34 Felony Convictions! Prosecutors bat 1000

Trump is no longer able to VOTE!

I'll just add that the idea this helps him with votes is total BS.  How many people out there were thinking "I'm not voting for him or I'm on the fence but if he gets convicted he has my vote"?  I think him getting acquitted would have energized his base more, and emboldened him to feel invincible.  Now he's sweating.  

rcarter31 said:

Trump is no longer able to VOTE!

This is likely incorrect. Ignore the title - the article addresses voting as well.


Any chance he hops his jet and heads to Russia?

Curious to see the headlines around the world.

dave said:

Any chance he hops his jet and heads to Russia?

From your keyboard, to God's eyeballs.

Well ….this time around he got the popular vote.

Regarding prison time and the rarity of prison sentences under this law, you have to (a) discount the convictions that were result of plea deals and not defendants forcing the case to verdict and (b) the likelihood that others expressed contrition at or before sentencing.  Unless he changes his tune for the first time in his life, he will be ranting about persecution and conspiracies to the end.  That's not going to sit well with the judge.  

The news is all over ... 

The jury must have been on drugs or something. How is anyone supposed to MAGA if they’re not allowed to pay hush money to porn stars?

marksierra said:

The jury must have been on drugs or something. How is anyone supposed to MAGA if they’re not allowed to pay hush money to porn stars?

I love  your use of MAGA as a verb as in:

After he MAGAed the bed, the relationship came to a quick end.

GoSlugs said:

I love  your use of MAGA as a verb as in:

After he MAGAed the bed, the relationship came to a quick end.

yeah. The bed was wet, with a yellow stain and it smelled like pee.

Morganna said:

Curious to see the headlines around the world.

I want Trump Done In By Pecker.

jeffl said:

I want Trump Done In By Pecker.

well… if he ends up in jail…

Personal guess: verdict is overturned or severely amended on appeal

Here’s a thought .. As a felon DJT will be unable to possess a gun, however, if re-elected he will have launch codes for the US’s nuclear weapons.

Trump’s Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon: Convicted Felon.

- Trump’s Campaign Chair, Paul Manafort: Convicted Felon

- Trump’s National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn: Convicted Felon

- Trump’s Advisor, Roger Stone: Convicted Felon

and finally...

- Donald Trump, himself: CONVICTED FELON.

45 shall from now on be known as 34*

* subject to upward revision

terp said:

The verdict seems to be helping Trumps fundraising

Halfway to paying off the NY Civil Fraud fine. Not bad. 

The genius of the scheme to unfairly prosecute Trump is also prosecuting Hunter Biden so that we don’t think Trump is being singled out. 

tjohn said:

The genius of the scheme to unfairly prosecute Trump is also prosecuting Hunter Biden so that we don’t think Trump is being singled out. 

How many people have been prosecuted and convicted for gun charges? 

How many people have been prosecuted and convicted for whatever Trump was convicted for?

terp said:

How many people have been prosecuted and convicted for whatever Trump was convicted for?

"The Manhattan DA’s office has filed charges for falsification of business records 9,794 times since 2015. When announcing the charges, Bragg emphasized the importance of the integrity of business records in Manhattan, the 'home to the country’s most significant business market.' He explained: 'We cannot allow New York businesses to manipulate their records to cover up criminal conduct.' At the time of Trump’ s indictment, Bragg, had already filed 120 cases alleging violations of 175-10, all of them in the first degree based on the concealment or commission of another crime."

Debunking 12 Myths About Trump's Conviction | TIME

terp said:

How many people have been prosecuted and convicted for gun charges? 

How many people have been prosecuted and convicted for whatever Trump was convicted for?

As a Libertarian, Terp, I wonder how you feel about Trump basically being booed off the stage at their convention, and the nomination of another candidate?

If Terp is a libertarian, then trump is really Elvis 

nohero said:

terp said:

How many people have been prosecuted and convicted for whatever Trump was convicted for?

"The Manhattan DA’s office has filed charges for falsification of business records 9,794 times since 2015. When announcing the charges, Bragg emphasized the importance of the integrity of business records in Manhattan, the 'home to the country’s most significant business market.' He explained: 'We cannot allow New York businesses to manipulate their records to cover up criminal conduct.' At the time of Trump’ s indictment, Bragg, had already filed 120 cases alleging violations of 175-10, all of them in the first degree based on the concealment or commission of another crime."

Debunking 12 Myths About Trump's Conviction | TIME

Sure.  I think it's going to be tough to convince large swaths of Americans of that.  Here's how these things are typically handled among the politically elite. And let's remember that the violation in that link is probably 100s of orders of magnitude more serious of a violation as this was used to spy on members of a presidential campaign, and caused a feaux scandal that lasted years, an I'll fated investigation that went nowhere and derailed an administration that was elected by the people.

The assertion that this and other legal actions against Trump are just a coincidence and has nothing to do with politics doesn't pass the smell test for quite a few people.  But the game is that now the press and Biden will get to refer to Trump as a convicted felon.  The question is will that tactic work or will it backfire like the other trials have?  Trump is the real teflon Don IMO.

jimmurphy said:

terp said:

How many people have been prosecuted and convicted for gun charges? 

How many people have been prosecuted and convicted for whatever Trump was convicted for?

As a Libertarian, Terp, I wonder how you feel about Trump basically being booed off the stage at their convention, and the nomination of another candidate?

I don't really consider myself a Libertarian,  certainly not with a capital L.  I still think we should strive to maximize liberty.  However, the typical strategies that libertarians use are probably way too optimistic about people's intelligence and character.

So, I didn't pay too much attention.  I'm not shocked they gave him a hard time.  Hes not a libertarian and libertarians tend to be purists.  I respect that. 

All that being said, I am not a big fan of their nominee.  I could see voting for Michael Rectenwald, but not this guy.  At the end of the day, I will probably vote for Trump.  Hes not perfect, but we have to figure out a way to roll back some of the nonsense.  Trump isn't a sure fire bet.  Its tuff to figure exactly what he will do, but hes probably the best option right now.  After all:  the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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