The Official VP Candidate Debate thread

Well, I don't expect this to be as lively as last week, but it's worth a shot. Any pre-debate predictions? Tie color?

Arethe locations set in advance? Kaine would seem to have home field advantage not that he needs any help but still not too bad

Striped Ties perhaps

jamie said:

Well, I don't expect this to be as lively as last week, but it's worth a shot. Any pre-debate predictions? Tie color?

The role of a Vice Presidential candidate is to represent the person at the top of the ticket.

Consequently, Governor Pence's silvery hair will be lightly dusted with orange, sort of like a cheese doodle.

Senator Kaine will be resplendent in a red pantsuit.

I think Kaine would be declared the winner immediately if he donned a red pantsuit. smile

Shocking news - Trump will be live-tweeting during this thing

Oh no. Trump just can't stand for anyone else to be in the limelight. I remember seeing an interview where Trump consistently kept interrupting Pence.

apple44 said:

Shocking news - Trump will be live-tweeting during this thing

Looks like someone hit "send" too early.

librarylady said:

Arethe locations set in advance? Kaine would seem to have home field advantage not that he needs any help but still not too bad

The commission usually receives between one and three dozen
applications from universities and other venues interested in hosting a
debate. There are no restrictions on the type of venue that can apply,
but universities and colleges tend to do best because the commission
looks for venues that can get the community involved.

Eyremsaid Longwood was chosen because the school promised to make a
debate-themed curriculum and make sure any student who wanted to
volunteer would be able to — and Longwood kept its word.

ok, Kaine red tie - Pence blue

Tie colors copy the top of the ticket red for the democrat and blue for the republican

ok question one - yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Kaine isn't a skilled interrupter.

Kaine is getting on my nerves, and I want to like him.

I think Kaine was a bit stronger on ISIS

I find the format too much like the talking heads on typical tv political shows. Talking over each other.. Sad to see that "debate" has become "brawl"

Best Regards,

Ron Carter

the moderator is awful no control let's Pense go on and on yet not answer the question No wonder the GOP knew he will "win"

it is an uncomfortable format - so far neither side has much of an edge.

of course Trump is tweeting: @mike_pence is doing a great job - so far, no contest!

Wonder if Trump composed those tweets before the debate even began?!

No mention of the wall from Pence?

Pence is good at pushing the doom and gloom side of things. Halfway through and no big knockdowns.

WHY did she give him 30 seconds? He's going on and on and on

they are pretty much the same guy with different policies.

Half hour left - anyone still watching?

As much as I like to see the Clinton team win, I think Pence is a better at this. Kaine interrupted too often, disjointed interruptions. He should wait until Pence is done giving him time to think through his response.

ps - I stopped watching.

conandrob240 said:

they are pretty much the same guy with different policies.

It's a content debate. We don't get that with Trump and Clinton who bring too much personal baggage.

One wonders how Clinton would fair against Pence or any other GOP nominee that was not a drooling lunatic. In some respects, we are lucky to have such a hot mess at the head of the GOP ticket (as long as he doesn't win).

I understand it's a content debate. I also understand they come across as pretty much the same guy with different policies. Neither seem to have much personality. They are both boring, lacking in charisma and have similar experience. Yawn.

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