Steely Dan and Elvis Costello 8/1 in Holmdel


I am SO all over this.

Elvis with the Imposters too, not solo. That's a Saturday night...I wonder if the Monday show in Camden will be an easier ticket.

It's tempting to say that any show in Camden would be an easier ticket, but that wouldn't be polite

Could be a really fun night but it's a tough call at $40 (lawn) - $247. And I so wish it were somewhere besides PNC.

Yeah, I've been losing my s*** over this a little bit.

Time and date of ticket availability is TOP SECRET INFORMATION that I will share after I land some.

Well, OK, you could Google it.

Consonant Man...lets go see the show in Paso Robles or Santa Barbara!

j_r said:

Time and date of ticket availability is TOP SECRET INFORMATION that I will share after I land some.

Well, OK, you could Google it.

Im surprised you can even read your screen squinting in the bright southern sun today.

That is absolutely NOT a bad idea at all. I'll bet we wouldn't even have to brown-bag it.

I'm crying squonk's tears in my light cotton cardigan.

Only problem with one of the CA shows is that I just got Stevie's Songs in the Key of Life show tickets at the Prudential Center for one of those nights. in the meantime, D'Angelo tickets go on sale tomorrow.

j_r said:

I'm crying squonk's tears in my light cotton cardigan.

Drowning your sorrows in kirschwasser, no doubt.

ctrzaska said:

j_r said:

I'm crying squonk's tears in my light cotton cardigan.

Drowning your sorrows in kirschwasser, no doubt.

from a shell

Both artists were at MPAC over the last year for solo shows. What a double bill!

I wonder what the chances are that Michael McDonald will show up at one of these shows and sing backup for Elvis. It could be the yacht rock moment of a lifetime!

I'm about to find out, nestled cosily and dead center behind the mixing board...

Damn, I have to work on August 1! Sob. :-((

I think I'm in front of the mixing board.

Im to the side of the mixing board...for the Monday night show in Camden. I wonder what the ticket price difference was, if any...$82 per for the Camden show.

Steely Dan sound like Captain & Tennille if they smoked weed. Except the weed was really pencil-shavings and everybody at the party is playing Magic The Gathering. Every time I hear one of their songs, I feel like someone’s playing a prank on me. Nobody really likes this, right? Somebody from Steely Dan surely won a bet with the president of radio in 1974 and nobody ever caught on.

No we got nothin' in common. No we can't talk at all.


Good lord, blasphemy!


Thanks for posting this thread initially. Without it I would not have known about the show, and wouldn't have my nice seat in front the mixing board, not that I even know where the mixing board is. I really wanted to thank you after I saw the algebra2 post--clearly algebra2 did not appreciate your post as much as i did.

ps i bought the ticket insurance so I have now guaranteed us concert attendees perfect weather on August 1st. (Algebra2 doesn't have to worry about outside weather conditions that evening, although he/she may feel a cold wind from this thread....)

Now that we are all ticketed (those that can and want to be), I think it's time for favorite Steely Dan and/or Elvis Costello lines!

"Daddy don't live in that New York City no more. He don't celebrate Sunday on a Saturday night no more."

"I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused."

I hate PNC. I saw that both were playing before I saw the locale. I was like, nope.

Oh, and
“Like the castle in its corner in a medieval game, I foresee terrible trouble and I stay here just the same.”

algebra2 said:

Steely Dan sound like Captain & Tennille if they smoked weed. Except the weed was really pencil-shavings and everybody at the party is playing Magic The Gathering. Every time I hear one of their songs, I feel like someone’s playing a prank on me. Nobody really likes this, right? Somebody from Steely Dan surely won a bet with the president of radio in 1974 and nobody ever caught on.

I'm not a Steely Dan guy either ... In fact, I hold them directly responsible for bands like Toto and Mister Mister ...

"They got the house on the corner
With the rug inside
They got the booze they need
All that money can buy
They got the shapely bods
They got the Steely Dan T-shirt
And for the coup-de-gras
They're outrageous"

"Love is always scarpering or cowering or fawning
You drink yourself insensitive and hate yourself in the morning"

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