Potential For Accident

 The stairway from the Sloan Stree parking lot to the park Is lose and chipped. It may not be possible to fix it in this weather. Is so, it may be better to close it off until spring.

Did you report it to the town? 

I've had good luck with SOConnect app for reporting stuff like that to the DPW. 

soconnect on google got me to a communications school. No reference to S.O. village.

It is a smartphone app.

I'm sorry I was not more clear about that. I have it on my android phone. There is also an iPhone version. 

It is not the most intuitive of apps. I know this has been a subject of discussion, & I am NOT trying to turn this into a discussion of the app. But it does let you record a maintenance issue to the town, including the location and attaching a picture from your phone if you would like.

You can enter SO Connect via the town website:


it's been *****ed up for months. and clearly the town knows about it, as there's been a "caution" tape across the stairway at times. 

It will be temporally fixed by the end of the week.

levisonhw said:

It will be temporally fixed by the end of the week.

--- the power of M.O.L.

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