State of the Union

is that all the female members of Congress wearing the white jackets? 

it’s good to know that there can be no peace or progress when there’s investigation. Huh?!?!

why don't the Dems just walk out?

I understand there’s protocol and you don’t just walk out (although I would). What I don’t understand is why the response is always relatively polite. Why don’t they fact check real time and say “he said this but THIS is the fact”. It’s always way too soft.

conandrob240 said:
I understand there’s protocol and you don’t just walk out (although I would). What I don’t understand is why the response is always relatively polite. Why don’t they fact check real time and say “he said this but THIS is the fact”. It’s always way too soft.

 There will be a response.

Dennis_Seelbach said:
why don't the Dems just walk out?

 They probably should have not come in the first place.

There are more women serving in Congress than ever before!

Does Trump understand that it results from a negative reaction to him?

LOST said:
There are more women serving in Congress than ever before!
Does Trump understand that it results from a negative reaction to him?

 I actually thought that was a pretty great moment considering where we are right now. 

yes, I am aware there will be a response (that’s how it works). I’m saying the response, IMO, would be the time to go hard at him and call him out on his lies and stupidity but it always seems relatively polite.

terp said:

LOST said:
There are more women serving in Congress than ever before!
Does Trump understand that it results from a negative reaction to him?
 I actually thought that was a pretty great moment considering where we are right now. 

 But totally ironic.

“And speaking of tearing babies out of wombs, we’re spending 10 bazillion dollars on our military.”

Can’t somebody write some segues for him?


He’s also just such a poor speaker. His awkward pausing and accentuating the wrong words.

see, this is what I don’t understand. She’s lovely and her story about her family touching. But what is the point of this lovely speech? Why not just hit back at all the lies and dumb points he made. Can’t someone be at the ready, fact checking and all him out in real time? 

Getting better but not tough or hard enough.

Stacey Adams speech not so hot and full of cliche's and platitudes and nothing about Medicare of All or any other exciting program.  The Democrats offer nothing. It's like they lost to Trump and did not learn anything.  More neoliberal crap  They could have offered Medicare for All, end to wars, free college and got people really excited.  Instead it's just bla bla bla . .

Edited to add:  Just heard Bernie's response and it was great--he went over Trump's points and why they are wrong and then he identified the problems and followed that with  SOLUTIONS.  He talked about everyday problems faced by people and stated that the majority of people (based on a news poll) want Medicare for All, a living wage, a wealth tax,  free college, etc. and they don't get them because the elite's own the politicians. 

The Democrats are not running on the things that people want that are POPULAR even with Republicans.  Abrams speech could have been used anywhere--it was not a real response to Trump and it just spewed vague promises, nothing specific to get people excited enough to get off the couch to vote.  It was a wasted opportunity. 

Donald Trump is a lying piece of sh-t. He doesn't deserve to be in the White House, and he doesn't deserve to be giving the State Of the Union, and he doesn't deserve to be taken seriously as President. I am not going to watch crap until we have a real President again in 2021, or worst case in 2025.

I didn't watch the SOTU because I can't stand to listen to the guy but I love this: 

He wll be known in the history books as "Trump the Incompetent"

cramer said:
I didn't watch the SOTU because I can't stand to listen to the guy but I love this: 

 I read a tweet last night that said that Nancy Pelosi has invented the "fcuk you" clap.

the look on Pelosi's face when Trump claimed we'd be at war with North Korea if he hadn't been elected president was the embodiment of the WTF? that went through my brain as I heard him say it.

I watched because my friend Fred was invited. I can’t even imagine how he and the other Parkland families felt as Trump rattled on and honored the family whose parents were killed by an illegal alien. While not one mention of their loss or the 40,000 deaths to gun violence. Disgusting.

nan said:
Stacey Adams speech not so hot and full of cliche's and platitudes and nothing about Medicare of All or any other exciting program.  The Democrats offer nothing. It's like they lost to Trump and did not learn anything.  More neoliberal crap  They could have offered Medicare for All, end to wars, free college and got people really excited.  Instead it's just bla bla bla . 

She was chosen because she is diverse and "safe." Not a firebrand like Sanders or some new member of the house that would dare to bring up real populist programs. Progeams which would endanger profits of powerful corporate industries, like the insurance industry. 

"Progressive liberalism" wrapped in corporate lite.

We can expect that with our current Democratic leadership. Attack Trump and all that, rah, rah rah !!! But don't expect real movement that will help us such as vast and useful healthcare reform, a crackdown on the military industrial complex, reform of the financial industry, etc.

the leadership of both parties has largely embraced an agenda that serves the rich with little concern for average workers. - Dean Baker

ml1 said:
the look on Pelosi's face when Trump claimed we'd be at war with North Korea if he hadn't been elected president was the embodiment of the WTF? that went through my brain as I heard him say it.

 Agreed but then why didn’t someone SAY it?!?! Why isn’t the response a direct response to what was SAID? Surely you have a gifted enough speaker that can modify a speech in the fly and directly respond to the lunacy?

I don't know.  But at this point is there anything to be gained by fact-checking Trump?  Anyone who opposes him disbelieves almost everything he says.  And his supporters clearly don't care that he's a habitual liar.

The point being made, I believe, is that Trump supporters wouldn’t have tuned into a Democratic response anyway, but that those who are on the fence could have had more to get excited about within said response. There needs to be a firebrand up there who can go toe to toe with this Chump and the Dems always fall short with their “response” choices both in personality and content.

conandrob240 said:

 Agreed but then why didn’t someone SAY it?!?! Why isn’t the response a direct response to what was SAID? Surely you have a gifted enough speaker that can modify a speech in the fly and directly respond to the lunacy?

 It's very frustrating to witness the unfolding madness and not being able to get visibly agitated. I am sure a lot of tongues were sore. When Trump entered kiss *** Alley I knew I had to move away from the TV. We need to adopt more of a British parliament in session....that would be fun.

Jaytee said:

We need to adopt more of a British parliament in session....that would be fun.

You mean like letting the audience holler out "You lie!" during the speech? 

ml1 said:
I don't know.  But at this point is there anything to be gained by fact-checking Trump?  Anyone who opposes him disbelieves almost everything he says.  And his supporters clearly don't care that he's a habitual liar.

I largely agree with you but I think there are some people in the center who can benefit from being reminded that he is dishonest. Yes, people are highly polarized around Trump but there is always a need to point out straight up lies.

I think some don’t care and just like Trump. But I think there are many more people who just believe what they hear. And I think whether they’d watch Dem response or not, it should go HARD to uncover the blatant lies. 

there is plenty of fact-checking this morning.  The NYT is now being pretty blunt in the assessments of Trump's claims.  A number of them simply said "This Is False."

That said, I thought Adams speech was pretty lame.  She seemed more like a candidate announcing she was running for something, and not much like a response to the SOTU.

ABC news fact check.  Just one False statement which was his opinion rather than an attempt at a fact.  Is the "Lacking Context" rating really a 'True' rating but the author doesn't want to admit it?

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