Lets say we used the California system for the Presidential election

If the California "open primary", which is really a first round election, were used for the Presidential race there would be no way Trump would have been one of the top two finishers, and probably unlikely that Clinton would have been (likely many more Democrats would have entered the race). So the likely result would have been two better candidates. And there would be no need for party conventions.

bramzzoinks said:

If the California "open primary", which is really a first round election, were used for the Presidential race there would be no way Trump would have been one of the top two finishers, and probably unlikely that Clinton would have been (likely many more Democrats would have entered the race). So the likely result would have been two better candidates. And there would be no need for party conventions.

I do not know how you came to that conclusion given that Trump and Clinton received the highest vote totals.

But if the system was that different, who knows. 

I understand that California has two rounds. The first and second finishers go into the second round. If I'm correct with numerous candidates you could end up with a choice between two candidates who received very small percentages in the first round.

Trump and Clinton got the most votes from their own small mostly closed silos. 

California's government has gotten much more functional since they went to this system. 

bramzzoinks said:

Trump and Clinton got the most votes from their own small mostly closed silos. 

That is not completely accurate. A number of the primaries were "open". More importantly Clinton had the money and the establishment behind her. Trump played the press perfectly for maximum publicity.

The Republicans started with 17 choices. I don't know why the "California system" would yield different results. It's speculative.

By the way the "California system" has resulted in one-Party rule.

By weakening parties it is more like no party rule.  

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