Sbenois PAC Called to Order: I simply can;t resist

Dang. I was expecting more fireworks. They should've included Rick Perry for extra entertainment. LOL

Get those Roooshunz! Get them Chinese! Them Commies. And bomb, bomb,bomb Iran!!!! Yahooooo!!!!

Sorry. This is just so.awful.

I am so confused...

China, Russia, iran, friends?

And now they hate us?

Walker wants to show

That he knows the names of some

Lesser known countries

Megyn, as the good book says - I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, she must be silent.

So yeah...pipe down.

"Only by the blood of Jesus Christ that I have been saved from my sins."

What ever happened to.separation of church and state?

One more mention of Christ or god..and I will be, hiccup, unable to walk a straight line.

Dr. The Only Black Guy: Tell us about god, the veterans, and that stuff with the cops.

Christie's father worked at Breyers Ice Cream. Mmmmmmm.

This is hilarious. RobB said:

Dr. The Only Black Guy: Tell us about god, the veterans, and that stuff with the cops.

springgreen2 said:
Christie's father worked at Breyers Ice Cream. Mmmmmmm.

Explains a lot

The faces on Mt. Rushmore are weeping for our country. Or in tears from laughter, I can't be sure.

After reading this thread I don't feel the need to watch the debate. Thank you.

Donald Trump. We don't beat China, we don't beat Japan, we don't beat....beat....beat.....oyyy.

A) The crowd sounded like the audiences for "Andy's Gang", and

2) I miss Steve Goodman


BTW: Anyone think the DE-bait bears re-watching?

springgreen2 said:
Maybe Kasich, if they're smart.

He gets my vote. Well not the real one, but tonight's pick 'em anyway. Trump didn't lose anyone.

I think essben fainted.

Trump totally lost the Fox focus group. They didn't like his threat to start a third party.

Maybe, but they can't ignore his sound bites. They'll be back.

Yes. Conservative media would like Trump to go away, but you're probably right.

It was like an SNL skit that went way too long, in other words, an SNL sketch.

Ailes clearly let it be known that Trump needs to be taken down a peg. The crowd had a Trump contingent that was probably shocked to hear his actual political past. Now that Carson's star has predictably faded, Chris Wallace didn't feel the need to repeat his evisceration of Carson's tithe tax plan.

Guess I find it hard to see the humor in this black velvet painting of 10 crying clowns playing poker. The nonstop spewing of the diversionary myth that the Democrats are the party of division, hate, and denying religious liberty is pathetic from the party who's platform contains the Human Life and Federal Marriage Amendments. Thank goodness Trump, Rubio and Walker now realize, to the audience's approval, that if a fetus is a baby, there can be no circumstance under which abortion is permissible.

If a fetus is a baby...?

Sarcasm, right?

springgreen2 said:
If a fetus is a baby...?

Didn't you listen?

It's a baby, it has rights

And a license plate

springgreen2 said:
If a fetus is a baby...?
Sarcasm, right?

Sadly, actual statements. Fetuses are routinely referred as babies by those who hypocritically call themselves pro life. If you saw the debate, Huckabee refetred to fetuses as babies. Rubio said at some future time they will "call us barbarians for murdering millions of babies". Recent videos have been said to show the sale of aborted baby parts by Planned Patenthood. The term holocaust is regularly used by abortion foes to desribe the constitutionally protected practice. Tonight marked a new inability to understand that document with claims of Constitutional protection of these "babies".

I know I'm preaching to a choir who mostly believes in the separation of church and state. But I'll miss no opportunity to point out the current Republican party is the most extremist in our history, wanting nothing less than the end of religious freedom that was a core principle of our Nation's founding. Coupled with the rollback of every economic and regulatory program enacted since Teddy Roosevelt, there has never been a party advocating a more fundamental change to the very fabric of our country. Which is why you'll constantly hear about how Obama and the Democrats want to and have radically changed the US. "Hey look over there" seems to work great with Republican voters.

The 10 reactionary decepticons amped the pandering to religious extremists to a new high. If this doesn't show just how far from the mainstream a party that advocates the death of a pregnant woman and carrying a pregnancy resulting from violence to term is, I don't know what will.

springgreen2 said:
Trump totally lost the Fox focus group. They didn't like his threat to start a third party.

Trump is Dr. Frankenstein's/Roger Ailes' monster.

Will be interesting to see if Rupert Murdoch can get Ailes to destroy his creation.

The final tally of how often each politician was directly mentioned by a candidate during Thursday’s early debate, per the transcript:

Barack Obama or Obamacare: 20
Hillary Clinton: 14
Donald Trump: 6
Joe Biden: 1
Bernie Sanders: 1
Jeb Bush: 1
Scott Walker/Ted Cruz/Mike Huckabee/Ben Carson/Marco Rubio/Rand Paul/Chris Christie/John Kasich: 0


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