Sorry! internal error occurred.

Hey Jamie! I've been seeing a LOT of these lately (last 24 hours), especially after posting or editing a post. Hit Submit and you get this message. The post/edit still goes through, as it's there if I refresh the page, but I just wanted to let you know, in case you're making updates.

ridski said:

Hey Jamie! I've been seeing a LOT of these lately (last 24 hours), especially after posting or editing a post. Hit Submit and you get this message. The post/edit still goes through, as it's there if I refresh the page, but I just wanted to let you know, in case you're making updates.

I’ve been getting it also when I switch between threads.

I thought jamie was fact-checking my posts.

Just happened to me for the first time.

Yeah, we are aware and are looking into it.

Maybe related -- search doesn't seem to work. Getting no results for terms and users I know I should get results.


Maybe related -- search doesn't seem to work. Getting no results for terms and users I know I should get results.

search is back up.

Internal error has not been fixed.  I just got that message trying to access this thread.  Refresh did work as a work around.

joan_crystal said:

Internal error has not been fixed.  I just got that message trying to access this thread.  Refresh did work as a work around.

Correct - we're still looking into this.

Anyone see this error in the past 2 hours?

jamie said:

Anyone see this error in the past 2 hours?

no, it’s working fine now for me. I phone.

I saw it last night. Haven't seen it tonight yet.

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