Staged Trump photo "writing" his inaugural speech

It kinda sounded like he might have written the inauguration speech mostly by himself. He got off a couple good lines in the first two minutes, and probably should have stopped there.

I liked the carnage line personally.

Maybe you missed the ridiculous tweet.

maplewoodlax2020 said:

Is there a point to this? I'm pretty sure every president has had a speech writer.

Now he's claiming he had a million and a half people at his inauguration! He is bizarre. Like people can't see the diffeeence.

gerryl said:

Now he's claiming he had a million and a half people at his inauguration! He is bizarre. Like people can't see the diffeeence.

He is either delusional or an outrageous liar. Either way it does not bode well for the country


that's quite the insight there.

author said:

gerryl said:

Now he's claiming he had a million and a half people at his inauguration! He is bizarre. Like people can't see the diffeeence.

He is either delusional or an outrageous liar. Either way it does not bode well for the country

He is not talking to people who can see the difference.

He's talking to the people who can't.

Please people - you have to get this. He is building an army of supporters who have an utterly different reality then yours. It is the central purpose of practically every tweet - whether knowingly or not.

I think Bannon knows it. I think Trump just does this naturally, without thinking.

gerryl said:

Now he's claiming he had a million and a half people at his inauguration! He is bizarre. Like people can't see the diffeeence.

The cake chef was a good sport about it. Said they did a good job.

Question...In watching him sign things, did anyone else get the feeling that there is some degree of reading Disability? It looked to me that he didn't compretend the Mattis waiver until Ryan explained it to him.

It's been widely speculated that he has a learning disability and that's why Ivanka and Jared attend important briefings including security ones.

Dennis_Seelbach said:

Question...In watching him sign things, did anyone else get the feeling that there is some degree of reading Disability? It looked to me that he didn't compretend the Mattis waiver until Ryan explained it to him.

drummerboy said:

He is not talking to people who can see the difference.

He's talking to the people who can't.

Please people - you have to get this. He is building an army of supporters who have an utterly different reality then yours. It is the central purpose of practically every tweet - whether knowingly or not.
I think Bannon knows it. I think Trump just does this naturally, without thinking.

gerryl said:

Now he's claiming he had a million and a half people at his inauguration! He is bizarre. Like people can't see the diffeeence.

What are you going to believe, your own eyes or what Our Great Leader tells you?

ElizMcCord said:

It's been widely speculated that he has a learning disability and that's why Ivanka and Jared attend important briefings including security ones.
Dennis_Seelbach said:

Question...In watching him sign things, did anyone else get the feeling that there is some degree of reading Disability? It looked to me that he didn't compretend the Mattis waiver until Ryan explained it to him.

Oh, for sure. He does not know how to read well and had significant, unaddressed, unremediated learning disabilities. With emphasis on unaddressed and unremediated. LDs don't disqualify someone from running for or winning the U.S. presidency. But the fact that they are unaddressed and unremediated should. And, yes, that is why he needs Ivanka and Jared as his shadows. They need to interpret for him. And their role will be to interpret him to everyone else.

Trash a bank if you've got real balls...

jeffl said:

And furthermore, I will relish any mockery of this buffoon over the course of his presidency. Fair or unfair. I hope Alec Baldwin does weekly skits mocking this ahole for the next four years, or until he's impeached. I want to see every photo of him that makes him look ridiculous; every text where he shows what an imbecile he is; every sound bite where he contradicts himself and things that he's said in the past; every rumor that casts him in a negative light. I can't get enough of it because nothing is going to cure me of the revulsion that is his presidency.

ml1 said:

yes. the point is that Trump sent out a transparently phony photo of himself writing his speech. It's ridiculous. Sometimes the point is just to poke fun at self-important people.
maplewoodlax2020 said:

Is there a point to this? I'm pretty sure every president has had a speech writer.

maplewoodlax2020 said:

Trash a bank if you've got real balls...

Jello Biafra has moved east and branded a new laxative?

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