Simple (?) Question: As of today. June 20, who do we call if pet is lost?

I am confused as to exactly where we are in terms of who we can call to see if a lost pet has been detained by an AC official of Maplewood (or South Orange)? Relatedly, is there a single person we can call who would know if any one of these TNR "vigilantes" has trapped our cat? My cat isn't missing, mind you. But, it occurs to me that, right now, given then changes, I have no idea who, if anyone, is required to know the answer for me if my cat were to go missing. Can I call Town Hall and get a definitive answer? Apology if this is a dumb question.

Here's what the Maplewood township web-site says about your first question:

Basically, call Associated Humane Society of New Jersey.

As for your second question about the TNR, Robert Roe, the township's Health officer, is in charge of the TNR program. 973-762-8120 x4400

In addition, if you want to get the word out to the freelance animal rescuers, just post about your lost cat on MOL. Many, if not most, of the informal animal rescue people visit here regularly.

Thanks, PeggyC. I realize it's no person's obligation to find or detain my cat. Just that if they do I should be able to find out so I can reclaim her before she is given away or euthanized.

I can understand the puzzlement, given the recent changes, and I sure as heck sympathize with the concern. If one of my cats got out and disappeared and I didn't even know for sure who to call, I would be frantic.

If a cat gets lost, putting up posters in the neighborhood and posting on web-sites like MOL should be one of the first steps in trying to locate a missing cat. IMO it is more likely the cat might be inside a closed garage than caught in a TNR trap. Also, don't neglect to have your pets chipped so they can be id'd if they are found.

Little bit of a thread drift. If the TNR group is planning on large scale trapping (colony) in a particular area, I think that the surrounding couple of blocks of houses should be notified in the form of a postcard/note so that those who have outside cats can take precautions to keep their cats inside/safe during the trapping operation. I've seen this done with other TNR groups.

cats said:
so that those who have outside cats can take precautions to keep their cats inside/safe during the trapping operation. I've seen this done with other TNR groups.

My suggestion is if you are concerned enough about your cat that you worry he'll be caught in a dragnet, you should just keep him inside. Indoor cats live longer, and are generally healthier than those who are allowed to roam.

Who to call depends on where you live. If you live near one of the town's borders, you should notify the authorities of any town into which the cat can reasonably be expected to wander. Given the wide range of options, depending on the town, I would start with the non-emergency number(s) for the local police department(s) - some ACO services are not available on the weekend for example - and then post to one or more of the local message boards. If posting to a local board, please indicate exactly where the cat may have been lost, indicate whether an indoor or indoor/outdoor cat, and post a picture if possible.

calliope said:

cats said:
so that those who have outside cats can take precautions to keep their cats inside/safe during the trapping operation. I've seen this done with other TNR groups.
My suggestion is if you are concerned enough about your cat that you worry he'll be caught in a dragnet, you should just keep him inside. Indoor cats live longer, and are generally healthier than those who are allowed to roam.

A voice of reason -- thank you!

Unfortunately, some indoor cats think they are outdoor cats and will bolt the moment a door to the outside is left the least bit ajar. The kitten on my keyboard was such a cat. Fortunately, we were able to coax him inside whenever he tried this though it took two of us to do it. I can easily imagine a scenario where a feline escape artist might wander out a door unnoticed.

Having lost my dog (and finding him) recently, here's my 2 cents: call the the local police to report the lost animal, as most people who find a lost pet will call the police. They will be in touch with Robert Roe who will help if he's available. Also, post on the local facebook swap group. Check with local vets as well, but particularly Dr. Stack at Valley Vet who takes many lost pets and holds them until the owner can be found. In our case, the SO police were contacted and Robert Roe tried to bring our dog home, but since we were on vacation our guy ended up safe with Dr. Stack. I have heard that Puppy Love also takes lost animals.

I can't answer your question if you live in South Orange.

If you live in Maplewood and your cat gets out and is picked up by animal control, your cat will be taken to Newark. This is a high kill shelter. I would recommend you actually go there looking for your cat rather than just call inquiring about it by phone. After the hold period it will most likely be killed. So, act quickly if your cat does go missing.

People in Maplewood have been really great about posting found pets on MOL and on SWAP (Facebook).

If your cat is trapped by the town approved TNVR program run by Furry Hearts Rescue your cat will be vetted and released back where it was trapped with it's ear tip clipped.Furry Hearts Rescue is not currently taking in any cats or dogs as they are full. If more fosters can be found they will again be taking in adoptable cats and dogs.

Your kitty should be registered with the town, and have it's registration tag on it's collar, or better yet be microchipped if you fear it will escape your home. Without identification, it's difficult to get your cat back.

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