Sanders is ahead -- 17 votes to 9

First reports from two small N.H. towns.


Still a one-possession primary.

blech. No wonder Bloomberg is considering a run!

Who's gonna wanna vote for Blumberg?

I will  happily   If Bernie is somehow able to win the nomination  though this is an unlikely scenario  

Formerlyjerseyjack said:

Who's gonna wanna vote for Blumberg?

I thought Bernie's ideal would be that all candidates get the same amount of votes.

Sanders is a wackadoo. I think Trump is his own version of wackadoo but if it came down to a choice between those two, I'd take Trump.  

So you would take the racist bigot wackadoo?

Student_Council said:

Sanders is a wackadoo. I think Trump is his own version of wackadoo but if it came down to a choice between those two, I'd take Trump.  

Yep, I'd hold my nose and vote for Trump if it came down to it. I think Trump would be less of a disaster than Sanders would be. 

Student_Council said:

Yep, I'd hold my nose and vote for Trump if it came down to it. I think Trump would be less of a disaster than Sanders would be. 

you'd be wrong

The only thing I feel confident saying about a Trump Presidency is that it would have little to do with anything he said to get elected.  It might be OK or it might be a disaster or, most likely, it would be ADHD.

bernie's not presidential material. If it were Bernie, Trump or Bloomberg, I'd probably go Bloomberg. He's not a wackadoo and he has some solid experience even if I disagreed with some of the way he led NYC. There is no way in the world you could get me to vote for Trump. I'd have to think long & hard between Bernie & Bloomberg. I really wish we weren't having this conversation and hope the best person for the job comes out on top- she deserves the nomination

I don't know.  If there was an emergency and Putin picked up the phone, do you really want Trump to be the guy who answers?

Bernie is in la la land with his policies.  He really believes that these things that any reasonable person knows don't work will work.  You have to hand it to him.  I think spending some time in the real world would have done Bernie some good.  He is clueless. 

terp said:

I don't know.  If there was an emergency and Putin picked up the phone, do you really want Trump to be the guy who answers?

Bernie is in la la land with his policies.  He really believes that these things that any reasonable person knows don't work will work.  You have to hand it to him.  I think spending some time in the real world would have done Bernie some good.  He is clueless. 

Agreed. And aside from the substantive stuff, Bernie Sanders is more Larry David than Larry David is Larry David. Even if Sanders' policies weren't wackadoo, I'd have trouble taking him seriously.    

None of the more outlandish stuff (free college, wall that the Mexicans will pay for) would ever get through Congress. That said, I don't think President Hillary or Cruz could get a proclamation against human sex trafficking through Congress. I don't have a problem with Hillary, but man - the GOP will block anything and everything coming through the Senate if she wins. Ted is awful and everyone knows it.

Not looking good when I'm holding out hope for Michael Bloomberg to ride to the rescue.

why wouldn't a GOP Congress block any and every proposal from a President Bloomberg?

RobB said:


Bloomberg was behind Benghazi?!?

tjohn said:
RobB said:


Bloomberg was behind Benghazi?!?

Of course, haven't you read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion?

terp said:

Bernie is in la la land with his policies.  He really believes that these things that any reasonable person knows don't work will work.  ....

But the policies of single payer and free college education work well in other countries where practiced.

We used to have free college in the U.S.   It was called the G.I. Bill of Rights and vast numbers of G.I.s returning from WW II took advantage. As a result of what they learned, we had 30 years of prosperity that we enjoyed until the Age Of Reagan,

One thing I've heard is that it is easier for other countries to pay for healthcare and education since they are smaller and have less people. Well, doesn't that also mean they have less people paying taxes then?  

Please move this to the politics section. Please.

Some of us dread the notion of the next nine months of political arguments and bloviating.  I like being able to come to MOL and avoid the same political crap going on everywhere else.

Enjoy your political arguments but please let me block them.

spontaneous said:

One thing I've heard is that it is easier for other countries to pay for healthcare and education since they are smaller and have less people. Well, doesn't that also mean they have less people paying taxes then?  


Free public colleges are doable. We have no problem allocating 100's of billions on war. I think we can allocate 100 billion on educating our young.

Free healthcare is an issue. The reason is healthcare in America is very much more expensive than in other countries. Procedures and drugs cost 2 to 10x as much here. If we can get costs lower, stop the ripoff, we can certainly do universal healthcare. 

mrincredible said:

Please move this to the politics section. Please.

Some of us dread the notion of the next nine months of political arguments and bloviating.  I like being able to come to MOL and avoid the same political crap going on everywhere else.

Enjoy your political arguments but please let me block them.

Why would you open a thread with Sanders in the title then?

To tell people to keep their political threads in the politics section.

In days of yore, when there was no separate Politics section, the regular Soapbox (and sometimes Virtual Cafe) would get totally inundated with political discussions. Once the new category was established it became the polite thing to post political content in the Politics section so those of us who wanted to block it could do so.

I don't want to log onto MOL and see a bunch of political thread titles (some of which have been downright insulting or disrespectful) so I block the category like many other people do.

We have the most expensive healthcare in the world. If we had the best results I would agree with the current model. But we don't. The money being spent is MUCH higher than the procedures should cost.

In another thread I mentioned how when my husband had same day outpatient sinus surgery to remove polyps, the original bill was in the $150,000 range. That is not a typo. Thankfully it was in-network so they accepted the couple of grand as full payment. You should see the surgery center though, the waiting area looked like a high end hotel.

And when I had my first son at Morristown Hospital they bragged about how the maternity ward had recently been refurbished and how it looked and felt more like a spa than a hospital. 

Fancy lighting, stone tiles in the bathroom, and high end carpeting and upholstery in waiting areas don't mean better healthcare. They just mean higher costs. But these things are becoming the norm. 

And FWIW I had my second and third child at Mountainside Hospital where the maternity ward rooms looked like regular hospital rooms. The level of care I received was the same with one exception, Mountainside didn't hire a masseuse for their maternity patients. No, I am not making that part up. And while it was nice for my first, yes, I was able to live without getting a "free" massage after giving birth to my second and third child.  

mikescott said:
Student_Council said:

Yep, I'd hold my nose and vote for Trump if it came down to it. I think Trump would be less of a disaster than Sanders would be. 

you'd be wrong

I'm picturing our international reputation and credibility given a President Trump.  

GL2 said:
mikescott said:
Student_Council said:

Yep, I'd hold my nose and vote for Trump if it came down to it. I think Trump would be less of a disaster than Sanders would be. 

you'd be wrong

I'm picturing our international reputation and credibility given a President Trump.  

Better picture President Sanders.  smile  cheese 

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