Ryan Lochte is NOT a kid

broigus said:
sac said:

I do not defend spreading lies and I don't have knowledge of the particular statements being discussed, so I can't condemn or defend them.  I was only defending the notion that expressing anti-Israel concerns is not the same as anti-semitism and is not incompatible with tolerance and inclusiveness. 

Well maybe you should look.

This reminds me of the FB "article" my B-I-L posted the other day about President Obama banning the recitation of The Pledge of Allegiance in schools. I'd call him naïve and I know he doesn't like Obama, but I don't think he was "trying to spread lies..." People aren't always the best fact-checkers when their emotions get the better off them.

No. There are no dams in the area. It is unlikely Israel would waste a valuable resource like water, but the only water control is up in the Galilee and Jordan River. But there does appear to have been some natural flooding.


its easy to be misled in the moment.  

I don't think she was the only person thinking this was a disaster - even though it ended up as a total hoax.  Cherry picking one tweet from what is essentially a diary of her daily life and thoughts and trying to pin some sort of anti Israel screed upon her is stupid. 

No sorry, not stupid, really really dirty and disgusting.


Tweets can be taken down. If the hateful Tweets were deleted then I would be forgiving of the incident. But as I said as of last week they were still up.

nobody cares.   the tweet you are speaking about is literally from 2015.  she's posted hundreds since then and not another one about Israel.

ETA: I didnt actually count, but it was pages. maybe its dozens.

broigus said:

Tweets can be taken down. If the hateful Tweets were deleted then I would be forgiving of the incident. But as I said as of last week they were still up.

Deleting tweets never really matters. (Just ask Anthony Weiner). People just criticize you for not having courage of conviction, for trying to fool the public, etc.

People do care. And the act of removing the Tweet would go a long way to assuaging concern. Just as the act of keeping the Tweet on the account magnifies the concern.

broigus said:

Tweets can be taken down. 

Acknowledged. Let someone who is meticulous about retracting and/or apologizing for erroneous MOL posts cast the first stone.

I did see Polo commercials with Lochte several days after the whole controversy broke. 

DottyParker said:
conandrob240 said:

in the interview, the part where he really choked up was when asked if he'd lose his endorsement deals. Classy guy

Ralph Lauren has also dropped him.

Dropped him and digitally edited him out of all images in promotional material and commercials.

DaveSchmidt said:
broigus said:

Tweets can be taken down. 

Acknowledged. Let someone who is meticulous about retracting and/or apologizing for erroneous MOL posts cast the first stone.


hoops said:
michaelgoldberg said:
mikescott said:
Many Jews criticize Israel as well -- is your objection that she is critical of Israel or that it is a Muslim making the criticism?  or is Israel above criticism?

None of the above.  She positioned herself as a model of "tolerance" and some in Maplewood made her into a superhero.  I found her spreading of anti-Israel propaganda, while not criticizing any other country to be quite ironic, offensive and contrary to what I would expect from someone who was being praised for "tolerance".

She is an American hero, from Maplewood.  From Columbia high school.  She stood up to this current climate of American, Trumpian bigotry with grace and dignity.  I'm proud of her and her accomplishments and I don't care what her criticism of Israel is. 

You're criticism of her however is sickening. 

Mike, I know you...when did you like, become uncool? 

Sorry, Kibbe, but calling out people who spread anti-Istael propaganda is very "cool" and appropriate   She doesn't get a pass just because she lives here - in fact BECAUSE she lives here, she should know better  

Crazy thought- since so many people know her, why not just ask her why she posted what she did and what her thoughts are about it now? 

TigerLilly said:
broigus said:
sac said:

I do not defend spreading lies and I don't have knowledge of the particular statements being discussed, so I can't condemn or defend them.  I was only defending the notion that expressing anti-Israel concerns is not the same as anti-semitism and is not incompatible with tolerance and inclusiveness. 

Well maybe you should look.

This reminds me of the FB "article" my B-I-L posted the other day about President Obama banning the recitation of The Pledge of Allegiance in schools. I'd call him naïve and I know he doesn't like Obama, but I don't think he was "trying to spread lies..." People aren't always the best fact-checkers when their emotions get the better off them.

I just responded to FWD:FWD:FWD: from my MIL who was warning me of the dangers of opening an email entitled "Black Muslim in the Whitehouse". At the end of the nonsense it said would happen to your computer if you opened the email, it said "Snopes Verified" four times. So I checked Snopes and yes, it verified the email was a hoax. I have talked about her blindly forwarding stuff without checking to see if any of it was remotely true, but she just goes ahead and does it. It's the kind of thing she believes. Like when she posted about President Obama removing American flags from the White House, with a speech given in the East Room as proof. 

conandrob240 said:

Crazy thought- since so many people know her, why not just ask her why she posted what she did and what her thoughts are about it now? 

That would be excellent. Can someone who knows her set that up? Would settle any outstanding issue, and I would imagine she would want to set the record straight. 

michaelgoldberg said:

Sorry, Kibbe, but calling out people who spread anti-Istael propaganda is very "cool" and appropriate   She doesn't get a pass just because she lives here - in fact BECAUSE she lives here, she should know better  

I don't agree with you, but you should have started a new thread instead of hijacking this one.  

And Kibbe -- Michael was never cool -- it was just that you might have agreed with him when he was making nasty comments about others (mostly Topey).  

I cracks me up when MOL posters think others must answer our questions!  Like we have some kind of authority....

mikescott said:
michaelgoldberg said:

Sorry, Kibbe, but calling out people who spread anti-Istael propaganda is very "cool" and appropriate   She doesn't get a pass just because she lives here - in fact BECAUSE she lives here, she should know better  

I don't agree with you, but you should have started a new thread instead of hijacking this one.  

And Kibbe -- Michael was never cool -- it was just that you might have agreed with him when he was making nasty comments about others (mostly Topey).  

There was a thread on the subject. It got pulled and I got banned for starting it. So what was Michael to do to get the issue raised except try to tack it onto another thread?

The previous incarnation of Broigus originally had plopped his attack onto a thread announcing a public viewing event, of the fencing competition.  When his efforts caused that thread to be started over, he started his own thread with some pretty nasty comments. It's too bad there are a couple of posters here who need to keep up with that behavior.

The comments were not nasty at all. Like Michael, they simply pointed out the existence of Tweets so just stated FACTS and asked why those facts were being ignored. As with the reaction to Michael's post all the nastiness was directed towards those who simply pointed out verifiable facts - the existence of the the Tweets.

Jackson_Fusion said:
conandrob240 said:

Crazy thought- since so many people know her, why not just ask her why she posted what she did and what her thoughts are about it now? 

That would be excellent. Can someone who knows her set that up? Would settle any outstanding issue, and I would imagine she would want to set the record straight. 

Since we're 'imagining' things, I'd like to imagine that she'd laugh in your face for imagining that she owes you any explanation for anything- ever and then I'd like to imagine that she'd go full Zorro and ventilate your jeans as you scream and run back to the car trying to imagine what the hell you were thinking.

broigus said:

The comments were not nasty at all. Like Michael, they simply pointed out the existence of Tweets so just stated FACTS and asked why those facts were being ignored. As with the reaction to Michael's post all the nastiness was directed towards those who simply pointed out verifiable facts - the existence of the the Tweets.

No, there were additional, nasty comments.  And the reactions of others is due to the accusations of anti-Semitism, as you well know.

Except those accusations were never made. 

I would think that a local Olympian returning from the games would be sought after for interviews.  Included in that interview could be questions about her tweets and allowing her to respond to some of the hate thrown her way.  I don't expect her to answer "to me" but would expect her to be doing press and may be happy for the chance to defend herself.  It's not just MOL who is throwing her some hate- I've seen it on Twitter and on FB from people all over the country.

Pointing out FACTS is not "hate".

broigus said:

Except those accusations were never made. 

Of course that's the accusation.

There you go being a mind reader again. It is really something you are not skilled at, despite all your attempts. 

It's not mind reading.  That being said, I don't think a further back-and-forth would be useful on this.

broigus said:

Pointing out FACTS is not "hate".

Okay, give her the chance to defend or explain herself against accusations of being anti-Israel.  Okay? And, for the record, I have seen some truly hateful FB posts about her these past few weeks so I was speaking more broadly than what's going on on MOL

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