker would be to the liberals in the party.  If she wants to signal at all that she's heard from the left and she's learned from the support Sanders has received, she will not choose Booker.

I don't think it's likely she'll appoint anyone from NJ.  It doesn't make a lot of sense.

The only Presidential-Vice Presidential ticket of running mates from adjacent States or States close to each other that I can think of is Clinton-Gore. 

Usually you want diverse geographic appeal.

Imho, a Clinton/Sanders ticket doesn't draw in the centrists and moderates.

Booker is still pretty green and carries the stink of a liberal media darling. His palling around with Oprah, the View and Spike Lee won't go over well in middle America.

Julian Castro presents just the right mix of solid Dem credentials, youth and optimism. Plus, he's Latino and from Texas - two details that cannot be ignored. 

Now he just needs to learn how to speak Spanish.

eliz said:

Now he just needs to learn how to speak Spanish.

Actually, I don't think so. There are so many 1st and 2nd generation immigrants in this country who don't speak their parents native language well or at all. I think attempting to speak Spanish - stunted, poorly accented Spanish - will endear him to the immigrant parents and their children. 

I keep seeing Cory Booker in columnists' lists of top 10 likely (or best?) choices for Supreme Court Justice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PUHLEEEZE!

Hahaha said:

Imho, a Clinton/Sanders ticket doesn't draw in the centrists and moderates.

are you suggesting Clinton is not "centrist?"  She sure as hell ain't a liberal.  On foreign policy, she's a neocon.

chopin said:

I keep seeing Cory Booker in columnists' lists of top 10 likely (or best?) choices for Supreme Court Justice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PUHLEEEZE!

That's ridiculous.  

I need to get a job as a pundit/columnist so I can get paid to say dumb things.

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