Stair rail requirements

Does Maplewood have an ordinance requiring railing on outside steps?

I believe the state requires rail(s) if there are more than 4 risers.  Your insurance company may be pickier.

Good point Max. When we moved here years ago, it was the insurance company that made us put railings on the steps, not the town.

If you go to sell your house you'll probably need to install a railing to get your certificate of occupancy. 

A relative doesn't have a rail, they have less than 4 steps.  However, they also fell on those same steps and because of how they landed they ended up with metal rods holding their arm bone together, it wasn't pretty.  Luckily, they were the one injured and not a visitor, so while it completely sucked and they're still in rehab a couple of years later, at least they didn't have to worry about being sued.

Put in a rail, it'll give you peace of mind, especially if someone is carrying an infant, or a person with balance issues, or just anyone in general in icy weather before you've had a chance to salt. 

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