Smoke gets in your lungs

Monday July 17th

Clear and dry today, hot and humid.

Smoke from wildfires in Western Canada will be entering our area thismorning, causing haze. Air quality will degrade throughout the day, likely becoming Unacceptable later today.

Do you have a projection of how many day it will be with us?

As of this moment, the air quality in Maplewood is "moderate" but forecasted to be unhealthy for sensitive groups.

Formerlyjerseyjack said:

Do you have a projection of how many day it will be with us?

Things should s-l-o-w-l-y get better through midweek and by Friday we can hope to see low moderate to good levels

This air quality hasn’t been great. 

I am so lucky, in that I get maybe two headaches a year. However, on these “bad air days,” I have a low grade ache that settles over my right eye and does not go away until the number is way lower. I cannot even imagine what it’s like to live near these fires. 

Wed July 19th

Mid 80s with showers and possibly a thunderstorm this afternoon.

Air quality remains Unhealthy for Sensitive Individuals this morning.

The stationary front from the last couple of days remains in place this morning, so precipitation should occur again in narrow bands as it did yesterday (at one point it was pouring in Millburn and dry in eastern Maplewood). Most models have the bulk ofnthe rain south of MAPSO. A slowly growing high to our north should eventually push the front (and the smoke) offshore, and the weekend could be nice.

gif shows total cumulative rainfall projection from one model run for today. It's not a forecast, just one example of how the showers could play out.

Thurs July 20th

Happy Women's World Cup Opening Day

Air quality Moderate this morning as lingering smoke continues to slowly clear. Sun and clear skies means more ozone, probably also Moderate by this afternoon.

Note that the official particulates reading is higher than I am reporting as the location of our official monitoring site is next to a refinery in Elizabeth.

This time it didnt seem nearly as bad. No smell and no orange haze. Gotta do some yard work today unfortunately. 

the18thletter said:

This time it didnt seem nearly as bad. No smell and no orange haze. Gotta do some yard work today unfortunately. 

It was not as bad this time, but the orange sky event made us more aware and attuned to these events, including their effects, both acute and over time

Friday July 21st

Forecast: USA 3 - Vietnam 0

Oh, wait, you want to know about the weather? Sorry.

The line of thunderstorms that passed through this morning should take the instability out of the atmosphere for a few hours. Then, showers and thunderstorms likely starting midday through early evening. With the soggy saturated ground any thunderstorm could bring road and field ponding in flood-prone areas.

Air quality remains moderate this morning and should continue to slowly improve.

The thunder last night was insane.

Thanks, Max! I've been out of town. Saw the forecast, but not the weather. It was supposed to pour on our ride home today. Almost glad it was only trafficky.

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