So Much for "Unity" at the DNC: Corporate Democrats Purge Bernie Backers

author said:

 Had she won the Presidency,  the US treasury would have become a Clinton slush fund

That thinking was a major factor in making Trump President

sbenois said:

Your guy was never a Democrat.  He lost.  End of story.   You've been whining about it for over a year now, go join the Green Party.

They were fine with him running against the "chosen one" until he started doing well, then he wasn't a Democrat anymore. They are not Democrats. They are Republican-lite. Given the choice between a real Republican and a milder version, most choose the real one. The Dems need to move left, back to FDR and the New Deal. Bernie is the most popular politician in the country now. Should be a no-brainer which way to go, but the donors are all to the right. In the last election, the left most candidates won. The future is clear, but so is the corruption. Don't be on the side of corruption.

Edited to add:  OTOH, you might be right about giving up and joining the Greens:

LOST said:

author said:

 Had she won the Presidency,  the US treasury would have become a Clinton slush fund

That thinking was a major factor in making Trump President

Well there was also the use of her own her own private email server for 1000s of emails while she was  Secretary of State........several of which had to me matters of National Security.

Then we could bring up her charging a fee, payable to the  Clinton  fund,  to diplomats who wanted face time with her when she was Secretary of State

Trump had an easy target in her

Bernie once got a jay walking ticket in Burlington

sbenois said:

Your guy was never a Democrat.  He lost.  End of story.   You've been whining about it for over a year now, go join the Green Party.

There's yer bottom line here. 

When you "know" more about the process than the DNC head, you're in another realm, one where college is free, healthcare is too, and Americans are ready to embrace a septuagenerian socialist who made his bones in the high pressure Ben-and-Jerry state.

Let it go. I'm sure it felt good.


"...the Trump side emphasized how I was part of the “media elite” and in the tank for Hillary, and so did the Bernie Bros. As much as I respected Bernie, I was exhausted by the self-righteousness of the Bernie Bros. Bernie came into the race as an outsider who had criticized the Democratic Party. Nonetheless, the party embraced him. It worked with him to make sure he was on the ballot. He had legitimate reasons to complain about the actions of a handful of people at the DNC, and I had been totally forthcoming to him about that. But overall the game was not rigged against him. He knew this and has said as much, but his staunchest supporters refused to accept it. Now I was becoming their target."

"...the more competitive and heated the primary got, the harder DNC staff worked to be scrupulously fair and beyond reproach. In all the months the Russians monitored the DNC’s email, they found just a handful of inappropriate emails, with no sign of anyone taking action to disadvantage the Sanders campaign."

my italics

The maturity and respect of the Bros:

"Their dissatisfaction was emerging in ugly episodes on the convention floor. I had been shocked that the Rev. Dr. Cynthia Hale was booed during the invocation on the opening day of the convention when she praised Hillary."

"To seasoned convention watchers, what we saw on the floor was atrocious, but most of the folks at home saw a flawless convention, where one strong speech built on the next, and a triumphant nominee."

Not so innocent and exploited...

"All candidates can use data the DNC collects on voters, but we maintain strict barriers between the campaign operations so competitors cannot spy on their opponents. In December 2015, before the 2016 primaries and caucuses began, four staffers from the Sanders campaign exploited a bug in a software update to view confidential voter data collected by the Clinton campaign."

I've run out of tin foil hats to give out. Maybe you can borrow Nan's.

author said:

LOST said:

author said:

 Had she won the Presidency,  the US treasury would have become a Clinton slush fund

That thinking was a major factor in making Trump President

Well there was also the use of her own her own private email server for 1000s of emails while she was  Secretary of State........several of which had to me matters of National Security.

Then we could bring up her charging a fee, payable to the  Clinton  fund,  to diplomats who wanted face time with her when she was Secretary of State

Trump had an easy target in her

Bernie once got a jay walking ticket in Burlington

GL2 said:

Not so innocent and exploited...

"All candidates can use data the DNC collects on voters, but we maintain strict barriers between the campaign operations so competitors cannot spy on their opponents. In December 2015, before the 2016 primaries and caucuses began, four staffers from the Sanders campaign exploited a bug in a software update to view confidential voter data collected by the Clinton campaign."

This was another made up story by the DNC, along with the fake chairs thrown in Nevada.

If it was made up why did Bernie apologizefor it?

Saying that his staff "did the wrong thing," Bernie Sanders on Saturday apologized to Hillary Clinton and to his own supporters after his aides improperly accessed proprietary voter lists created by Clinton's campaign. But the Vermont senator also suggested that the issue should have been handled without a public spat between the campaigns and the Democratic National Committee.

Asked by moderators at a Democratic debate held in New Hampshire if Clinton is owed an apology for the incident, which resulted in the firing of a Sanders aide, the senator replied "Yes. I apologize."

"Not only do I apologize to Secretary Clinton, and I hope we can work together on an independent investigation, I want to apologize to my supporters," he added. "This is not the kind of campaign that we run and if I find anybody else involved in this, they will also be fired."

nan said:

GL2 said:

Not so innocent and exploited...

"All candidates can use data the DNC collects on voters, but we maintain strict barriers between the campaign operations so competitors cannot spy on their opponents. In December 2015, before the 2016 primaries and caucuses began, four staffers from the Sanders campaign exploited a bug in a software update to view confidential voter data collected by the Clinton campaign."

This was another made up story by the DNC, along with the fake chairs thrown in Nevada.

If Bernie Sanders had won the Democratic Nomination this is what Trump and the Right-Wing Media would have made a main story:

There was a small incident that was made major by the DNC. It was part of the DNC doing everything it could to make the Sander's campaign look bad.  Bernie appologized because that's what he does.  He also supported Hllary after she screwed him over, for which he got zero credit in her fictional book.

GL2 said:

sbenois said:

Your guy was never a Democrat.  He lost.  End of story.   You've been whining about it for over a year now, go join the Green Party.

There's yer bottom line here. 

When you "know" more about the process than the DNC head, you're in another realm, one where college is free, healthcare is too, and Americans are ready to embrace a septuagenerian socialist who made his bones in the high pressure Ben-and-Jerry state.

Let it go. I'm sure it felt good.

Bernie's math never added up. Neither did his sky high promises. Hillary's math added up but when she promised something Bernie would condemn and promise 10x better.

Bernie reminds me of my junior high school student president election. The candidate who promised there would no more homework, no detentions and he'd shorten the school day. It was interesting, I thought funny, also when watching the teachers smile or more likely smirk. 

He won, unlike the bore who didn't promise much.

Trump promised more than he could actually ever deliver. Many of his supporters knew it and didn't care.

Bernie's promises were far more realistic and certainly aspirational.

How does it help anything today for Bernie supporters to attack Hillary or Hillary supporters to attack Bernie? Both had their strengths and weaknesses.

 Hillary was always subject to absurd and hysterical attacks by the Right and when she became the nominee those continued. If Bernie had been the nominee he would have been the subject of absurd hysterical attacks by the Right. That's what they do. John Kerry served heroically in Vietnam and was attacked for his service!

author said:

LOST said:

author said:

 Had she won the Presidency,  the US treasury would have become a Clinton slush fund

That thinking was a major factor in making Trump President

Well there was also the use of her own her own private email server for 1000s of emails while she was  Secretary of State........several of which had to me matters of National Security.

Here you go with the right wing meme of the evil Hillary and her email. Give it up. Stop lapping up right wing vomit.

As a matter of fact, previous secretaries state used private email. Colin Powell, for example, used private email exclusively.

Prior to Secretary Kerry, no Secretary of State used a email address - Karin Lang, Support Staff Manager for Sec of State Office, 6/16

Our best information is that she set up as a matter of convenience. - Director Comey, 7/7/16

Laws and regulations did not prohibit employees from using their email accounts for the conduct of official Department business - Inspector General Report, 5/16

She wasn't the only one using personal email. That's why no questions or red flags were raised when other addressed official email to her personal address.

If all these respected, senior foreign service officers and experienced ambassadors are sending these emails, then this issue is not about how Hillary Clinton managed her email, but how the State Department communicates - Phil Gordon, AS of State and NSC Official

As for classification. Comey said that none of Clinton's email were properly marked as classified. When she released them some were reclassified. Its difficult determining classification. To be safe, things are mostly over classified.

This also happened to Colin Powell. Some of his email was retroactively classified. Powell's response was

That is an absurdity. We might as well shut the department down - C Powell, 2/4/2016  

LOST said:

Trump promised more than he could actually ever deliver. Many of his supporters knew it and didn't care.

Bernie's promises were far more realistic and certainly aspirational.

Aspirational is subjective. What is aspirational to you can be horrible to someone else.  I'm sure Trump's promises were very aspirational to many. He did get over 63 million votes.

Bernie's promises were as realistic as Trump's. Maybe less. No way did his math add up or would they have gotten through congress.

Actually, many Trump's promises could be implemented if he he focused and did not Twitter. His wall may not be Mexican paid for, but it could be built. Not that it would be of any use considering the terrain.

I'll grant that Bernie didn't have his math all worked out. The only candidate who did that was Hillary, diligent little worker bee that she is.

But I don't have a problem with his pushing a position that is far beyond what is possible to accomplish right now. It's important to get the discussion moving in a particular direction, and now that single-payer is kind of the defacto position of the D's, Bernie played this perfectly.

I have to give him a lot of credit here.

BG9 said:

LOST said:

Trump promised more than he could actually ever deliver. Many of his supporters knew it and didn't care.

Bernie's promises were far more realistic and certainly aspirational.

Aspirational is subjective. What is aspirational to you can be horrible to someone else.  I'm sure Trump's promises were very aspirational to many. He did get over 63 million votes.

Bernie's promises were as realistic as Trump's. Maybe less. No way did his math add up or would they have gotten through congress.

Actually, many Trump's promises could be implemented if he he focused and did not Twitter. His wall may not be Mexican paid for, but it could be built. Not that it would be of any use considering the terrain.

don't waste your keyboard bg9, author is a fact-resistant member of the borg. Hillary hides in his closet, threatening him at every turn.

BG9 said:

author said:

LOST said:

author said:

 Had she won the Presidency,  the US treasury would have become a Clinton slush fund

That thinking was a major factor in making Trump President

Well there was also the use of her own her own private email server for 1000s of emails while she was  Secretary of State........several of which had to me matters of National Security.

Here you go with the right wing meme of the evil Hillary and her email. Give it up. Stop lapping up right wing vomit.

As a matter of fact, previous secretaries state used private email. Colin Powell, for example, used private email exclusively.

Prior to Secretary Kerry, no Secretary of State used a email address - Karin Lang, Support Staff Manager for Sec of State Office, 6/16

Our best information is that she set up as a matter of convenience. - Director Comey, 7/7/16

Laws and regulations did not prohibit employees from using their email accounts for the conduct of official Department business - Inspector General Report, 5/16

She wasn't the only one using personal email. That's why no questions or red flags were raised when other addressed official email to her personal address.

If all these respected, senior foreign service officers and experienced ambassadors are sending these emails, then this issue is not about how Hillary Clinton managed her email, but how the State Department communicates - Phil Gordon, AS of State and NSC Official

As for classification. Comey said that none of Clinton's email were properly marked as classified. When she released them some were reclassified. Its difficult determining classification. To be safe, things are mostly over classified.

This also happened to Colin Powell. Some of his email was retroactively classified. Powell's response was

That is an absurdity. We might as well shut the department down - C Powell, 2/4/2016  

drummerboy said:

don't waste your keyboard bg9, author is a fact-resistant member of the borg. Hillary hides in his closet, threatening him at every turn.

Fact resistance seems to have become epidemic in the USA. 

It's our biggest problem. The most serious threat to our democracy. IMHO

BG9 said:

drummerboy said:

don't waste your keyboard bg9, author is a fact-resistant member of the borg. Hillary hides in his closet, threatening him at every turn.

Fact resistance seems to have become epidemic in the USA. 

This is from last July, but I missed it and it and it is a serious problem for those that support the establishment Democrats:

"ONE OF THE most under-discussed yet consequential changes in the American political landscape is the reunion between the Democratic Party and the country’s most extreme and discredited neocons. While the rise of Donald Trump, whom neocons loathe, has accelerated this realignment, it began long before the ascension of Trump and is driven by far more common beliefs than contempt for the current president."

With New D.C. Policy Group, Dems Continue to Rehabilitate and Unify With Bush-Era Neocons

Another excerpt:

"THE IMPLICATIONS OF this reunion are profound and long-term. Neocons have done far more damage to the U.S., and the world, than any other single group — by a good margin. They were the architects of the invasion of Iraq and the lies that accompanied it, the worldwide torture regime instituted after 9/11, and the general political climate that equated dissent with treason.

With the full-scale discrediting and collapse of the Bush presidency, these war-loving neocons found themselves marginalized, without any constituency in either party. They were radioactive, confined to speaking at extremist conferences and working with fringe organizations.

All of that has changed, thanks to the eagerness of Democrats to embrace them, form alliances with them, and thus rehabilitate their reputations and resurrect their power and influence. That leading Democratic Party foreign policy officials are willing to form new Beltway advocacy groups in collaboration with Bill Kristol, Mike Rogers, and Mike Chertoff, join arms with those who caused the invasion of Iraq and tried to launch a bombing campaign against Tehran, has repercussions that will easily survive the Trump presidency."

nan said:

This is from last July, but I missed it and it and it is a serious problem for those that support the establishment Democrats:

I guess that's a good reason to support 9/11 Truthers and dismiss Russian meddling.

dave23 said:

nan said:

This is from last July, but I missed it and it and it is a serious problem for those that support the establishment Democrats:

I guess that's a good reason to support 9/11 Truthers and dismiss Russian meddling.

Yes, neocons joining forces with the Democratic party is a bigger problem than 9/11 Truthers and the Russians.  Lots of problems are bigger than those including the fact that 3 people now have more money than something like 40% of the rest of us and half the country is poor and do not even have $1000 in savings.  Also, we don't have single-payer medicare and kids are getting into serious debt trying to go to college. Also, the planet is enviornmentally a disaster and clean water is becoming a bigger topic every day.  And almost all the Democrats voted to give Trump 80 Billion more for the military.  But, just keep looking for those Russians cause I'm sure that's the root cause and solution to all of our problems.

Democrats Join Payday Lenders To Screw Poor People

nan said:

dave23 said:

nan said:

This is from last July, but I missed it and it and it is a serious problem for those that support the establishment Democrats:

I guess that's a good reason to support 9/11 Truthers and dismiss Russian meddling.

Yes, neocons joining forces with the Democratic party is a bigger problem than 9/11 Truthers and the Russians.  Lots of problems are bigger than those including the fact that 3 people now have more money than something like 40% of the rest of us and half the country is poor and do not even have $1000 in savings.  Also, we don't have single-payer medicare and kids are getting into serious debt trying to go to college. Also, the planet is enviornmentally a disaster and clean water is becoming a bigger topic every day.  And almost all the Democrats voted to give Trump 80 Billion more for the military.  But, just keep looking for those Russians cause I'm sure that's the root cause and solution to all of our problems.

Whining about Hillary doesn't exactly solve any of those things.

I'm whinning about the DNC who have rules in place that support this.  They take money from defense contractors and then they support the military and war. 

Under the rules last year, the person who got the majority of the votes in the primaries and caucuses was nominated.  What rule should change?

nan said:

I'm whinning about the DNC who have rules in place that support this.  They take money from defense contractors and then they support the military and war. 

nan said:

I'm whinning about the DNC who have rules in place that support this.  They take money from defense contractors and then they support the military and war. 

Russia helped usher the current Republican president into office and clearly holds sway over him. And Dems have always supported the military and war.

Today is the 8th anniversary of Magnitsky's murder, which led to sanctions that Putin desperately wants changed.

nan said:

dave23 said:

nan said:

This is from last July, but I missed it and it and it is a serious problem for those that support the establishment Democrats:

I guess that's a good reason to support 9/11 Truthers and dismiss Russian meddling.

Yes, neocons joining forces with the Democratic party is a bigger problem than 9/11 Truthers and the Russians.  Lots of problems are bigger than those including the fact that 3 people now have more money than something like 40% of the rest of us and half the country is poor and do not even have $1000 in savings.  Also, we don't have single-payer medicare and kids are getting into serious debt trying to go to college. Also, the planet is enviornmentally a disaster and clean water is becoming a bigger topic every day.  And almost all the Democrats voted to give Trump 80 Billion more for the military.  But, just keep looking for those Russians cause I'm sure that's the root cause and solution to all of our problems.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The enemy at this moment in History is the one you refer to as the Orange Buffoon. 

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