Report: Pool Concessionaire archived

I never suggested we shouldn't follow the rules, but rather that I didn't agree with the rules. Once informed of the rules, we followed them.

I certainly consider terms like "entitled" to be insulting and I firmly believe you intended it to be so.

I don't understand what is meant by "perilously close" to the food vendor. Are the scents in the air offending?

Nah, I was just being poetic, sheltiemum. The lure of the ice cream imagery is strong.

Can you imagine what the area around the pool would look like if everyone brought food up there? I'll tell you what it would look like: a mess.

There is a good reason food needs to be confined to one easily-managed and cleaned area: people are slobs with food.

When I see people sneaking food up there, I turn them in.

I wouldn't go to the pool if food were permitted on the upper deck.

That's a fair argument, ligeti. Thanks for weighing in.

One of the reasons that the MCP is such a pleasure to go to is because of the enforced rules. The food rules have been in place since the pool first opened back in the day...In those days we were not even allowed to bring any beverage much less water on the upper deck. We had to wear a suit, no street clothes and if your hair was past your ears in length you wore a bathing cap, men and women.
We have never been allowed to dive or jump from the side and that is fine with this old soul.
I raised two children in this pool and they went from the baby pool (which was nothing like what youngsters have today) all the way up to the diving tank and swim team. The rules are the rules and they never questioned any of them because it was a privilege to go to the pool in our family.
desicane, I am sorry that your children are restricted by religious practices in what they may eat but please become familiar with the picnic tables on the side lawn. This way, your children can eat away from the concession stand and still be near the larger pools.

Thanks, bgs. I hadn't noticed them before, as this is the first year we are sitting on the upper deck. And again, just because I'm not sure I agree with the rules (some have made good arguments here), I certainly intend to follow them.

I can't wait to try this Coney Island place. Not sure why, but I thought it had closed a few years ago. I haven't been by that corner in a while, obviously.

I'm going to try to avoid the concession this year. The kid is a fairly picky eater so it is easy to pack up snacks she will like. It may be tough to avoid once she learns they have ice cream there, though.

I thought the ice cream prices were too high last year, and from what I read above even higher this year? A big part of the pool experience is to buy and feed the kids at the pool so I don't have to do it at home. Since we belong to Lifetime we decided to try and skip joining the pool this year and see how it goes. I really miss the convenience of the pool so I would consider joining next year. I am hoping the food situation improves as it will be a factor in our decision.

Jasper - They are definitely open...the family went there tonight without me. And the Italian ices are amazing. I've had the chocolate and I swear it tastes just like a fudge-cicle.

THe Pizza is disgusting, and my son refused to eat it (waste of money), and the chicken nuggets are overpriced, i agree. Bummer. I will try the coney island hot dog joint.

Scotts is CLOSE!!!!! His prices are very reasonable, and I think he delivers!!! Give it a shot!!

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