Seen today, Church Street Millburn

Somebody actually bought one.

A rust bucket disguised as a dumpster.

I wonder if they got their pedal fixed yet. 

I saw it yesterday and thought, what an ugly piece of garbage. Lots of people were staring at it and I guess there’s a reason why someone would buy this. Attention.

Looks aside, there are a few breakthrough technologies in there that I hope will spread.  The 48 volt accessory architecture is way overdue, and true drive by wire is also something other companies can learn from.  I won't buy a Tesla because of Musk, but I appreciate engineering.

Same guy I saw last Saturday, as I was returning from the Home Depot with a dozen bags of mulch in my hybrid SUV, thinking that the Cybertruck probably can’t carry that much. 

I'm thinking:  Back To The Future

nohero said:

Same guy I saw last Saturday, as I was returning from the Home Depot with a dozen bags of mulch in my hybrid SUV, thinking that the Cybertruck probably can’t carry that much. 

thinking that the Cybertruck probably can’t carry that mulch.

Fixed that for you.

It's true. The cyber truck is not a truck in any meaningful way.  It's just a knock off Delorian with a really big trunk and serious quality control issues.

I don't get how you can see much out of the back window.  There is something futuristic-ally cool about the look - but doesn't look very practical.

It's interesting to see how the trunk works- at the 3 minute mark (this is a production model)

And a review from Marques

I'm seeing many Tesla cars on the road these days without a front license plate.  What's with that, and is this model also without a front license plate bracket?

saw this truck(?) in Springfield and thought... it couldn't get any uglier

mrmaplewood said:

I'm thinking:  Back To The Future

That or Robocop.

I think I doodled something like this on the inside of my PeeChee folder back in 1984.  Only my sketch was way cooler. 


I leased a BMW and they didn't put the front plate on   There's no place to put it   They would have had to screw it into the front bumper   They asked if I wanted them to do it and I asked, "Isn't it the law?"   They said that people don't get ticketed for that in NJ   I took their word for it   

mrmaplewood said:

I'm seeing many Tesla cars on the road these days without a front license plate.  What's with that, and is this model also without a front license plate bracket?

GoSlugs said:

thinking that the Cybertruck probably can’t carry that mulch.

Fixed that for you.

It's true. The cyber truck is not a truck in any meaningful way.  It's just a knock off Delorian with a really big trunk and serious quality control issues.

It’s the Hummer of the 2020s 

Tesla trucks.  Not as useful as robot waiters.

Again, I'm not a fan, but the payload is impressive.  I think too many of you have never once looked at the specs, or followed anything related to EVs, but formed an opinion 10 years ago and that's that.  This vehicle appeals to some people for some reason, but is a big step forward in engineering.  But realistically 90% of pickup trucks sold never haul anything until they reach their third owners.  So let's see what happens.

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