South Orange BOT election

Transit oriented development in a downtown area is far different from development within the other two commercial corridors. The proximity to so many single family homes on Valley and Irvington Avenue makes development a bit more tricky and contentious.

Rob_Sandow said:

yahooyahoo said:
The only way the school funding relief is going to happen for our district as a whole is at the state level.  We should be focusing on Mila Jasey, John McKeon, and Richard Codey.  
Any local politician that says they can use their contacts to change how funding is balanced between the two towns is foolish.
The thing is, Jasey, McKeon, and Codey also represent Maplewood, which has more voters than South Orange.  This is why I came to the conclusion that nothing would change after meeting with them and/or their representatives.  

My point was that laws/regulations need to change at the state level, not the local level.  Transferring the cost between taxpayers within the school district is not the answer.  The answer is changing the funding formula at the state level so our entire district gets some relief.

Is there really a division between the Chamber of Commerce and SOVC? Leslie Pogany and Matt Wonski are on the board of SOVC.

OhHenry -annielou asked why there was such animosity towards Sheena. The history of the turf war in the downtown was the only thing I could think of. It was no small thing - even before Sheena got on the BOT. There was constant sniping at Main Street. Perhaps a good question for Matt Wonski at a forum is whether he wants to keep SOVCA operating. (It's probably a good question for all of the candidates.) The big objection to formation of SOVCA at the time was that there are assessments to the downtown property owners. I don't know how Wonski feels about that - they own three properties in the downtown, I believe. 

eta - Add this to the mix: In 2005, John Pogony, who died last year, ran on a ticket for BOT. The campaign manager was Elaine Harris. Sheena was school president at SHU. She was a big supporter of John Pogany's ticket and tried to rally the SHU students to vote for the ticket. John Pogony lost. Somewhere along the line the relationship between Sheena and Elaine Harris/the Pogonys soured. I'm not sure of the reason, but I think it was because Sheena supported a special improvement district. 

librarylady said:
Bill Calabrese’s son works at Bunny’s  

Doesn't Bob Zuckerman pay you to watch his cats while he takes tons of vacations every year?

An audit of vacation time from SOVCA since 2015 would yield an embarrassing amount of paid leave.

shelag67 said:

librarylady said:
Bill Calabrese’s son works at Bunny’s  
Doesn't Bob Zuckerman pay you to watch his cats while he takes tons of vacations every year?
An audit of vacation time from SOVCA since 2015 would yield an embarrassing amount of paid leave.

Shelag67 please identify yourself or at least show your sources.  This is getting really ugly with no need.  It's a local election for G*d sakes.  At the end of the day, we'll all be fine.  

Morganna said:
 Thank you. That's as I remembered it but wanted to be sure.

You're welcome. Like Leslie, most people trust that Mr. Zuckerman is telling them the truth. But once you start unpacking his rhetoric, you quickly realize that he may talk a good game, but has no grasp on what the truth is since he loves to tell you what you want to hear. 

Number One BS artist.

Rob_Sandow said:
Shelag67 please identify yourself or at least show your sources.  This is getting really ugly with no need.  It's a local election for G*d sakes.  At the end of the day, we'll all be fine.  

If you would step outside of being a keyboard warrior you'd interact with the same sources that I do. After almost 30 years here I've seen a lot around town.

Did you know that Mr. Zuckerman went into Chris's Texas Weiner last week on the corner of Vose and South Orange Avenue and demanded they take down signs supporting his opposition?

Chris's immediately took down the SOForward sign, but as of tonight, they now have two SOForward signs and one sign for Bob's slate, a week after having no signs in their windows after Mr. Zuckerman went into the diner to rage and complain. Looks like they're rebelling just a little bit after being harassed by Bob Zuckerman.

I hope that any Village President whether it's Deborah or Sheena would never support someone like Mr. Zuckerman who walks around town demanding that businesses take down a sign from anyone that disagrees with him.

Rob_Sandow said:
Shelag67 please identify yourself or at least show your sources.  This is getting really ugly with no need.  It's a local election for G*d sakes.  At the end of the day, we'll all be fine.  

I was there when it happened, how's that for a source? Standing there, waiting for my take out that I called in for about a half hour prior. I'm one of those retired people that no one ever notices and rarely speaks to.

What's really ugly is that someone who has nominated themselves to be the head of a slate is going around the village demanding that any establishment he ever frequented needs to take down a sign from the SOForward Campaign and put one of his up in its place.

Not only is that ugly but it's also troublesome that someone running in a non-partisan election would feel empowered to walk into a downtown business and demand that they take away a sign for a local slate in our tiny election, "for G*d sakes."

And the more that I think about it, it actually horrifies me that someone running for office would ever feel empowered to walk into a business in the Village Downtown district and demand that someone working there get rid of their opposition's sign and replace it with one of their own.

I find that ugly and disgusting and no where near to any of the progressive values that I embrace. 

In this Sign Mafia scenario is anyone holding a gun to a business owner's head?   Photos if you got'em -- send them to The News-Record or Village Green.  Maybe even The New Yorker magazine's cartoon department for a "caption contest" entry.

Vic DeLUca has endorsed Sheena. I think that's a first - I don't recall any Maplewood mayor in the past making an endorsement for a South Orange Village President candidate. 

To the Editor:

On May 14th, I urge South Orange voters to re-elect Sheena Collum as Village President. Sheena is a strong leader and by far the better choice for the future of South Orange.

Four years ago, Sheena reached out to me to discuss how our two towns could work more closely together to improve the delivery of municipal services and achieve costs savings to benefit our taxpayers. During her tenure we’ve entered into more partnerships than ever before, the most successful of which has been the Two Towns for All Ages initiative. Sheena took the lead in securing hundreds of thousands of dollars to improve and increase services for the elderly in our two communities.

Sheena also has been a great advocate for her constituents. In 2017, when New Jersey Transit made a unilateral decision to cut Midtown Direct train service, Sheena and I organized other elected officials along the rail line to hold Transit’s feet to the fire. We secured express bus service for our commuters and made sure detailed information was provided to our residents so they could utilize alternative travel options. Sheena has consistently promoted better rail service for South Orange train riders.

And Sheena has been a voice for social justice. She has been outspoken in support of the LGBTQ and Transgender communities, common sense gun regulations, immigrant rights, and the legalization of adult use marijuana. On numerous occasions Sheena brought our communities together to oppose white nationalism, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. It is due to Sheena’s leadership that South Orange voted to become a welcoming community for all.

Sheena is also a tough negotiator, always fighting for the interests of her community. In our discussions about a joint fire department, Sheena has called for a shared management structure, job protections for current South Orange firefighters, and improved fire services throughout South Orange. You can be sure that Sheena will continue to promote South Orange’s interests as we move forward with those negotiations.

Sheena Collum is the right choice for South Orange and I enthusiastically endorse her re-election. I’ve seen Sheena in action and have complete confidence in her abilities, knowledge and leadership skills. Please vote for Sheena Collum on Tuesday, May 14.

Victor De Luca


Apr 28, 2019 at 8:41pm Edited

OhHenry -annielou asked why there was such animosity towards Sheena. The history of the turf war in the downtown was the only thing I could think of. It was no small thing - even before Sheena got on the BOT. There was constant sniping at Main Street. Perhaps a good question for Matt Wonski at a forum is whether he wants to keep SOVCA operating. (It's probably a good question for all of the candidates.) The big objection to formation of SOVCA at the time was that there are assessments to the downtown property owners. I don't know how Wonski feels about that - they own three properties in the downtown, I believe.

@ cramer I would also be interested in hearing a discussion on SOVCA. At a TH there was a discussion on the budget for SOVCA and I believe it was over $100,000? Does anyone remember the number? I remember hearing something about some money going towards signs. I truly do not understand totally what they do but I'd be happy to learn more. As for the mention above of Matt Wonski owning 3 properties downtown, it reminded me that Bob Zuckerman also owns a pet food store, which he opened while he was head of SOVCA. As I don't know much about what they do, I hope this will not be interpreted as a judgment, just an inquiry. 

That budget would cost more than the rent gained from the towns takeover of the JAC building. The rent from the gym  cost the residents opportunity to have a low cost spay neuter clinic where our pets could be neutered for $90 as opposed to say $300, plus shots for $20 as opposed to the vet visit plus cost of shots, and would give us a free animal hold as opposed to paying $50,000.

And Bob Zuckerman was an essential factor in that decision. This comment is a judgment

Of course now that Run Jump Lift has vacated the building this could be reversed and I for one would support the candidate who was willing to learn from a bad decision.

shelag67 said:

librarylady said:
Bill Calabrese’s son works at Bunny’s  
Doesn't Bob Zuckerman pay you to watch his cats while he takes tons of vacations every year?
An audit of vacation time from SOVCA since 2015 would yield an embarrassing amount of paid leave.

 I've never hidden who I am on this board. There is no reason to hide and be anonymous if you believe in what you post. So who are you?

Morganna - Before SOVCA, there was Main Street. The town paid the costs of Main Street. When SOVCA was formed, the town continued paying what it had been paying to Main Street to SOVCA. In addition the property owners paid assessments to SOVCA. Your question as to the need for SOVCA goes back to the argument about whether there should even be a SOVCA. This was discussed and debated at the time.  Millburn has a special improvement district, the Downtown Millburn Development Alliance, and Maplewood has one, the Maplewood Village Alliance. 

btw - You raise an interesting point. If Matt Wonski or Bob Z are elected, they will have to recuse themselves from BOT discussions and votes on properties in the downtown plus Valley Street in Matt Wonski's case.  I think state law proscribes the exact distance but I don't recall the exact wording. 

mayhewdrive said:
 At the 1:49 mark on this video, Deborah states "I manage the Legislative branch of governance for the County".  With no disrespect to her job, she is the Clerk of the Essex County Freeholders, which as I understand, is the County equivalent of what Village Clerk, Kevin Harris, does today, or which Robin Kline did previously.  Those positions do not "manage the legislative branch" - they work FOR the legislative branch to write the agenda, prepare minutes and handle other administrative duties. I don't understand why she is overstating her role and can't imagine "her" Freeholders would appreciate being perceived as being managed by the Clerk.
In addition, since the primary responsibility of a Clerk is to take minutes, I wonder why the Legal and Personnel committee, which has been Chaired by DDF for her 12 years on the BOT, appears to have minutes for only 65 meetings!  The committee is supposed to meet monthly, meaning there should be minutes for 144 meetings over 12 years.  
Even if you assume a couple meetings a year are cancelled due to holidays or vacations, we should expect to have minutes for 120 meetings of the Legal and Personnel Committee.  I can only find minutes for 65 meetings in 12 years! (54%)

 Here are the official duties of the clerk. As you said, while I have nothing against the merits of the job, it by no means manages the elected body.

2.9 Clerk of the Board

Clerk of the Board. The Board shall appoint a Clerk of the Board. The Clerk shall:

a. Attend all meetings. b. Take and preserve the minutes. c. Keep ordinances, resolutions and minutes. d. Have custody of the County seal. e. Provide secretarial service for the Board members. f. Provide to the County Executive all documents requiring his/her signature. g. Prepare an agenda. h. Provide copies of all meeting notices and agenda. i. Provide for the mailing of all notices. j. Supervise secretarial staff.

A bigger question might be that, if elected, what will her stance by if an issue arises where South Orange's interests conflict with those of Essex County? It might be hard for DDF to go against Essex County, given that she's appointed to her paid role at the whim of the freeholders.

cramer said:
Vic DeLUca has endorsed Sheena. I think that's a first - I don't recall any Maplewood mayor in the past making an endorsement for a South Orange Village President candidate. 
To the Editor:
On May 14th, I urge South Orange voters to re-elect Sheena Collum as Village President. Sheena is a strong leader and by far the better choice for the future of South Orange.
Four years ago, Sheena reached out to me to discuss how our two towns could work more closely together to improve the delivery of municipal services and achieve costs savings to benefit our taxpayers. During her tenure we’ve entered into more partnerships than ever before, the most successful of which has been the Two Towns for All Ages initiative. Sheena took the lead in securing hundreds of thousands of dollars to improve and increase services for the elderly in our two communities.
Sheena also has been a great advocate for her constituents. In 2017, when New Jersey Transit made a unilateral decision to cut Midtown Direct train service, Sheena and I organized other elected officials along the rail line to hold Transit’s feet to the fire. We secured express bus service for our commuters and made sure detailed information was provided to our residents so they could utilize alternative travel options. Sheena has consistently promoted better rail service for South Orange train riders.
And Sheena has been a voice for social justice. She has been outspoken in support of the LGBTQ and Transgender communities, common sense gun regulations, immigrant rights, and the legalization of adult use marijuana. On numerous occasions Sheena brought our communities together to oppose white nationalism, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. It is due to Sheena’s leadership that South Orange voted to become a welcoming community for all.
Sheena is also a tough negotiator, always fighting for the interests of her community. In our discussions about a joint fire department, Sheena has called for a shared management structure, job protections for current South Orange firefighters, and improved fire services throughout South Orange. You can be sure that Sheena will continue to promote South Orange’s interests as we move forward with those negotiations.
Sheena Collum is the right choice for South Orange and I enthusiastically endorse her re-election. I’ve seen Sheena in action and have complete confidence in her abilities, knowledge and leadership skills. Please vote for Sheena Collum on Tuesday, May 14.
Victor De Luca

 I fear this may be spun by the opposition to make Sheena look like Maplewood's puppet.  

MasterP said:

mayhewdrive said:
 At the 1:49 mark on this video, Deborah states "I manage the Legislative branch of governance for the County".  
A bigger question might be that, if elected, what will her stance by if an issue arises where South Orange's interests conflict with those of Essex County? It might be hard for DDF to go against Essex County, given that she's appointed to her paid role at the whim of the freeholders.

 Anyone paying attention knows very well which of the candidates is a Useful Idiot. 

MasterP said:
 Here are the official duties of the clerk. As you said, while I have nothing against the merits of the job, it by no means manages the elected body.
2.9 Clerk of the Board
Clerk of the Board. The Board shall appoint a Clerk of the Board. The Clerk shall:
a. Attend all meetings. b. Take and preserve the minutes. c. Keep ordinances, resolutions and minutes. d. Have custody of the County seal. e. Provide secretarial service for the Board members. f. Provide to the County Executive all documents requiring his/her signature. g. Prepare an agenda. h. Provide copies of all meeting notices and agenda. i. Provide for the mailing of all notices. j. Supervise secretarial staff.
A bigger question might be that, if elected, what will her stance by if an issue arises where South Orange's interests conflict with those of Essex County? It might be hard for DDF to go against Essex County, given that she's appointed to her paid role at the whim of the freeholders.

 Thanks for the clarification on the official duties of the role. 

shelag67 said:

Rob_Sandow said:
Shelag67 please identify yourself or at least show your sources.  This is getting really ugly with no need.  It's a local election for G*d sakes.  At the end of the day, we'll all be fine.  
If you would step outside of being a keyboard warrior you'd interact with the same sources that I do. After almost 30 years here I've seen a lot around town.

Well, besides being a "keyboard warrior", I have:

  • Served for 7 years on the Board of SOPAC, 5 of those on its executive committee.
  • Served for 3 years as President of the Tuxedo Park Association
  • Served for the past year on the Board of the South Orange Parking Authority
  • Served for the past 6 years as co-Chair of the South Orange Citizens Budget Advisory Committee. 
  • Performed as a musician in numerous "Downtown After Sundown" and "Playing Around South Orange" shows, as well as other special town events.
  • Volunteered for work parties and beautification events. 
  • Run for Trustee in 2013 as an independent candidate.  

    I suppose If I knew who you were, and who your "sources" are, we could have a real conversation, but telling me to step outside of being a "keyboard warrior" is laughable.  

In the latest act of desperation, DDF just had posted on her campaign page a DRAFT document between SO and MW for the FD merger.  If I read the post correctly, the document is a year old, Deborah never publicly expressed a single concern over the past year, Deborah voted to conduct interviews for a Chief of the combined department and Deborah just  publicly released a draft document.  (who will ever negotiate in good faith with some who releases draft documents?)

Sheena and Vic have both stated a lot has changed over the past year and since any draft documents were created. 

This "issue" has been way overplayed and there are so many other issues to be discussed.

shelag67 said:

Did you know that Mr. Zuckerman went into Chris's Texas Weiner last week on the corner of Vose and South Orange Avenue and demanded they take down signs supporting his opposition?


Also interesting that Shelag67 has 3 posts in a row in this thread regarding the same establishment, Chris's Restaurant.  The current administration wants to replace the former Blockbuster space along with some other adjacent properties, with a new mixed use residential/retail property.  Chris's restaurant stands in the way of that plan, although it could be done without that property.  I'm not taking sides here,  Chris's has every right to want to keep their business intact, just as Bunny's did when Bill Calabrese wanted to knock it down so SOPAC could have frontage on South Orange Avenue.  I'm just annoyed by anonymous pot-stirrers like "Shelag67" who have no history here and are suddenly one-issue posters.

I don't think Chris's owns that building. it's the landlord that wants an inflated price.  

yet another negative mailer arrived today

Yes, amused by her suggestion that development isn’t going fast enough because of Sheena’s insistence on “planning”. (Quotation marks not mine)

Trying to skate a fine line between her supporters who are developers and her supporters who don’t approve of large fractions of what had been built in the last decade...

shelag67 said:
MBM at VG is a stenographer for SC & BZ. Never is there a deep dive into any of the press releases given to MBM at VG. The only way to get an announcement into the VG is to pay for advertising. Unfortunately, we don't have any investigative free press that actually looks into the facts. SOVCA has given lots of ad dollars to VG so they get favorable "reporting."
As an example, there are numerous questions from our neighbors as to whether or not BZ was forced out of his position. If MBM looked into what had actually transpired instead of cutting and pasting a press release, she would have found the truth.


Any sponsored content or press releases are clearly labeled as such on Village Green. 

All of our advertisers know that their advertising dollars will not impact our coverage of news. We cover business openings, business closings, and development issues regardless. You'll notice that we've posted numerous op-eds questioning development on Valley Street and run stories outlining opposition to a student housing proposal. Sheena Collum most certainly did not dictate that coverage.

I'm curious, also: if you think I'm not a journalist then why are you linking to my coverage of the JAC in other posts in this thread?

Finally, if you have a news tip or would like me to follow up on a story/lead, please email me at I will follow up! 

(ETA: I asked Bob Zuckerman why he left and he told me, basically, that it was time. After 5-1/2 years, he wanted a new focus. As he said at the AHNA forum on April 24, he wants to bring his skill set from SOVCA and apply it to Valley Street and Irvington Ave — areas outside of the SID. If you have different information, I'll look into it.)

Thanks so much,

Mary Mann

marybarrmann said:
Any sponsored content or press releases are clearly labeled as such on Village Green. 
All of our advertisers know that their advertising dollars will not impact our coverage of news. We cover business openings, business closings, and development issues regardless. You'll notice that we've posted numerous op-eds questioning development on Valley Street and run stories outlining opposition to a student housing proposal. Sheena Collum most certainly did not dictate that coverage.
I'm curious, also: if you think I'm not a journalist then why are you linking to my coverage of the JAC in other posts in this thread?

Finally, if you have a news tip or would like me to follow up on a story/lead, please email me at I will follow up! 
(ETA: I asked Bob Zuckerman why he left and he told me, basically, that it was time. After 5-1/2 years, he wanted a new focus. As he said at the AHNA forum on April 24, he wants to bring his skill set from SOVCA and apply it to Valley Street and Irvington Ave — areas outside of the SID. If you have different information, I'll look into it.)

Thanks so much,

Mary Mann

 Which links should I look for? There are a few I'm happy to post like the one where you quote a resident from Union who regularly came to town hall meetings hugged the VG rep and leaned heavily on the shelter's close with no concern for the volunteers who were desperate to save the animals.

Here's a jewel from VG

One woman, a resident of Union County, asked, “Is this going to go on until August?”

She said that while she felt that it was a good thing that the shelter was adopting out animals, she was “surprised to see the shelter back open.” She asked, “Is the town going to do anything or ride it out until August?”

One of the two women who knew me sent me an email saying that she knew that no shelter would ever go in there again.

I had worked out a peaceful arrangement to try to work with friends to get the animals out. I took on the 47 cats and my friends worked to get the dogs out. We raised our own money.  It was open as you should have known because of a judge's ruling.

You were right up there years later to cheer on the new residents Run Jump Lift. Watched that one too. How's that going.

Seems like you have been on the wrong side so I'll take any support you are throwing out with a grain of cat litter.

I would never subscribe to or recommend the Village Green or their reporting

Morganna said:
 Which links should I look for? There are a few I'm happy to post like the one where you quote a resident from Union who regularly came to town hall meetings hugged the VG rep and leaned heavily on the shelter's close with no concern for the volunteers who were desperate to save the animals.
Here's a jewel from VG
One woman, a resident of Union County, asked, “Is this going to go on until August?”
She said that while she felt that it was a good thing that the shelter was adopting out animals, she was “surprised to see the shelter back open.” She asked, “Is the town going to do anything or ride it out until August?”
One of the two women who knew me sent me an email saying that she knew that no shelter would ever go in there again.
I had worked out a peaceful arrangement to try to work with friends to get the animals out. I took on the 47 cats and my friends worked to get the dogs out. We raised our own money.  It was open as you should have known because of a judge's ruling.
You were right up there years later to cheer on the new residents Run Jump Lift. Watched that one too. How's that going.
Seems like you have been on the wrong side so I'll take any support you are throwing out with a grain of cat litter.

I would never subscribe to or recommend the Village Green or their reporting


Your post doesn't even make sense. Who was I hugging? When? Where? 

I'm sorry you didn't like our coverage. I was reporting what was happening in the meetings and in the courts. I was not advocating for any outcome (I love animals too and think animal shelters are great!). I remember this being a volatile issue (any issue we've covered with animals has always been highly emotional — whether feral cats or backyard chickens!).

I apologize for hugging anyone I shouldn't have hugged. I do most of my reporting at home now (watching meeting videos) and I try to keep a distance. 

Here's some of our animal control/JAC coverage:

As Deadline Looms, JAC Scrambles to Place Animals

South Orange Aiming to Make Decision on Animal Control and Sheltering Soon

Neighbors Prefer Run Jump Lift for Former JAC Shelter in South Orange

South Orange Hosts Forum on Fate of Former JAC Building December 1

4 Vie for Former JAC Space at 298 Walton in South Orange

Run Jump Lift Wins Temporary Lease for Former JAC Shelter in South Orange

Maplewood, South Orange Actively Discussing Shared Animal Control, With SO in Lead

South Orange Holds Public Meetings on Next Steps for JAC, Village Hall

South Orange to Seek Community Input for Former JAC Building

Discord Over Animal Control Persists in Maplewood

South Orange Gains Access to JAC Shelter

Jersey Animal Coalition Shelter Closing November 11

Jersey Animal Coalition to Vacate Premises, Town to Dismiss Complaints

Updated: Judge Rules JAC Can Reopen — Temporarily

JAC, South Orange Village in War of Words

Here's Sheena's letter to DDF, requesting additional debates, in response to the mailer that residents received today. 

"Dear Trustee Davis Ford,

Today another mailer hit South Orange households questioning various redevelopment projects, all of which you’ve been a part of as a sitting member of the governing body for 12-years. I’m somewhat perplexed as to the misleading statements and half-truths, particularly since you’re aware of the status of all projects.

First, I again request that we have a debate in order for ALL our residents to have an opportunity to hear from two-seasoned elected officials. I believe one focusing on redevelopment is certainly appropriate given your recent mailer.

Second, just to recap the information you are aware of and have approved:

• Village Hall is being repurposed into a restaurant and beer garden – an effort that I led saving taxpayers over $8M and resulting in a historic renovation by one of the most reputable restaurant groups in the region. When you say “nothing has been done”, that’s a falsehood. You know the interior has been cleaned out and that Landmark has been working with our Building Department over the past several weeks. I regret the hold-up, but as you are aware, the Village was sued by an adjacent property owner which delayed the project significantly. I, nor you, have control over the courts and ultimately, we entered into a settlement agreement, a measure you supported.

• The Meredia Project has all approvals from the governing body (you voted in favor of it) and received an approval for a financial agreement and approvals for the site-plan from the Planning Board. As we discussed at a recent event (and you agreed), the Village does not control the property. As you are also aware, this project was developed with extensive community input, will produce three times the amount of retail space than 3rd and Valley, include affordable housing, and has the most advantageous financial agreement to benefit our taxpayers (and not developers).

• The Blockbuster Site is in its final stages and as you are also aware, the remaining issue was a fair parking agreement between the town and the developer. It’s in our best financial interest to ensure that structural issues remain the responsibility of the property owner while the Village be responsible for annual maintenance of public parking. I’m excited for this project as it not only will be one of the largest revenue generators for our town but will feature co-retailing space for our small businesses, and an off-site financial contribution to benefit our community. It will also feature much needed affordable housing.

• The Gravel Parking Lot is not owned by the Village. It is owned by a private property owner who is yet to submit a plan to the Village. As you are aware, the Village was advised the developer was interested in high-end condos ($850,000/unit) with no retail and was seeking a long-term tax abatement and would need a parking variance. It should come as no surprise I would reject such a project. There’s no reason for taxpayers to subsidize luxury housing with no affordable housing onsite. These are the type of agreements I put a stop to once I was elected. We need to negotiate from a position of strength and not desperation.

You propose a “Revitalization Committee”. Can you explain how that is different from our existing Development Committee which already meets regularly, reviews all projects, hosts public meetings, has representatives from the governing body, residents, and subject matter experts? They have assisted our governing body on every project and it’s a shame you would undercut their work. As a Trustee, you approve all the members who currently sit on the Development Committee. Let’s also not forget our dedicated Design Review Board who also continues to serve us and the residents of our community with their expertise.

I am urging you to please accept this invitation to have a debate on planning and redevelopment. As a part of the debate, I would love if we could also speak about project finance, tax abatements, ratables, affordable housing, community give-backs, local redevelopment and housing laws, community form and design, density, residential site improvement standards, walkable urbanism, our master plan, and any other topic you feel is relevant to this particular topic (I will have no objections to whatever you propose).

Thank you for your consideration on this offer and as previously mentioned, you can pick the time, venue and the moderator. In the interest of transparency and community engagement, I think this would be a wonderful opportunity for us all.


Sheena Collum"

This was posted by Sheena on her Facebook page: 

 "Well, that was simple enough. Trustee Davis Ford has rejected the offer to debate me on the issues she put in her negative mail piece today that deliberately misrepresented issues. She advised her schedule does not allow for it."

After this latest reprehensible mailer, if anyone is interested in sharing their thoughts with Ms. Davis Ford, she's having an event at her campaign headquarters at 55 Academy Street on Sunday, May 5 from 5-7 pm. 

Anyway, got a sneak peek at Sheena's new mailing. I think its a winner.

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