The real reason for the Transgender bathroom legislation??

Am I the only one who is a bit puzzled but the sudden surge in anti-transgender bathroom legislation? Like, what happened to bring this on? What did I miss? What is different today than it was 6 months ago when what bathroom Transgenders chose to use was a non-issue? Or rather, what is this a distraction from really? Does it seem like the old magician trick of look over here so that you don't see what is really happening?

pmartinezv said:

Am I the only one who is a bit puzzled but the sudden surge in anti-transgender bathroom legislation? Like, what happened to bring this on? What did I miss? What is different today than it was 6 months ago when what bathroom Transgenders chose to use was a non-issue? Or rather, what is this a distraction from really? Does it seem like the old magician trick of look over here so that you don't see what is really happening?

It's an election year. And yes, nothing has changed since 6 months ago except that the Reich Wing is trying to make our Trans brothers, sisters and folks who idenitfy outside of the gender binary the new electoral Boogeyman. Now that they can't scare folks about the L, G, or B they are using the T as a wedge issue.

pmartinezv said:

Am I the only one who is a bit puzzled but the sudden surge in anti-transgender bathroom legislation? Like, what happened to bring this on? What did I miss? What is different today than it was 6 months ago when what bathroom Transgenders chose to use was a non-issue? Or rather, what is this a distraction from really? Does it seem like the old magician trick of look over here so that you don't see what is really happening?

In North Carolina, the reason was a reaction to the Charlotte City Council passing a sweeping non-discrimination ordinance, which included allowing transgender people to use the bathroom of the gender with which they identify.

RobB said:

I'll just leave this right here.

Thanks. At least this shows who is behind it. 

I just love the whole freedom of religion non-sense, since those same people love to infringe on the freedoms of religion of others, simply because it is not their religion. I guess the whole "freedom of religion" should be modified permanently to "freedom of religion if you are Christian". 

pmartinezv said:
RobB said:

I'll just leave this right here.

Thanks. At least this shows who is behind it. 

I just love the whole freedom of religion non-sense, since those same people love to infringe on the freedoms of religion of others, simply because it is not their religion. I guess the whole "freedom of religion" should be modified permanently to "freedom of religion if you are Christian". 

Freedom of religion for *specific types* of Christians. Many of us Christians feel it's all nonsense too!

TarheelsInNj said:
pmartinezv said:
RobB said:

I'll just leave this right here.

Thanks. At least this shows who is behind it. 

I just love the whole freedom of religion non-sense, since those same people love to infringe on the freedoms of religion of others, simply because it is not their religion. I guess the whole "freedom of religion" should be modified permanently to "freedom of religion if you are Christian". 

Freedom of religion for *specific types* of Christians. Many of us Christians feel it's all nonsense too!

Indeed. Most of these people only see their rights being infringed upon while totally ignoring they are infringing on the rights of others simultaneously. SMH! Personally, this is just an excuse for some to justify bigotry against the LGBT community. 

And now let's not just focus on LGBT, let's also go after dads who are taking their kids to the bathroom.

I guess it is saver to let your little girl, or boy in my case, go alone? (YEAH RIGHT!).

Reminds me of the push to get anti Gay Marriage referenda onto ballots, synced up with a presidential election...

gerardryan said:

Reminds me of the push to get anti Gay Marriage referenda onto ballots, synced up with a presidential election...

Yes.  Back when it was less popular   

pmartinezv said:

And now let's not just focus on LGBT, let's also go after dads who are taking their kids to the bathroom.

I guess it is saver to let your little girl, or boy in my case, go alone? (YEAH RIGHT!).

It's always WalMart it seems.  Sometimes Target, but usually WalMart.  Place is like a magnet.

KingMadge said:

pmartinezv said:

Am I the only one who is a bit puzzled but the sudden surge in anti-transgender bathroom legislation? Like, what happened to bring this on? What did I miss? What is different today than it was 6 months ago when what bathroom Transgenders chose to use was a non-issue? Or rather, what is this a distraction from really? Does it seem like the old magician trick of look over here so that you don't see what is really happening?

It's an election year. And yes, nothing has changed since 6 months ago except that the Reich Wing is trying to make our Trans brothers, sisters and folks who idenitfy outside of the gender binary the new electoral Boogeyman. Now that they can't scare folks about the L, G, or B they are using the T as a wedge issue.

What has changed is that marriage equality is now the law of the land and other civil rights victories are being won for LGBTQ folk.  Those who are unhappy about that are striking back under the guise of "religious freedom".

sac said:
KingMadge said:

pmartinezv said:

Am I the only one who is a bit puzzled but the sudden surge in anti-transgender bathroom legislation? Like, what happened to bring this on? What did I miss? What is different today than it was 6 months ago when what bathroom Transgenders chose to use was a non-issue? Or rather, what is this a distraction from really? Does it seem like the old magician trick of look over here so that you don't see what is really happening?

It's an election year. And yes, nothing has changed since 6 months ago except that the Reich Wing is trying to make our Trans brothers, sisters and folks who idenitfy outside of the gender binary the new electoral Boogeyman. Now that they can't scare folks about the L, G, or B they are using the T as a wedge issue.

What has changed is that marriage equality is now the law of the land and other civil rights victories are being won for LGBTQ folk.  Those who are unhappy about that are striking back under the guise of "religious freedom".

I never realized that you were going to be prevented from practicing your religion in the bathroom if a LGBT person dared use it... 

pmartinezv said:
sac said:
KingMadge said:

pmartinezv said:

Am I the only one who is a bit puzzled but the sudden surge in anti-transgender bathroom legislation? Like, what happened to bring this on? What did I miss? What is different today than it was 6 months ago when what bathroom Transgenders chose to use was a non-issue? Or rather, what is this a distraction from really? Does it seem like the old magician trick of look over here so that you don't see what is really happening?

It's an election year. And yes, nothing has changed since 6 months ago except that the Reich Wing is trying to make our Trans brothers, sisters and folks who idenitfy outside of the gender binary the new electoral Boogeyman. Now that they can't scare folks about the L, G, or B they are using the T as a wedge issue.

What has changed is that marriage equality is now the law of the land and other civil rights victories are being won for LGBTQ folk.  Those who are unhappy about that are striking back under the guise of "religious freedom".

I never realized that you were going to be prevented from practicing your religion in the bathroom if a LGBT person dared use it... 

Well - that's a "guise" as I mentioned.  They really just want to impose discrimination against those folks and this is their way to do that.  I don't think it will pass SCOTUS muster unless the balance on the court changes.  (One major reason that I will vote for ANY democratic presidential nominee over Trump or any 3rd party or write-in choices.)

Oklahoma’s abortion, transgender bills called political ‘smokescreen’

OKLAHOMA CITY — Some public schools are starting summer vacation several days early. Others are contemplating a four-day week to cut costs. And more than 200 teachers in Oklahoma City were handed pink slips in March.

But instead of addressing a burgeoning budget crisis that threatens public education and other critical state services, Oklahoma lawmakers have been busy debating proposals to criminalize abortion, police students’ access to public bathrooms and impeach President Obama.

 With more painful cuts to come, Democrats are accusing the GOP-controlled legislature of creating a “smokescreen” to distract the public from an estimated $1.3 billion shortfall caused by declining oil revenue and years of big tax cuts. Even some Republicans have criticized the focus on social issues as frivolous.

“They run this stuff out there because it excites the base,” Keith Gaddie, a political scientist at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, said of the social-issues bills. “But nobody ever banked on the public also looking up and saying: ‘You know, we like schools. We like hospitals. We like roads. We like to have stuff that works.’ ” 


kthnry said:

Oklahoma’s abortion, transgender bills called political ‘smokescreen’

OKLAHOMA CITY — Some public schools are starting summer vacation several days early. Others are contemplating a four-day week to cut costs. And more than 200 teachers in Oklahoma City were handed pink slips in March.

But instead of addressing a burgeoning budget crisis that threatens public education and other critical state services, Oklahoma lawmakers have been busy debating proposals to criminalize abortion, police students’ access to public bathrooms and impeach President Obama.

 With more painful cuts to come, Democrats are accusing the GOP-controlled legislature of creating a “smokescreen” to distract the public from an estimated $1.3 billion shortfall caused by declining oil revenue and years of big tax cuts. Even some Republicans have criticized the focus on social issues as frivolous.

“They run this stuff out there because it excites the base,” Keith Gaddie, a political scientist at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, said of the social-issues bills. “But nobody ever banked on the public also looking up and saying: ‘You know, we like schools. We like hospitals. We like roads. We like to have stuff that works.’ ” 


Hopefully people start to notice!

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