The MSM thread

Please use this thread to bash the MSM.  Or recommend your alternates  Thankey!

Are we considering FOX mainstream? If so I'll get busy.

Those who rant against the MSM rarely include FOX in their list.  And they rarely if ever cite an alternative source which isn't biased.

A lot of the fervor comes from media critics.  It would be nice to keep it centralized -and stay on topic on the other threads.  Like the Bolivia thread - I truly don't know if Paul wants to talk about bolivia or if it's a MSM rant.

drummerboy said:

chuck todd is horrible

 Yes. Might be the worst, but lots of competition. 

jamie said:

Those who rant against the MSM rarely include FOX in their list.  And they rarely if ever cite an alternative source which isn't biased.

A lot of the fervor comes from media critics.  It would be nice to keep it centralized -and stay on topic on the other threads.  Like the Bolivia thread - I truly don't know if Paul wants to talk about bolivia or if it's a MSM rant.

 What mainstream media source is free of bias?   

jamie said:

Please use this thread to bash the MSM.  Or recommend your alternates  Thankey!

Wikileaks and whistleblowers have exposed the OPCW report on the Syrian "chemical attack" as a lie.  A brave reporter, Tariq Haddad, just quit Newsweek when they refused to publish his story on the fraud.  Here he is interviewed on Aaron Mate's PushBack.  This is a huge story and why is he not invited on MSNBC/CNN or even FOX?

Looks like Matt Taibbi's new book would be a good read on this topic.  

Hate Inc.: Why Today’s Media Makes Us Despise One Another

Part tirade, part confessional from the celebrated Rolling Stone journalist, Hate Inc. reveals that what most people think of as "the news" is, in fact, a twisted wing of the entertainment business

In this characteristically turbocharged new book, celebrated Rolling Stone journalist Matt Taibbi provides an insider's guide to the variety of ways today's mainstream media tells us lies. Part tirade, part confessional, it reveals that what most people think of as "the news" is, in fact, a twisted wing of the entertainment business.

In the Internet age, the press have mastered the art of monetizing anger, paranoia, and distrust. Taibbi, who has spent much of his career covering elections in which this kind of manipulative activity is most egregious, provides a rich taxonomic survey of American political journalism's dirty tricks.

Heading into a 2020 election season that promises to be a Great Giza Pyramid Complex of invective and digital ugliness, Hate Inc. will be an invaluable antidote to the hidden poisons dished up by those we rely on to tell us what is happening in the world.

nan said:

jamie said:

Please use this thread to bash the MSM.  Or recommend your alternates  Thankey!

Wikileaks and whistleblowers have exposed the OPCW report on the Syrian "chemical attack" as a lie.  A brave reporter, Tariq Haddad, just quit Newsweek when they refused to publish his story on the fraud.  Here he is interviewed on Aaron Mate's PushBack.  This is a huge story and why is he not invited on MSNBC/CNN or even FOX?

 Fox did report on this:

Newsweek's response was:

In a statement to Fox News on Friday night, a Newsweek spokesperson said, "The writer pitched a conspiracy theory rather than an idea for objective reporting. Newsweek editors rejected the pitch."

and again - AM Joy just had a whole segment about how Bernie is surging.

Nan - comes on here to say - oh they realized they better say something before it's too late.

The facts are - Warren is slipping and Bernie gaining traction is news.

Stop bashing the MSM and be happy when they are supporting your candidate.

I wish Taibbi would focus more on Facebook's algorithms which IMO is sowing more discord then the MSM is.  All focus on bashing the MSM and the rise of Monday morning media critics are only re-enforcing Trump's "fake news" mantra.  

BG9 said:

 Fox did report on this:

Newsweek's response was:

In a statement to Fox News on Friday night, a Newsweek spokesperson said, "The writer pitched a conspiracy theory rather than an idea for objective reporting. Newsweek editors rejected the pitch."

 Well, that makes them look very bad because there are multiple whistleblowers and Wikileaks evidence.

jamie said:

and again - AM Joy just had a whole segment about how Bernie is surging.

Nan - comes on here to say - oh they realized they better say something before it's too late.

The facts are - Warren is slipping and Bernie gaining traction is news.

Stop bashing the MSM and be happy when they are supporting your candidate.

I wish Taibbi would focus more on Facebook's algorithms which IMO is sowing more discord then the MSM is.  All focus on bashing the MSM and the rise of Monday morning media critics are only re-enforcing Trump's "fake news" mantra.  

 As I said yesterday, the entire mainstream media had suddenly positive stories on Bernie starting in the last few days. He has been stable for the whole time, and suddenly they notice? The positive coverage was noticed because it was not happening before.  I don't expect it to continue, based on past behavior, but I'm glad for it for now.

What do you mean by Facebook's algorithms and why should Matt Taibbi be the one who should focus on that?  I've never heard him talk about any kind of algorithms.  He attacks the mainstream media because they prove Trump right, and thus help Trump.  Same with Russiagate.  It did not help to find out Trump was right about someone bugging his campaign.  Everyone laughed at him for saying that.  How do you think that helps us to defeat him?  

jamie said:

Those who rant against the MSM rarely include FOX in their list.  And they rarely if ever cite an alternative source which isn't biased.

A lot of the fervor comes from media critics.  It would be nice to keep it centralized -and stay on topic on the other threads.  Like the Bolivia thread - I truly don't know if Paul wants to talk about bolivia or if it's a MSM rant.

 I take exception to the term "rant" to describe my pointing out that the MSM has censored the liberation of a territory in Bolivia from its coverage of the Bolivian coup.

It's necessary to point out manipulation and distortion of information by the MSM -- as well as outright censorship -- to get an accurate picture of what is really happening in Bolivia.

This involves the rare case of one MSM source (WaPo) exposing the duplicity of another MSM source (MSNBC). Horowitz made this unavoidable.

And Glenn Greenwald nails it:


nan said:

 As I said yesterday, the entire mainstream media had suddenly positive stories on Bernie starting in the last few days. He has been stable for the whole time, and suddenly they notice? The positive coverage was noticed because it was not happening before.  I don't expect it to continue, based on past behavior, but I'm glad for it for now.

What do you mean by Facebook's algorithms and why should Matt Taibbi be the one who should focus on that?  I've never heard him talk about any kind of algorithms.  He attacks the mainstream media because they prove Trump right, and thus help Trump.  Same with Russiagate.  It did not help to find out Trump was right about someone bugging his campaign.  Everyone laughed at him for saying that.  How do you think that helps us to defeat him?  

 I’m saying he should it would be a good subject for him.  We get the msm attacks- it’s tiring.  Does he ever report on the news stories the msm got right?

Its not a matter of censoring news about Bolivia, its a matter of no one caring about news from Bolivia.  I doubt one in ten Americans could find the country on a map.  Its right next to Wakanda, right?

paulsurovell said:

 I take exception to the term "rant" to describe my pointing out that the MSM has censored the liberation of a territory in Bolivia from its coverage of the Bolivian coup.

It's necessary to point out manipulation and distortion of information by the MSM -- as well as outright censorship -- to get an accurate picture of what is really happening in Bolivia.

 So - is your point of the bolivia thread - lack of msm coverage - or are you trying to educate us on what's happening - I posed a few questions on there that you aren't answering.

Why do you think the MSM is "censoring" this story?  

Klinker said:

Its not a matter of censoring news about Bolivia, its a matter of no one caring about news from Bolivia.  I doubt one in ten Americans could find the country on a map.  Its right next to Wakanda, right?

 Yes - Boliva has the population of about 2 NYCs.  So paul has to tell us where and when stories matter.  Not only that - but what would the effect be to us if this was front page news.  Should we send in help?

paulsurovell said:

This involves the rare case of one MSM source (WaPo) exposing the duplicity of another MSM source (MSNBC). Horowitz made this unavoidable.

And Glenn Greenwald nails it:

 Glenn didn't nail anything - he just promoted Taibbi's book.  One of my main issues with russiagate is the same as Matt's - who and where is Mifsud.

jamie said:

 I’m saying he should it would be a good subject for him.  We get the msm attacks- it’s tiring.  Does he ever report on the news stories the msm got right?

Lots of talk about this, of course.  Interesting that you say you "get the msm attacks" because you have never acknowledged them before.  

I meant - we have "Heard" about them.  In virtually every post you and paul write on here.  We "get" what you're saying.  

It's tiring - but we get that you're making a point.  Can we ever talk substance anymore?  Or is this forum purely a media critic one now - thanks to you two.

I generally agree that the MSM is unfair to progressive candidates in general and women in particular.  Every outlet, whether it be conservative, main stream or progressive has its biases.  That said, I entirely agree with Jaimie.  We have all heard what Nan and Paul have to say on this a million times.  We understand the point you guys are trying to make.  Good job.  Now, with that foundation beneath us, can we please move on?

jamie said:

I meant - we have "Heard" about them.  In virtually every post you and paul write on here.  We "get" what you're saying.  

It's tiring - but we get that you're making a point.  Can we ever talk substance anymore?  Or is this forum purely a media critic one now - thanks to you two.

 Well, we are in the msm thread so what do you want us to do here?  We can talk about the msm bias against progressive candidates here, right?  Until the last few days they were ignoring or smearing Bernie Sanders.  They always smear Tulsi Gabbard, and they generally ignore Andrew Yang.  Meanwhile Joe Biden's senility is denied and Pete Buttigieg's troublesome record as mayor (being covered now in detail by TYT and Status Coup) and fake black endorsement in South Carolina and the recent attempt to fake low donor contributions are overlooked.  Why do you think that is?   

Klinker said:

Its not a matter of censoring news about Bolivia, its a matter of no one caring about news from Bolivia.  I doubt one in ten Americans could find the country on a map.  Its right next to Wakanda, right?

How much Americans care about a country is directly related to what they are told about the country.

nan said:

 Well, we are in the msm thread so what do you want us to do here?  We can talk about the msm bias against progressive candidates here, right?  Until the last few days they were ignoring or smearing Bernie Sanders.  They always smear Tulsi Gabbard, and they generally ignore Andrew Yang.  Meanwhile Joe Biden's senility is denied and Pete Buttigieg's troublesome record as mayor (being covered now in detail by TYT and Status Coup) and fake black endorsement in South Carolina and the recent attempt to fake low donor contributions are overlooked.  Why do you think that is?   

 and yet - the timing for their bias would have been more effective now then ever before.  so that's weird.

paulsurovell said:

Klinker said:

Its not a matter of censoring news about Bolivia, its a matter of no one caring about news from Bolivia.  I doubt one in ten Americans could find the country on a map.  Its right next to Wakanda, right?

How much Americans care about a country is directly related to what they are told about the country.

The vast VAST majority of Americans are not of Bolivian descent, will never travel to Bolivia, have never watched a Bolivian movie or read a Bolivian novel, have never eaten Bolivian food or listened to Bolivian music.

How much should Americans be told about Bolivia? Or Lesotho for that matter?

jamie said:

I meant - we have "Heard" about them.  In virtually every post you and paul write on here.  We "get" what you're saying.  

It's tiring - but we get that you're making a point.  Can we ever talk substance anymore?  Or is this forum purely a media critic one now - thanks to you two.


There are atrocities happening all over the world - but it take a story for the gray zone to bring it to Paul's attention.  Just weird.  You hardly hear of many of the tragic things that are currently happening throughout Africa.

Klinker said:

paulsurovell said:

Klinker said:

Its not a matter of censoring news about Bolivia, its a matter of no one caring about news from Bolivia.  I doubt one in ten Americans could find the country on a map.  Its right next to Wakanda, right?

How much Americans care about a country is directly related to what they are told about the country.

The vast VAST majority of Americans are not of Bolivian descent, will never travel to Bolivia, have never watched a Bolivian movie or read a Bolivian novel, have never eaten Bolivian food or listened to Bolivian music.

How much should Americans be told about Bolivia? Or Lesotho for that matter?

 This should be on 60 Minutes:

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