recycle pickup

will recycle be scheduled for Mon ,Jan 20....if not when will the next pickup be ?


On the subject of Maplewood Recycling - Who do you call to register a complaint?  I found a number of recycling items (including several large boxes) all over my front yard and the front yard of my next door neighbors for whom I am "house sitting" currently.  Also, the workers were yelling at the top of their lungs at about 6:00am when they came through.  I don't really understand why this has to start so early, but if it does, there is no good reason for all the yelling. (Some years past, we were told to have it out by 7:00am, but my block is nearly always picked up well before that time these days.)

New Recycling schedule for Maplewood starting April 6th

Beginning April 6, 2020 the Township is revising the current recycling schedule from every Monday to every Tuesday. This change is being made in an effort to allow our current contractor sufficient time to reach all of the households. We are hopeful this change will result in greater efficiency and more accurate collection. The new collection schedule is as follows (takes effect on April 6, 2020):

  • Zones 4, 5 and 6 will be picked up on Tuesday's.

We have attached a Collection Zone Map for your review. Pickups for zones 1, 2 and 3 will remain unchanged. The Township appreciates your

I would never have let this sentence go out...

“Beginning April 6, 2020 the Township is revising the current recycling schedule from every Monday to every Tuesday.”

It’s every Monday AND Tuesday, depending on your zone. It’s explained further in the communication, but that’s just sloppy writing.

To be even more precise, it is every Monday OR every Tuesday depending on your zone, except when Monday is a holiday during which there is no pick-up. On those days, all zones will have Tuesday pick-up. 

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