OANN - The Trump Channel

If you want to know what Trump is thinking about - look no further then OANN:


Top news story at the moment:

Report: President Trump Could Seek To Block Certification Of Disputed Results


The Trump campaign could be looking to block election officials from finalizing results in contested states as a legal battle continues to be waged over voter fraud.

According to reports Wednesday, the President’s team could take this legal route in order to deny Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden the change to a victory.


Basically the overall issue Trump and his legal team are claiming are the counting of illegal ballots.  Here's the article disputing the MSM's claim 

Here's how the FEC chairman put it:

“When you have claims of, you know, 10,000 people who don’t live in the state of Nevada having voted in Neveda, you have the video…they’re (poll workers) either duplicating a spoiled ballot there or they’re in the process of marking a ballot that came in blank for a vote,” Trainor explained.


Here's the video:


Here's one reply:

State law does allow them to fill out a fresh ballot if the original is not being accepted by the ballot machine. One person reads the selections and the other fills them in. But very susceptible to fraud. That’s on the state legislature.

Here's the full video - note he says that he has no proof of voter fraud - around 4:30 mark.

As for the Nevada claim where 10,000 people who don't live there anymore voted- I haven't seen the proof of this.  But, Trump voted in Florida, Pence voted in Indiana (using the Governor's mansion address which he left in 2016), Kayleigh uses her parent's address in FL despite living in DC and having a NJ driver's license, Wilbur Ross - Florida, pretty much the whole cabinet.  

Every time I see that channel's abbreviation (OANN) my brain keeps switching around the "A" and the first "N".

Interesting that they have the cost of illegal immigration as a permanent ticker on the home page.  Wonder how it's calculated.  Is Stephen Miller in charge of tabulating this?

What does the ad below the immigration ticker tell you about their target market?  grin

jamie said:

What does the ad below the immigration ticker tell you about their target market? 

 They’re lacking fiber in their diets?

Or maybe they’re constipated... their siht is backing up to their eyeballs.

nohero said:

Every time I see that channel's abbreviation (OANN) my brain keeps switching around the "A" and the first "N".

 Every time I hear "One America News" my brain replies "White America News".

Sadly, Pluto.tv, which I otherwise love, runs OAN, Newsmax and about 3 more Trumpist channels 24/7 so there's always another outlet.

I figured I would use Newsmax related stuff in this thread also.  They're now going after Champ!

Dems working on massive stimulus with strong popular support. Biden working on Covid. And the right wing is complaining about Bidens dog. Life is pretty good right now.

The former guy was the only President without a pet.

I was wondering what OANN could possibly be covering without Donny in charge. 

Not too much of a surprise.  The GOP is truly in major trouble.

One thing OANN cannot do is connect the following 2 words: President & Biden

The perpetuation of Biden not being a president in a new network is unprecedented.  

I know OANN is a unique beast, but uneducated people are believing them to be a legit news source.

The phrase President T**** however is used very often.

Does OANN run commercials? Who advertises on that channel?

If not how are they funded?

You very often hear the OAN news commentators say something like, "The liberal news stations will not be covering this news."  I tend to flip around news stations and I often hear the same news stories on the so-called Liberal stations that OAN says I won't hear.   I think a basic required job skill for OAN news commentators is to say with as much disdain as they can muster is, "You won't hear this on the liberal stations."    Don't they ever get tired of saying this?   

RobertRoe said:

You very often hear the OAN news commentators say something like, "The liberal news stations will not be covering this news."  I tend to flip around news stations and I often hear the same news stories on the so-called Liberal stations that OAN says I won't hear.   I think a basic required job skill for OAN news commentators is to say with as much disdain as they can muster is, "You won't hear this on the liberal stations."    Don't they ever get tired of saying this?   

 They can not afford to get tired of saying that. It’s their coal in their locomotive. Look at Hannity… he’s been shoveling for a couple of decades. That’s how they give their viewers this sense of being superior to the sheeple who follow the mainstream media …”the liberal news” is now so far left that they’re no different than TASS. But we, who are so much more patriotic, we are onto their plots to turn America into a communist country… it works.

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