Hillary's emails

Not to mention here travails regarding donations from womens-rights repressing foreign governments to her family foundation?

Has it been relegated to the bowels of GL2's GOP2015 thread or the 150th page of the Rose Garden thread?

It's crazy stuff. The latest is that the 55,000 pages of emails Hillary has been touting as being given to the State Dept were turned over IN HARD COPY ONLY, not electronic email format - how convenient for someone who would prefer the data be more difficult to search...

I haven't been that anti-Hillary in the past... but seriously, how messed up is this? Will it hurt her eventual candidacy, or will the layers of slime she and Bill have developed just allow it to slide right off her?

In a recent thread, I said that if the GOP nominates a real wingnut, I could be tempted to vote for Hillary in '16. That has gotten a lot more difficult for me. I don't think this woman can be trusted. Stinks to be me, depending on the GOP to nominate a sane and electable candidate. :-(

It only gets worse:
"Obama emailed Clinton on her private address: White House"
(and he wants Hillary to come clean, having been aware of it all the time)....
I wonder if Weiner sent a few her way?
Hillary, the defender of Woman's Rights, for a price. Lying farce.

Here comes the Elizabeth/ Al ticket.

There have been plenty of comments about Clinton's emails. Why are you expecting someone else to start a thread about it? You just did.

I think she will end up having to turn over a lot more info. And electronically. Even if she doesn't, though, I'm sure someone will scan all the pages and make them available in a searchable database. A bit ridiculous that it might come to that.

It's actually pretty absurd how many political figures at all levels of government use personal accounts for government business. How stupid is that? And how has it been legal in the past? Does anyone work for a company larger than 10 people that allows them to use their personal email address for company business?

I heard she was trying to bury an email that read "time for some traffic problems in Benghazi"

Don't forget the one where she admits to personally killing Vince Foster.

I'm keeping it on a server that I have running in my basement.

And don't forget the Rose Law firm correspondence.

All i know is that if I operated at work solely through a private off site email account, they'd fire my azz in a hot minute.

scott_clark said:

All i know is that if I operated at work solely through a private off site email account, they'd fire my azz in a hot minute.
Wrong equivalence. Would the head of your company be fired if the used private email?

Also, how would you be caught? The obvious answer is that recipients would notice your email address is not the company's. And if you did get caught I doubt you'd be fired. You would be told don't use hotmail or whatever for company business. If you persisted then you would likely be fired. The "fire my azz in a hot minute" is an unlikely scenario unless they're looking for an excuse to get rid of you. Are they?

So lets not drama queen this.

Which brings up the question that all these years Clinton was using private email and the recipients did not notice? The office of the president, the cabinet, the congress both democrats and republicans receiving emails from her? Highly unlikely.

I suspect doing business with private email often occurs. In her case she did it exclusively. I suspect many emails sent from her office, the office of the secretary were originated and sent by staff which would have originated using the official governmental email originating address, thereby making it "less" noticeable that ALL HER emails were private.

So you mean it would be like having an Official Facebook account with followers versus having a personal Facebook account with friends?

you're probably right. no one paid to get me my job.

I just can't find it in me to get worked up about this.

We also don't have a thread about the 47 traitors serving in the senate. You wanted the thread, you started it. Good for you.

TarheelsInNj said:

I just can't find it in me to get worked up about this.

I think email ought to be secure in government foreign matters, especially the secretary of state. Don't you? Email is more or less secure, depending on the quality of the server. While there is no guarantee that the government does the best job, a homespun job is almost guaranteed to be far worse than the government's.

Tom_Reingold said:

TarheelsInNj said:

I just can't find it in me to get worked up about this.

I think email ought to be secure in government foreign matters, especially the secretary of state. Don't you? Email is more or less secure, depending on the quality of the server. While there is no guarantee that the government does the best job, a homespun job is almost guaranteed to be far worse than the government's.

I don't know, Tom, apparently this was so secure no one noticed she was using it.

That's kind of my point, I guess. Nothing went wrong, no national security attacks. The only "controversy" is that I guess she could in theory be hiding some secret correspondence, or something? But if so, the funny thing about email is someone else receives the message. So it's theoretically possible to find the smoking gun on the other end, if there is one.

She did something wrong. The goal should be finding out why.

Tom_Reingold said:

While there is no guarantee that the government does the best job, a homespun job is almost guaranteed to be far worse than the government's.
All you have to do is look at the Federal Obamacare site with its many design, rendering and security issues to see that you've made quite an assumption. But you did say "almost". :-D

ps - Also look at Snowden. A low level person who managed to practically download all of the NSA.

pps - Maybe Hillary should say in her press conference _
"After Snowden and Obamacare, I'd be a fool to trust the governmental email system for critical secure email."

Trey Gowdy sees months-long gaps in Clinton emails

By Adam Sneed

3/8/15 11:45 AM EDT

The top House Republican Benghazi investigator says the emails Hillary Clinton has handed over for review have “huge gaps” that challenge her credibility over what happened in the 2012 attacks in Libya.

“There are gaps of months and months and months,” Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) said on Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

In the batch of emails handed over to the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Gowdy said there’s no record of any communication on the day that Clinton was famously photographed wearing sunglasses and typing on her Blackberry.

“We have no emails from that trip,” he said. “It strains credibility to believe that if you’re on your way to…to discuss Libyan policy that there’s not a single document that’s been turned over to Congress.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/03/trey-gowdy-sees-months-long-gaps-in-clinton-emails-115871.html#ixzz3Tt34DCEJ

If Mr Benghazi says so, then it must be true. Lets impeach Hillary retroactively. https://maplewood.worldwebs.com/assets/images/smileys/1.gif" width="" height="" alt="grin" style="border:0;">)

BG9 said:

If Mr Benghazi says so, then it must be true. Lets impeach Hillary retroactively. https://maplewood.worldwebs.com/assets/images/smileys/1.gif" width="" height="" alt="grin" style="border:0;">)

This kind of sarcasm plays well on MOL. It lets you avoid having to defend her failure to use a .gov account.
Lets see how it plays out in the real world.


Condoleezza Rice did not use a personal email account but rarely used email for State Dept business.

Secret email?? Geez, it's not like the Clintons' every step is analyzed for its conspiracy value. Oh wait, yes it is.

Fun part is that both of them wear out the opposition on any issue. Here's another.

yahooyahoo said:


Colin Powell used a personal email account as well and did not save any emails.

From your link:

'Powell said it would be inappropriate to comment on Clinton’s email use. The State Department’s policy on personal email accounts dates back to 2005, the year Powell left the administration.'

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/03/colin-powell-hillary-clinton-email-state-department-115870.html#ixzz3U0cK39ds

Powell was not rquired to have a .gov e-mail. Hillary was.

BCC said:

Powell was not rquired to have a .gov e-mail. Hillary was.

I didn't say he was. Just providing some information and perspective.

yahooyahoo said:

BCC said:

Powell was not rquired to have a .gov e-mail. Hillary was.

I didn't say he was. Just providing some information and perspective.

Your perspective was that there was no difference between the two. That's not true. As I pointed out, there was a major difference between what each did.

I didn't say that either. You are making assumptions.

I don't think this press conference is going well.

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