27,000 Feel The Bern At Washington Square Park, NYC


Great pics, thank you for posting!


I was there!  And in all those 27,000 people I ran into Tom Reingold!   We listened to the speeches together, since we were were on one of the side streets and could not see.  Very clear audio though and the crowd was amazing.  Of course the New York Times said it was a "few thousand people" 

nan said:

I was there!  And in all those 27,000 people I ran into Tom Reingold!   We listened to the speeches together, since we were were on one of the side streets and could not see.  Very clear audio though and the crowd was amazing.  Of course the New York Times said it was a "few thousand people" 

NO kidding!!!!  You found each other....how cool is that! it's a sign...an omen...

I was coming from from a rehearsal last night and the trains had many young folk with Bernie stickers. Great to see the enthusiasm.   Alas, we know they are not likely to vote.  

I happen to believe Nate Silver's site -- Bernie's support is completely ephemeral.  Based on the stats there, I'd bet against him being the nominee.

Love the idealism, of course. But I'm deeply concerned about the backlash against 8 years of Democratic presidency.  My gut is that Bernie has less of a chance than Hillary. Wish I knew for sure. 

peteglider said:

I was coming from from a rehearsal last night and the trains had many young folk with Bernie stickers. Great to see the enthusiasm.   Alas, we know they are not likely to vote.  

I happen to believe Nate Silver's site -- Bernie's support is completely ephemeral.  Based on the stats there, I'd bet against him being the nominee.

Love the idealism, of course. But I'm deeply concerned about the backlash against 8 years of Democratic presidency.  My gut is that Bernie has less of a chance than Hillary. Wish I knew for sure. 

Ephemeral as in Wisconsin, Michigan, New Hampshire, all the 8 caucus states, Nevada, Oklahoma, Alaska etc, etc?

His latest winning streak says otherwise.  He won some states by 80%.  Somebody is voting.  It's not the machines by themselves.  People will vote in New York if they can.  The restrictive registration requirements (had to change to Democrat by October) may have an impact, but that's not the same as people just not showing up.  Even Trump's kids got screwed with that one.

springgreen2 said:
nan said:

I was there!  And in all those 27,000 people I ran into Tom Reingold!   We listened to the speeches together, since we were were on one of the side streets and could not see.  Very clear audio though and the crowd was amazing.  Of course the New York Times said it was a "few thousand people" 

NO kidding!!!!  You found each other....how cool is that! it's a sign...an omen...

My husband was there and also bumped into Tom Reingold, and several other people he knew. What are the chances!

lisat said:
springgreen2 said:
nan said:

I was there!  And in all those 27,000 people I ran into Tom Reingold!   We listened to the speeches together, since we were were on one of the side streets and could not see.  Very clear audio though and the crowd was amazing.  Of course the New York Times said it was a "few thousand people" 

NO kidding!!!!  You found each other....how cool is that! it's a sign...an omen...

My husband was there and also bumped into Tom Reingold, and several other people he knew. What are the chances!

Much better if its much less than the 27,000 reported by the Sander's campaign which the lazy media keeps repeating.

I did not count, but it might have been more. The crowd was huge.  We were all pushed together and herded slowly in a serpentine path.  It was claustaphobic. You can see that in the aerial photos.  It's amazing I ran into Tom!  He ran into Lisat's husband because he was selling special Bernie pins, and was more visible. Very nice pins, BTW.

BG9 said:
lisat said:
springgreen2 said:
nan said:

I was there!  And in all those 27,000 people I ran into Tom Reingold!   We listened to the speeches together, since we were were on one of the side streets and could not see.  Very clear audio though and the crowd was amazing.  Of course the New York Times said it was a "few thousand people" 

NO kidding!!!!  You found each other....how cool is that! it's a sign...an omen...

My husband was there and also bumped into Tom Reingold, and several other people he knew. What are the chances!

Much better if its much less than the 27,000 reported by the Sander's campaign which the lazy media keeps repeating.

the pictures seem to indicate an amazing number.  theres always discrepancies between whats reported and what is actual but thousands seem to be there.

BG9 said:
lisat said:
springgreen2 said:
nan said:

I was there!  And in all those 27,000 people I ran into Tom Reingold!   We listened to the speeches together, since we were were on one of the side streets and could not see.  Very clear audio though and the crowd was amazing.  Of course the New York Times said it was a "few thousand people" 

NO kidding!!!!  You found each other....how cool is that! it's a sign...an omen...

My husband was there and also bumped into Tom Reingold, and several other people he knew. What are the chances!

Much better if its much less than the 27,000 reported by the Sander's campaign which the lazy media keeps repeating.

The police reported 48,000.

springgreen2 said:

The police reported 48,000.

A law enforcement official estimated the crowd size at 15,000, though
the campaign cited a a higher number of attendees -- 27,000, according
to a press release.

From CNN


In my younger days, with levitating  the Pentagon and Pro Choice events, the law would always undercount and the supporters always inflate the numbers.

My guess for this rally is about 20K  Not too shabby

Saw it on a Reddit post so it must be true

Maybe it's not amazing that I ran into two people I know there, but isn't it funny that both of them are Maplewood people? nan and I had a good time standing there for hours. Truly. We were in a gigantic serpentine line that was moving for a while, with the hopes of getting into the park. Then it just stopped, because the park reached capacity. The police did a good job of crowd control, as usual.

I believe the 48,000 number. Maybe there were 20,000 in the park proper. That means the streets were packed. I could barely see my own shoes.

Sanders gave his usual speech, hardly different from previous ones. I've watched a lot of videos of him. As a result, it was inspiring because I agree with what he said. I think it's overdue for him to speak more about the importance of getting into the voting booth. You can't just rally or post on Facebook. He said, "If we have a big turnout, we will win on April 19," which is based on his results so far, but I would have liked it if instead he emphasized that we all need to CREATE a big turnout.

Also, I think he should be speaking about the importance of putting Democrats into Congress and local offices.

I like Bernie Sanders.  If he wins the nomination I will vote for him enthusiastically.   I just like Hillary Clinton more.   

I am sure the rally was inspiring but I don't think the numbers attending mean a whole lot.   NYU has 50,000 students, with most located around Washington Square Park.  The New school, also in the neighborhood has another 10,000, not to mention all the millions who live and work a stone's throw away in lower Manhattan.  

By the way,  Hillary is leading in New York 53% to 40%.   While Bernie has won most of his delegates in lightly attended caucus states, Hillary is ahead in the popular vote by over 2,000,000.  

While I support Hillary,  I think Bernie is great.   He's good for the Democratic Party and good for the country.

Tom_Reingold said:

Also, I think he should be speaking about the importance of putting Democrats into Congress and local offices.

That's the problem. Sanders never cared about putting Democrats into office or raised money for them. Whereas Clinton stumped for Democratic candidates while raising millions for them.

If anything, Sanders has shown his disdain for the Democratic party:

“You don’t change the system from within the Democratic Party.” ~
Bernie Sanders

“We have to ask ourselves, ‘Why should we work within the Democratic Party if we don’t agree with anything the Democratic Party says?’” ~ Bernie Sanders

Which is one reason the super delegates aren't lining up for Sanders.

Now, some Sandernistas argue that Sanders was right. That it doesn't make a difference if we have Republicans or Democrats in office. To not bother to support either, which is what Sanders did. Not bothering to support Democrats.

Well, tell that to President Obama whose presidency has been dealing with an obstructionist Republican congress

Anyone think Obama enjoyed whenever his initiatives were shot down and when the Republicans threatened to close government or refused to extend our debt limit? The Republican policy to ensure an Obama failure?

But as far as the Sandarnistas are concerned it doesn't matter who is in congress.

Sanders is representative and part of the problem which led to his congress. He is one of the many who did not care.

And now he's come to us as the hero for the working and middle class who cares. Too bad he didn't before.

Sure, Clinton raised money for democrats, money which came from large corporate donors.  It's all very efficient until you give that fact more than a few seconds of brain activity.

And did you happen to see what happened when Sanders did attempt to support a Democrat?  Lucy Flores was immediately put on the Clinton hit list after she received and echoed support from and for Sanders.   Simply out of spite.  

The Clinton hit list is back.  

And who are the Clintons and Emily's List supporting instead of Flores?   Ruben Kihuen?  I wonder if he's more in line with the mission at Emily's List because unlike Flores, he never had to go through an abortion in his teen years.   

So when you ask for down-ticket support, remember the illogical, spiteful result it can yield when you have people like Hillary running the show.

I'll have to Google Lucy Flores

"I luv bein' in Brooklyn. This is great," says Hillary. 

 Audience is pro-Bernie. Press, as one might guess, are pro-Hillary.  

"Oh my goodness. You called them  (the banks) out. Was that before or after you took hundreds of thousands of dollars from Goldman Sachs (for your speeches)?" Do you like Hillary's sarcastic look when Bernie says he's one of the poorer members of the Senate!


This is the woman Hillary Clinton got Emily's List to dump!  Can you believe how vindictive and ugly Clinton is?  She steamrolls anyone who's not with her -- good policies be damned.  

LMAO @ this debate.  Let's watch the children play the blame game!

"Suddenly you announce that your for fifteen dollars an hour."    Then she says she is for twelve, then she says she's for fifteen, then she says she's for twelve. 

springgreen2 said:

"Suddenly you announce that your for fifteen dollars an hour."    


Why is Bernie's concern for inequality limited to this country?  Income inequality is much much worse if you look at it with a global perspective.   Should people outside of this country not have  jobs?

At the end of the "Debate" on TV we can read this thread, compare the debate and the thread and see which is sillier.

terp said:

Why is Bernie's concern for inequality limited to this country?  Income inequality is much much worse if you look at it with a global perspective.   Should people outside of this country not have  jobs?

When he runs for President of the World he can address that.

She can't stop lying.  It's so transparent. 

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